Smart Game Based Learning System (SGBLS) design is a complex area. It requires the intervention of multiple actors with specific skills and expertise. Unfortunately, novice game designers who do not have necessary competency inspired from both educational and video games systems cannot successfully create SGBLS. For that, they have to acquire specific skills and expertise in an efficient and active pedagogical manner. To solve this problem, there are several existing techniques, among them learn
Keywords : Smart Game Based Learning System (SGBLS), Game design
AbstractSerious games are games with an educational purpose. In these games, players develop their skills by facing a number of challenges, and students are assessed according to their game playing behaviour. Assessment of serious game-based learning experiences has to take into account diverse features as game genre, pedagogical aim or game context. This paper analyses how skills are usually assessed in learning experiences based on serious games. To reach this objective, a systematic mapping s
Keywords : Serious games, Game based learning, Systematic mapping study, Skill assessment, Interactive learning environments
Panneau de gestion des cookiesPasser au contenu principalRecherchVous êtes ici:AccueilCoursEnseigner avec les Serious GamesEnseigner avec les Serious GamesRéf. 08007CatégorieEducation et formationCatégorieNumérique et technologieDurée : 7 semainesEffort : 14 heuresRythme: ~2 heures/semaineAucune session ouverteCe que vous allez apprendreÀ la fin de ce cours, vous saurez :Découvrir la notion de « Serious Game » et les diffé
AbstractCreating serious games calls for a multidisciplinary design team, including game developers, subject-matter experts, pedagogical experts, and narrative designers. However, such multidisciplinary teams often experience communication and collaboration problems due to differences in terminology, background and the concerns of the people involved. As one step towards solving this problem, we developed a modeling language for authors of serious games to specify both the story and the pedagogi
Keywords : Serious games, Narrative, Pedagogy, Domain specific modeling language, Modeling, Controlled natural language, Graphical notation, Simulator
Abstract—Serious games are developed with the purpose of bestowing a benefit on the user. That benefit could be related to the user’s health, education, safety or efficiency. We propose that the mechanism that the game employs to achieve such a benefit should be identified as the key to the development of a successful serious game. We introduce a paradigm for the design and development of serious games as benefit delivery systems. We suggest that the paradigm can apply to all applica
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Healthcare
In this paper, we propose an environment to support collaborative modding, as a new way to learn a subject. Modding can be defined as the activity to modify an existing game with dedicated tools. In a constructivist approach, we base our work on the assumption that modding a learning game can help learners to acquire the concepts of the subject concerned. We also think that modding in collaborative settings can help learners both to learn the subject and to learn to collaborate. We first propose
Keywords : Modding, Game development kits, Learning game 2.0, Collaborative learning
Abstract Serious games (SGs) are a very widespread training and evaluation device, employed in different sectors of school and adult education. In this study we aim to design and develop a SG for training and evaluating personals working in aseptic environment. We will present in this research the theoretical basis needed for that design process. We will define a holistic and united model (PEGADE), which describes the collaborative and optimal process to conceive SGs and which is constructe
Keywords : Serious game, Serious game Design, Simulation, Gamification, Instructional Design, Virtual Reality
Abstract : Nos travaux de recherche se situent principalement dans le domaine des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Les apprenants ont aujourd’hui accès à des plateformes éducatives sociales de plus en plus perfectionnées et complexes, et à un ensemble de ressources variées. Dans ce contexte, nos travaux visent à proposer des modèles et environnements informatiques pour favorise
Keywords : EIAH, Engagement utilisateur, Environnements réflexifs, Ludification adaptative, Analyse de traces
The challenges encountered in the process of teaching and learning programming have been discussed on the global stage, resulting in a number of hypotheses that seek to clarify what are the barriers faced and the reasons why beginners feel unhappy with their experiences introductory programming. Thus, a variety of initiatives involving the creation,
Keywords : Gamification, Teaching, Programming, Learning