
Une proposition de modèle de design pédagogique dans un processus de co-conception d'un jeu sérieux par des apprenants-concepteurs Marc-Antoine Dumont - 2014


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Marc-Antoine Dumont
Editor : Université de Laval, Canada
Date : 2014
Lang : Lang




Since the 90s, integrating computer-based educational gaming into the learning process has been amply studied and criticized for not producing conclusive evidence, especially within the context of edutainment and CBT (Egenfeldt-Nielsen, 2005; p.265). Nonetheless, the emergence of constructivist learning environments, constructivist- centered learning approaches and instructional design models are providing new ways for integration of educational game in classrooms. A third generation of educational gaming initiated by socio-constructivists and constructivism has provided complex open system learning environments. In others words, the development of serious gaming assisted by various authoring software is providing what has been termed learning through design or learning by design (Kafai, 2005) but it is also bringing about a new form of design thinking by students who are increasing being seen as knowledge creators (Perkins, 1991). This thesis analyses the requisite design and development conditions prior to the implementation of a user-based design model.


References (2):


Alvarez, J. (2007). Du Jeu video au Serious Games : Approches culturelles, pragmatiques et formelles. Dissertation. Science de la communication et de l‘information. Université de Toulouse II, III. 
Michaud, L., & Alvarez, J. (2008). Serious games : Advergaming, edugaming, training. Paris: IDATE. 




Keywords : Edutainment, Edugame, Serious games, Education, Learning through design, Co-conception, Instructional design and model