
Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling Chris Crawford - 2004

Game Design (design)

Chris Crawford on Interactive Storytelling

Author(s) : Chris Crawford
Editor : New Riders
Publication date : 10-06-2004
Language : english English

This book provides insightful thoughts and design advices for interactive storytelling applications, e.g. video games. Written by the legendary American game designer Chris Crawford, it's the result of 10 years of experimentation from the author in this area. He first draws a theoretical analysis of interactivity and storytelling structures, to then introduce an efficient yet easy to understand approach: thinking in "action verbs" to analyze and improve games interactivity. The book is also very easy to read, as the author knows how to use humor to makes the reader think. It's a must-read book for anyone wondering about the association of storytelling with interactivity: very inspiring for designers, full of concept and references for researchers.


Keywords : interactive storytelling, video game, story, design, theory, example, reference