
Serious game et apprentissage en réalité virtuelle: résultats d'une étude préliminaire sur la mémorisation en langue étrangère Laurence Schmoll, Manuel Veit, Mickaël Roy, Antonio Capobianco - 2014


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Laurence Schmoll, Manuel Veit, Mickaël Roy, Antonio Capobianco
Editor : : Synergies de pays germanophones 7/2014
Date : 2014
Lang : Lang


This study aims at analyzing the influence of 3-D interaction on learning a foreign language from an experiment conducted with German language learners. The objective is to draw empirical evidence on the usefulness of Virtual Reality technologies in the conception of a serious game. The results of the empirical study show a positive influence of 3D interaction on lexical short-term memorization, but did not revealed a significant influence on long-term memorization. The study also highlights the importance of the presence of a training phase of the use of the interaction techniques before any learning activities are performed. We propose some guidelines for the implementation of this training phase.
References (1):
Alvarez J., 2007, Du jeu vidéo au Serious game. Approches culturelle, pragmatique et formelle, Thèse de Doctorat en Science de la communication et de l'information,Université de Toulouse II et III, France. 

Keywords : Serious game, Virtual reality, Learning, Languages, Interaction