Despite the growing interest in interactive storytelling techniques, their actual applications to traditional gameplay design remain to be investigated. However, many game designers have expressed concerns about the incorporation of such generative techniques in traditional game titles, mainly because of the lack of control they will have over dynamically generated content. This paper proposes an authoring tool allowing game designers to formalize, visualize, modify, and validate game level solu
Mots-clés : Cultural Heritage , Game Level Design, Gameplay, Serious Game
There is not a lot of data available yet in which way Serious Games are integrated in medical education. A lot of different opinions and concepts are discussed concerning in which way Serious Games can be effectively integrated in the medical curriculum. In this article we developed criteria for the implementation of Serious Games for Health in the medical education. 29 Serious Games for Health were tested to their applicability for undergraduate medical education. Six games seem to be suitable
Mots-clés : Medical games, Medical education, Health game, Health, Santé
In this paper, we propose an environment to support collaborative modding, as a new way to learn a subject. Modding can be defined as the activity to modify an existing game with dedicated tools. In a constructivist approach, we base our work on the assumption that modding a learning game can help learners to acquire the concepts of the subject concerned. We also think that modding in collaborative settings can help learners both to learn the subject and to learn to collaborate. We first propose
Mots-clés : Modding game, Development kits, Learning game 2.0, Collaborative learning
Résumé : Les Serious Games sont des jeux vidéo qui n’ont pas pour objectif premier le divertissement et qui peuvent être utilisé pour l’enseignement. Pertinents dans de nombreux domaines d’éducation, ils posent pourtant des problèmes liés à leur création fastidieuse et coûteuse en moyens et en temps. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons tout particulièrement aux Serious
Mots-clés : Ingénierie, Education, Jeux éducatifs, Outil auteur, Méthodologie, Modélisation, COI
Abstract: When we talk about video game, we observe that people who modified it are those who best knows its content. Thus we can consider game modifications as a way of knowledge appropriation. In this paper, we apply this model to learning games, positioning the research project in a Web 2.0 approach. If the content of a game can be learned by playing it, it can be more deeply understood by making this game evolving. The Web 2.0 is not defined by its technologies, but by the way of using
Mots-clés : Modding, Game development kits, Learning game 2.0, Collaborative learning
ABSTRACT The focus of this chapter is how video games can be utilized for instructional purposes, specifically in the STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Gaming, as an instructional tool, enables educators to create participatory learning activities, assess understanding of complex and ill-formed situations, facilitate critical thinking and problem solving capabilities, and ensure active engagement across the learning continuum for all students. How to use it ef
Mots-clés : Video games, Learning
Nous venons de mettre en ligne dans la liste de nos publications un chapitre d'ouvrage relatif à la classification des Serious Games. Ce chapitre détaille le fonctionnement du système de classification utilisé sur le site pour classifier plus de 2600 Serious Games. Publié l'année dernière dans l'ouvrage Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games: Multidisciplinary Ap
Mots-clés : serious games, classification
Many serious games dedicated to the health sector have been identified. Within this wide range, theauthors have explored the Serious games offering an educational dimension and targeting either individualsor health-care professionals. Based on a corpus built around this orientation, the goal is todetermine whether or not it is possible to find a use, targeted or not, involving metaphorical contextsamong different titles. In the corpus studied, no metaphor is used for serious game targeting healt
Mots-clés : Serious game, Métaphore, Santé, Health game
Nathalie Cansouline, professeur d'économie et gestion en BTS AM, lycée Paul-Doumer, Le Perreux-sur-Marne, formatrice référente sur les jeux sérieux, académie de CréteilL'apprentissage par les jeux est une pratique pédagogique ancienne dans l'enseignement d'économie et gestion. De nombreuses ressources en ligne gratuites sont utilisables pour traiter les notions du programme.Selon le Centre de ressources et d'informations sur le
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Education, Economie, Gestion
« La gamification de l’enseignement produit des premiers résultats, notamment aux États-Unis. Permettant de penser autrement les programmes scolaires, en intégrant - modérément - la culture du jeu vidéo. Mais pas en France. Où les derniers travaux sur la présence du numérique dans les écoles trahissent des lacunes criantes.[1] » C’est ainsi que débute un article intitul&e
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Gamification, Jeu vidéo, Education