A Web 2.0 site dedicated to the evaluation of Serious Games. Visitor can play and rate a selection of Serious Games, and comment these games. http://www.seriousgamesopinions.org/ Publications related to this projet Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo "Etude de l'impact de communications électroniques basées sur le Serious game - 3ème approche" SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 85, 2011. Site de la revue
Keywords : serious game, rating
We took part in the organization of Serious Game creation contest ran by Whosegame, a website owned by Orange. Constestant had to design a videogame dealing whith one of the following topics:Les participants devaient imaginer et réaliser un jeu vidéo traitant d'une des thématiques suivantes : Improving one's knowledge of telecommunications. Being an eco-citizen with the help of telecommunication technologies. - Acting against isolation and exclusion thanks to
Keywords : serious game, contest
During this joint talk with Ben Sawyer, we presented a deep look on the classification of Serious Games, and the possible links between videogames-related and serious games-related classification systems. Talk slides (space bar or left / right to navigate) Video recording of the talk (4 parts)
Keywords : classification, serious games
Acces to a 3000 Serious Games classifications sorted by authors, years of creation, markets...
Keywords : Serious games
A serious game designed to present an ecological town called Andromède, located in France. The player is asked to explore the twon and discuss with its inhabitants in order to get information. This information will then be used to write down an article about urban ecology. Please note that, when the game was designed the ecological town was still under construction. So we had to use CG images created by the artchitects of the town to create the game. Publication
Keywords : serious game, ecology
A Serious Game released by the builders of an ecological town, called Andromède, in order to raise people awareness about the way to create and manage ecological public gardens. Will you manage to create a nice park while avoiding to waste water? Publications related to this project Damien Djaouti "Serious Game Design - Considérations théoriques et techniques sur la création de jeux vidéo à vocation utilitaire" Th&e
Keywords : serious game, ecology
The "deck of lenses" isn't a book, but a set of 100 cards that complete the book "The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses", by the same author. Each card represents one of the "lens" invented by Jesse Schell. A "lens" is a kind of "viewing angle" allowing the game designer to focus on a particular aspect of his game. These "lenses" are composed by a series of questions. For example, the "lens of judgement" makes the game d
Keywords : jesse schell, game design tool, cards, lens
By analysing in detail the characteristics, uses and different genres of serious game, this study outlines the challenges involved with the design, development and distribution of various types of title. Similarly, the report examines the outlook for the industry and its probable growth drivers. The serious gaming market is of considerable importance. As the link between traditional video games and practical software, serious games offer a genuine opportunity to develop a sector that is all too
Keywords : serious game, advergame, edugame, news game, edumarket game, serious gaming, edugaming, advergaming
By analysing in detail the characteristics, uses and different genres of serious game, this study outlines the challenges involved with the design, development and distribution of various types of title. Similarly, the report examines the outlook for the industry and its probable growth drivers. The serious gaming market is of considerable importance. As the link between traditional video games and practical software, serious games offer a genuine opportunity to develop a sector that is all too
Keywords : serious game, advergame, edugame, news game, edumarket game, serious gaming, advergaming, edugaming
Download PPT of the presentation
Keywords : serious game, marketing