
The Game Genre Map: A Revised Game Classification Stephanie Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law - 2015


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Stephanie Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law
Editor : CHI PLAY '15 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Pages 175-184 , London
Date : 2015
Lang : Lang


The existing common video game genres lack clarity as well as consistency and thus cannot serve as a solid reference to inform the research on digital educational games (DEG), which are increasingly used as learning tools. To address this basic issue of game classification, we have developed a web-based survey to collect data on how people play and perceive video games that they know well. The survey is grounded in our Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM). 321 valid responses were analysed using established hierarchical clustering methods and a novel mapping technique that computes the degree of relevance of individual game attributes to game types and visualises them with hues of grey. The game genre map so obtained can improve the existing game classification.


References (3) :


Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., and Jessel, J.-P (2011). Classifying serious games: the G/P/S model. In P. Felicia (Ed.), Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation through educational game, Ch. 6, 118--136.


Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jessel, J.-P., Methel, G., and Molinier, P. (2007). The nature of gameplay: a videogame classification.


Damien Djaouti , Julian Alvarez , Jean-Pierre Jessel , Gilles Methel , Pierre Molinier, A gameplay definition through videogame classification, International Journal of Computer Games Technology, 2008, p.1-7, January 2008  [doi>10.1155/2008/470350] 

Keywords : digital educational games (DEG), Genre, Videogames, Learning, Classification, Education, Serious Games, Edugames