In this book, Julian Alvarez studies the phenomenon of work's gamification, providing readers with the keys to navigating a world steeped in video game culture. He goes even further by opening up a reflection on the constraints opposed to the freedom to play.Thibault Brunet's photography, which questions our relationship to virtuality, accompanies and brings light to this research. Available on éditions Loco
Keywords : Book, Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Gamification, Work
Les outils de modding créés depuis quelques années permettent aux joueurs de modifier leurs jeux vidéo de plus en plus facilement. On observe que les personnes qui ont modifié un jeu acquièrent à cette occasion des connaissances sur son fonctionnement et ses contenus. L'idée que nous développons ici est l'application de ce principe aux learning games, pour faire du jeu 2.0 un moyen d'appropriation des connaissances accessible à
Keywords : Apprentissage collaboratif, Learning game, Modding
An overall presentation of the various jobs related to videogames:Journalist / YoutuberSalesmanProfessionnal player (pro-gamer) Events organizer -= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the left or right side of the window to browse through the slides)
Keywords : game design, indudtry, video games
ABSTRACTBackground: The emergence of new technologies in the obstetrical field should lead to the development of learning applications, specifically for obstetrical emergencies. Many childbirth simulations have been recently developed. However, to date none of them have been integrated into a serious game.Objective: Our objective was to design a new type of immersive serious game, using virtual glasses to facilitate the learning of pregnancy and childbirth pathologies. We have elaborat
Keywords : Serious game, Obstetric emergencies, Gynecology
Keywords : serious game, history, analysis
This article aims to demonstrate the importance of video game designers as agent of progress. This work is based on a study whose main purpose is to better define casual games while using the video game designers' professional knowledge. During the course of the study, it became clear that the game design practices have been evolving over time. Due to the scarcity of existing information on the role of designers in the scientific literature, it seemed appropriate to explore this lack. The r
Keywords : video game design, design practice, designer role, professional knowledge, instrumental player, casual game
(Broacasting our studies)
As the title suggests, this book gathers trivia and factoids about 100 popular video games: Zelda, Mario, Resident Evil, Shenmue, Dragon's Lair, Viewtiful Joe, Journey, Half-Life, etc. 10 pieces of trivia are presented for each game, with a lot of pictures. The book is quite beautiful, and both pleasant and quick to read. However, it's clearly an "entry-level" book, as the pieces of trivia are very short: each one is told over one or two lines. Moreover, the author doesn't give any sou
Keywords : history, trivia, entry-level
This book is based on a unique idea: reviewing the history of video games in France between 1974 and 2013 through the "news" briefs published in video games magazines. This first volume is solely focused to news related to video games consoles. The author has selected many news related to the most interesting or odd stories from the last 40 years: release of a console, an accessory, a special issue of magazine, a tv show, public drama, games collector editions, etc. Each chapter of the
Keywords : history, video game, france, console, news
Following the first book in the series, this book continues to explore the history of controversial video games. This second volume focuses on games about "torture" (Mortal Kombat, Night Trap, Chiller, Manhunt, Mad World...) and horror-themed games (Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The House of the Dead, Sanitarium, Rule of Rose...). Each game and the media controversy that accompanied it are presented using a variable number of pages. Here, this book tends to suffer from the same flaw as t
Keywords : violence, torture, horror, controversy, addiction, media