
RPG Maker : Créez votre jeu de rôle Samuel Ronce - 2010

Game Design (development)

RPG Maker : Créez votre jeu de rôle

Author(s) : Samuel Ronce
Editor : Eyrolles
Publication date : 02-25-2010
Language : french French

A book explaining in a clear and illustrated way how to use the videogame creation software RPG Maker (XP and VX versions). This software tool allows to easily create role-playing and adventure computer games without requiring any kind of computer programming skills. The author details the different aspects of this tool, from the simplest ones (software installation, level edition, visual events creation system...) to the more complex ones (Ruby scripts programming, creation of a real-time battle system instead of the turn-based one...). This book is very pedagogic and is first and foremost aimed at beginners, although it should also teach some new tricks to the more advanced users.


Keywords : rpg maker xp, rpg maker vx, introduction, manual, programmation, simple, role playing game