
Les jeux vidéos comme objet de recherche Samuel Rufat, Hovig Ter Minassian (eds.) - 2011

Studies & Analysis (videogames)

Les jeux vidéos comme objet de recherche

Author(s) : Samuel Rufat, Hovig Ter Minassian (eds.)
Editor : Questions Théoriques
Publication date : 01-29-2011
Language : french French

This scientific book gathers contributions from 12 researchers, coming from different fields, who are studying different sides of videogames: identification of the Game Designer knowledge, using videogames in schools, space in videogames, how to dissect a videogame to analyze it, analysis of MMORPG as social spaces...
N.B.: The members of Ludoscience wrote a chapter of this book, about "Serious Games".

Keywords : scientific research, education, sociology, computer science, geography