Interview with Julian Alvarez, PhD in Information and Communication Sciences, specializing in Ludopedagogy, Serious Game & Gamification at Immersive Factory and the University of Lille. Communities and companies committed to the PNNS charter, and more broadly, structures that work in the field of prevention in health nutrition, implement health education actions with different audiences. By definition, a serious game is a mix between serious content and a fun scenario. It can be a learn
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Gamification, Nutrition
Presentation of VR concepts associated with the HSE field, and the challenges and prospects of these technologies, with concrete examples.1) Definitions of AR/VR/XR, based on game-related examples.2) Present and use applications dedicated to the HSE field3) Discuss how such technologies can be used in the workplace.
Keywords : Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Serious game, HSE
Conference dedicated to introducing you to the notions of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. This presentation took place at GRETA of the Lille Metropolis as part of the Campuses des Métiers et de la qualification (CMQ) Customer Relations 3.0 and Tourism...
Keywords : Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Immersion, Definition
This introductory keynote aimed to explain the definitions related to VR (Virtual Reality), AR (Augmented Reality) and XR (Mixed Reality) and then to discuss different approaches to try to immerse a person in a virtual environment. VIdéo link
Abstract— While the serious game concept has considerably evolved in the last two decades, it still needs to be clearly differentiated from other types of artifacts. Thus, there is a degree of confusion about the relationship between serious games and other related applications such as simulators or the re-purposing of entertainment games within educational practices for most outside the domain. This article proposes a formal approach toward classifying Games, Toys, Serious Games, Serious
Keywords : Formal definition, Health, Health Game, Serious Game, Serious Modding, Serious Re-purposing, Serious Toy, Simulator
Here's a question posed by one of our DIU Apprendre par le jeu students: “I'm currently following the MOOC on serious games offered by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam: Very interesting, by the way...I'm coming up to week 2, which deals with the psychological approach to games, and here's what it says about the difference between “play” and “game”:Game are specific form of play, but not all play can be considered
Keywords : Play, Game, Toy, Term, Definition, English speaking
On June 15, 2018, the first session of the Game In Lab was held. Launched by the new entity “Asmodee Research”, this initiative aims to bring together multidisciplinary scientists, game professionals and players in game-based pedagogy. The day's objective was already to clear the way by outlining a definition of play and tackling fields as varied as Serious Games, e-sport and the benefits of playful activity.
Keywords : Serious Game, Conferences, e-sport
Let’s explore the types of games that can be applied for gamification.Let’s understand the definition of gamification.Let’s find out the historical background of gamification.Let’s figure out how gamification is associated with the experience economy and the behavioral economics.Let’s understand the effects of gamification on learning and education.Reference (1) : Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jessel, J. P., & Rampnoux, O. (2011). Origins of serious games. In M
Keywords : Game, Gamification, Definition, Experience economy, Behavioral economics, Effect
Abstract How to create an interactive product that encourages high school students to get in contact with the world of chemistry. Or how to get high school students pay any attention to the discipline of chemistry through an interactive entertainment application that besides entertaining can teach some of the most basic concepts of the The science that can better explain the progress of humanity. In the following lines we will present the steps taken in the design an interactive entertainme
Keywords : Video games, Game Mecanics, Design, Aesthetics, chemistry, School, Learning
Serious games, definition and challenges1) What is a serious game? What is gamification?2) How does it relate to learning? What are the objectives? What are the specific features of serious games (alternative learning to traditional learning/accessibility, open to all/voluntary work)?3) Types and uses of serious games (general framework)4) The uses of serious games in libraries- for users: acquire documentary research skills; know how to analyze and master information - for staff : The s
Keywords : Serious game, Library, Definition, Serious Gaming, Serious Modding, Serious Diverting