To understand how Serious Games fit into the videogame landscape, we can draw an analogy with the world of cinema.In the film industry, we primarily find big-budget entertainment films, also known as “block busters”.In the video-game industry, the equivalent would be AAA (triple-A) titles. Next come auteur or independent films. This is where we find the independent games community.As for art films, we identify Arts games such as Jason Rohrer's Passage.Then we come to documentari
Keywords : Serious game, Video game industry, Documentary, Movie industry, Docu-fiction, Art game, Advergame, Audio-visual
Abstract After the turn of the century, video games have risen up to the level of the largest mainstream entertainment mediums, now even challenging the movie industry in size. Even though the area occupied by serious games in this market has only just recently really started growing, with serious games still being only a relatively small portion of the video games market, has the idea of using games as tools for education and training been the target of continuous interest for at least the
Keywords : Video games, Serious games, Simulations, Simulate, Educational games, Edutainment, Health games, War games