The aim of the round table is to present a number of serious game creation projects linked to various teaching areas, while highlighting the challenges and constraints involved in their production. Six projects will be at the heart of the round table: Kaisha, Jivé Maths, 2025 Ex Machina, Star Teachers, Donjons&Radon; and the Créteil academy's video game creation competition.Hosted by* Julian ALVAREZ, ICT / Serious Game consultant associated with IDATE, researcher at Ludoscience
Keywords : Serious Game, Education, Communication, Research and Development, Prevention, Awareness, Video game, Teaching
A presentation of our serious game created for the urban district "Andromède", located near Toulouse. This example shows how Serious Games can be used to communicate by local public organisations.
Keywords : serious game, ecology, local organisation
Dans le cadre de l'exposition MuseoGames - Une histoire à rejouer présentée du 22 juin au 7 novembre 2010 au Musée des arts et métiers. Qu'apporte ce nouveau concept ? Avant tout, le jeu devient une activité « sérieuse ». Si la défense a été le premier domaine d’application des serious games, ces derniers intéressent aujourd’hui de nombreux secteurs d’activité : sant&
Within the framework of this paper, our project is to propose an exploratory analysis of a corpus of Serious Games that talk about food, or Serious Games developed by food brands. Indeed, there is a great deal of heterogeneity and diversity, as brands and communications agencies mobilize all their creativity to reach their targets. In our view, these methods represent an innovation in marketing strategies aimed at young audiences, although we currently have no way of assessing their impact and e
Keywords : serious game, fun food
Talk about Serious Game dedicated to higher education Program : Post about the talk :
Keywords : Serious Games, Education, Pedagogy
Presentation of a study conducted from June 9, 2008 to September 8, 2009 at Orange Labs / France Telecom.The aim is to assess the impact of Serious Games (SG) on the general public and on France Telecom Group employees. The overall approach is written within the framework of customer relations (CR). The main challenges are to - help optimize customer relations management - To address new customers with a disruptive interaction. The study concerns 121 people who were subjected to a
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Play, Impact, Message
ROUND TABLE ORGANIZED BY CAFE PEDAGOGIQUEWhile serious games have made inroads into vocational training in France and schools elsewhere, they are still struggling to make inroads into French schools. What's the state of play in France? In which disciplines is it effective? What resistance is there? How can teachers reuse corporate experience?Moderator:François Jarraud, editor-in-chief, Café pédagogiqueSpeakers:Julien LLanas, history and geography teacher,Damian Nolan, CEO of
Keywords : Serious Games, Pedagogy
A talk about defintions of Serious Games, Serious Play, Simulation, Retro Serious Games in order to debate around the game and Pedagogy. PPT of this talk.
Keywords : Serious Games, Serious Gaming, Retro Serious Games, Pedagogy, Simulation, Retro SG, Retro Serious Games, Serious Play
Keywords : serious game, flight security
This conference was part of a study day entitled “Serious Games: a new field of application for research? New markets for companies? It was organized by the Service Valorisation of Toulouse 2 le Mirail University.The presentation reviewed the history of Serious Games on videogame media from the 1950s to the 2000s. Figures were then presented to assess the size of the international Serious Game market. Sub-segments were reviewed: defense, training, healthcare, advertising...It was estimated
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Valorization, Market, Industry