
Présentation des serious game dans le domaine de la santé Julian Alvarez - 2012


Support : Conférences
Author(s) : Julian Alvarez
Editor : "Table ronde : Quels jeux pour quels publics ?", Les journées JIES Paris 2012, Groupe Traces
Date : 2012
Lang : Lang













JIES Paris 2012 days approach the topic of the game in sciences education. Intended for the professionals of education, these days are centered towards the reflexion on the relationship between sciences, technology, trainings and games. Ludoscience, represented by Julian Alvarez, was invited to take part to the event May the 3rd. Thank you Traces for its invitation. We will return with pleasure to exchange again with the actors who question themselves on the  introduction of the game into classroom.




Photos :



Some links dedicated to JIES 2012 :

Program of May the 2nd

Program of May the 3rd

Café Pédagogique's Blog

Photos #1

Photos #2

Keywords : Education, Learning, Game