
Supporting learning role-play games design: a methodology and visual formalism for scenarios description Christelle Mariais, Florence Michau, Jean-Philippe Pernin, Nadine Mandran - 2011


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Christelle Mariais, Florence Michau, Jean-Philippe Pernin, Nadine Mandran
Editor : Supporting Learning Role-Play Games Design: A Methodology and Visual Formalism for Scenarios Description
Date : 2011
Lang : Lang


Abstract: The impact games are known to have on commitment is pushing more and more companies to use training programmes that incorporate games, including Learning Role-Play Games. This article presents the methodology (ScenLRPG) and formalism we have defined to support instructional designers in the design of such programmes. The ScenLRPG methodology is based on two main principles: the first one is to make designers integrate the use of game principles into their reflection; the second one is to offer them reusable example scenarios. A visual formalism has been defined in order to describe LRPG scenarios and facilitate their sharing between designers and their presentation to clients. The article presents a qualitative experimental study carried out with sixteen target users. Audio recordings, draft documents, scenarios produced by the participants and questionnaires were collected. Results from a first phase of the study deal with “spontaneous” design of game-based training scenarios: how game dimension is taken into account by designers? How scenarios are formalized? What are the difficulties and needs expressed in such a task? These results give us more elements to enrich our methodology. Other results are about the use of ScenLRPG methodology and formalism. They provide interesting elements to validate our main working hypothesis: an approach putting forward a reflection on game principles that can be used in a training scenario in order to engage participants; a design methodology based on the reuse of scenarios; a simple visual formalism to describe LRGP scenarios to structure designers’ thinking and facilitate dialogue and sharing. Some results also raise new issues that we will have to consider in our future work. 
References (1):
Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jessel, J-P. (2010) Concevoir l'interactivité ludique : une vue d'ensemble des méthodologies de "Game Design". Actes du colloque Ludovia 2010, Ax-les-thermes

Keywords : Role-play game, Design support, Learning-scenario design, Formalism, Commitment