The aim of this chapter is to determine whether the Serious Game is a human invention. To answer this question, we propose to check whether both Serious Game and Serious Play can be found in the animal kingdom. If such a census proves negative, then we can conclude that the Serious Game could indeed correspond to a human invention. If this were not the case, then Serious Play would be better regarded as inter-species activities. This would then lead us to study whether it is possible to identify
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Play, Social Play, Play object, Solo Play, Animal behavior, Invention, Innovation
This chapter presents two socio-technical systems that combine the use of serious games, especially digital ones, with design thinking. The aim of this approach is to test whether such a combination is possible. To this end, we conduct a comparative study of two serious games in which we were involved. Through a reflexive approach and by mobilizing surveys and field studies, the approach is not only feasible, but also allows for a good complementarity between game phases and design thinking. How
Keywords : Serious games, Serious Play, Design Thinking, Edutainment, Video games, Activities, Game Design
The main objective of this study is to assess the reliability of the Blue Bot experiment by statistical means. This experiment was carried out in 2017 in France and was based on the reported performances of 230 pupils in 28 Year-1 1 classes for coding, decoding and programming. 35 teachers were involved in the Blue Bot project. This study aims at replying the following issue: Out of the various available modalities (body, robot and tablet), what types of performances were identified when five-ye
Keywords : Robot-based pedagogy, Coding / decoding, Modalities, Comparative study, Programming design, Evaluation research, Serious games, Year 1 pupils
ISSN-L (papier) : 1622-1494 · ISSN (électronique) : 2111-434XArticle pp.213-248 du Vol.17 n°1-2 (2021) TitleEvolution and influences of the key-words “gameplay”, “ludic” and “fun” in the writings produced by English-speaking and French-speaking journalist’s communities related to video games between 1977 and 2019 AbstractThis paper aims to study whether the community of English-speaking journalist
The present study aims to verify the emergence of the terms « game play » (in one word) and « gameplay » (in two words) within the framework of the Anglophone and Francophone video game cultural sphere. Starting from the writings of Wikipedia who sees the origin of these words associated with the mention « How the game plays ? » which would have appeared on the first coin-op arcade games, we are conducting an investigation of
Keywords : gameplay, game play, video game, lexicometry, emergence, coin-op arcade Games, History of video game
ABSTRACT : This paper presents a comparative study of cognitive mediations between pedagogical devices dedicated to introduced robotic/ computer science to last section of kindergarten learners. The ludo-pedagogical session “Blue Bot” used for the experimentations was declined in three modalities: the body, the robot and digital tablets. This study highlights how mediator instruments influence acts of teaching through the identification of professional gestures, postures an
Keywords : Educational robotics, Cognitive mediation, Activity analysis, Last section of kindergarten, Teacher acts, Professional gestures and postures
Vol 6 - Issue 1 By proposing to study both the genesis and the actuality, but also the implementation and the reception of digital games in the educational worlds, this thematic file aims at enriching the reflection in two fields of research, that of the "educations to" and that of a digital (or informational) culture. See the special issue:
Keywords : Serious games, Video games, Ludopedagogy, Game based learning
English-speaking literature currently dominates game and play studies. French-speaking researchers must necessarily read and write in English to study them. In the first chapter of such an approach, it is often mentioned that "play" refers to activity and "game" to the artefact. But there are subtleties that quickly undermine such a dichotomy. In this article, we propose a correspondence table between 18 items to help French-speaking researchers better understand English
Keywords : game studies, game, play, activity, artefact, gameplay, translation
Lately, many teachers have shown interest in using escape games with their students. However, few studies have been conducted to assess their learning efficiency compared to other teaching methods. To address this issue, we conducted an experiment to evaluate the learning efficiency of an escape game designed to transmit geology knowledge to high school students. The experimental group (71 students) has been exposed to new information through an escape game. The control group (71 students
Keywords : escape game
The Blue Bot project involved 230 five-year-old pupils of kindergarten in the Nord-Pas de Calais Region (France). The goal was to introduce them to coding, decoding and programming design. A ludopedagogy session was proposed with three main modalities: Body, Robot and Tablet. The statistical results confirmed the reliability of the scientific experiment and highlighted that the two modality combining Robot and Tablet recorded the highest performance scores in a pre- and posttest type evaluation
Keywords : Robot, Pedagogy, Tablet PC, Comparative Study, kindergarten, programming design, Coding, Decoding