This talk presents some ways in which retrogaming - the use of old video games or electronic games - can be used to understand the commercial failures of certain devices when they were first brought to market, or to reverse-engineer them. The idea is to draw lessons for the current development of innovative products in the field of games and serious gaming, to avoid repeating similar pitfalls or to find sources of inspiration. The conference concludes with a presentation of the concept of neo-re
Keywords : Serious game, Neo-retrogaming, Retrogaming, Video game, Model, Engineering, Reverse engineering, Electronic games
Abstract. In a socio-constructivist approach, our study analyzed a serious gaming activity in a four-day management training program. The executives were mostly men in the engineering field who held management roles for more than 2 years. We observed the executives’ 16 training sessions and interviewed 44 executives of big industrial groups, who had participated in the training, one month after the final session. A psychology of work perspective underpinned our theoretical and methodologic
Keywords : Emotionality, Debriefing, Reflexivity, Team management, Serious gaming, Ludopedagogy
BLUE BOT PROJECT Serious digital games are attractive educational tools and resources which are undoubtedly relevant in appropriate contexts and situations (Alvarez et al., 2016). Faced with growing screen consumption by young children and its dangers on the development of several capacities, the exposure of kindergarten children is questionable (Tisseron, 2013). In order to benefit from the potential of serious digital games, without achieving overexposure to the screen, the use of toys su
Keywords : Serious Game, Robot
The aim of this interactive talk is first to present a number of examples illustrating the videogame culture that is spreading throughout our society. We will then put the concepts of gamification, edutainment, serious game and serious gaming into perspective. The idea is to raise awareness of the importance of anthropocentric approaches, as we explore these concepts. Finally, we will attempt to develop an evaluation model for edutainment activities.
Keywords : Retrogaming, Neo retrogaming, Innovation, Video game, Serious game, Health, Research, History
(Broacasting our studies)
This chapter on the work of gamification aims to question the concept of gamification when it is part of prescribed managerial training devices. A distinction is made between simulator and serious game, then between serious game and serious gaming, and finally, we ask ourselves which name is more appropriate in the light of our research findings. A new name seems more appropriate than gamification, and could be degamification.
Keywords : Serious game, Gamification, Ungamification, Serious gaming, Simulator, Training, Management
IDATE is pleased to offer for free the Serious Games study published in 2012.This is the 3rd edition that succeeds those of 2010 and 2008. This third edition analyzes the different segments of the Serious Gaming market based on detailed case studies and a systematic presentation of technologies, uses and professions, particularly analyzing the key stages of design, development and diffusion. It also presents the technological and business prospects for each market segme
Keywords : Study, Market, Education, Training, Health, Defence, Evolution, Serious Game
Based on the FEPES project (First European Parliament Elections Simulator), this paper seeks to contribute to the growing field of research and experiments dealing with political sciences digital games. Awareness and democratic participation to the European union are significant and critical social issues. Digital narrative-based learning offers a means of raising citizens’awareness and in engaging them in participating to the democratic life of the European Union. An online survey was con
Keywords : Serious Game, European Parliament, Political sciences digital games, Game
Panneau de gestion des cookiesPasser au contenu principalRecherchVous êtes ici:AccueilCoursEnseigner avec les Serious GamesEnseigner avec les Serious GamesRéf. 08007CatégorieEducation et formationCatégorieNumérique et technologieDurée : 7 semainesEffort : 14 heuresRythme: ~2 heures/semaineAucune session ouverteCe que vous allez apprendreÀ la fin de ce cours, vous saurez :Découvrir la notion de « Serious Game » et les diffé
October 13, 2016, an important date in the world of gaming: the launch of Playstation VR (Virtual Reality) for Sony's console. What potential for Serious Gaming? That's what we wanted to test out, starting with the “Playstation VR Worlds” compilation, in particular the title “Ocean Descent”, which invites us to explore the ocean depths...
Abstract—Serious games are developed with the purpose of bestowing a benefit on the user. That benefit could be related to the user’s health, education, safety or efficiency. We propose that the mechanism that the game employs to achieve such a benefit should be identified as the key to the development of a successful serious game. We introduce a paradigm for the design and development of serious games as benefit delivery systems. We suggest that the paradigm can apply to all applica
Keywords : Serious game, Health, Health game, Healthcare