
Grand Thieves & Tomb Raiders: How British Videogames Conquered the World Magnus Anderson, Rebecca Levene - 2012

History of videogames (overall history)

Grand Thieves & Tomb Raiders: How British Videogames Conquered the World

Author(s) : Magnus Anderson, Rebecca Levene
Editor : Aurum Press
Publication date : 10-08-2012
Language : english English

This books focuses on the history of videogames in Britain, and more specifically on the best-known videogames in history that originates from Britain: Tomb Raider, Grand Theft, Auto, Elite, MUD, Populous, Lemmings, Carmageddon, Runescape, EarthWormJim, etc. This book also details the history of some famous english computers, such as Sinclair's ZX family, the Amstrad computer line, the BBC Micro and its legacy, that includes the ARM processors nowadays embedded in almost any smartphone. Extremely passionating, this 350 pages book tells us these stories in a very entertaining way, much like a good novel. It also features a lot of unique information obtained through direct interviews with the creators of the games and computers it presents. This book also explain how videogames influenced the British society, especially with the "bedroom" coder generation. These teenagers learned how to code on ZX81 and similar computers, and started to sell the games they created. Thanks to this knowledge, some of these teenagers will later found companies that will create some of the most successful videogames in history, as detailed throughout the whole book. This book is undoubtedly one of the best available about the general history of videogames, alongside with "The Ultimate History of Videogames", "La Saga des Jeux vidéo" and "Replay"


Keywords : history, videogames, britain, grand theft auto, tomb raider, elite, populous, mud