
New Advertising Tools for School Guidance Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux - 2006


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
Editor : Actes du colloque "Edutainment", Hangzou, Chine
Date : 2006
Lang : Lang


The objective of this paper is to restore the process of development and installation of a project called "Technocity" which aims to develop technology courses of French State Education among the young people from 15 to 18 years old, with a very special care for the girls. We develop a gameplay to build a new school guidance tools. We choose to create a dynamic approach with video game and shortly report on different technical job. After, we explore the impact and the reception of this tool in different classrooms by children.


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Keywords : School guidance, Advertaising tools, Advertainment, Education, Edumarket game, Innovation, Marketing, Reception