The differences between game and labor are culturally defined. According to places and cultures, those activities are similarly described as rational layouts of resources to achieve some specific goals, by following rules located into well-structured environments – although more and more complex and less defined. For all that, despite of the proximity of these abstract concepts, the process of gamification promotes a brand new model of engagement into the activity, inviting workers to expl
Keywords : gamification, Ludification, Gameplay, Labor, Serious games, Activity, Cooperation
Abstract:Despite our exposure to advergames, and studies about their effects, we know very little about the other side of the coin, i.e., advergames developers. In this paper, we report on a study of advergames development companies in the Netherlands. After deriving statements concerning the advergames market through three interviews, we cross-validate these statements with eight companies. Several statements are statistically significant, including the following: advergames are increasingly be
Keywords : Customer loyalty, Netherlands, Advergames development companies, Technological platforms, Social media components, Advertising companies
Innovation and creativity seem to be mere buzzwords, but the quest for innovation and creativity by game companies is very real. This Ph.D. dissertation suggests adopting a new perspective on these concepts by abandoning a managerial attitude and favoring a design approach. The design process of video games is under-studied, and this research aims to create a model of video game design activity, using the already existing literature in the field of design, and the observation of actual game desi
Keywords : Innovation, Design, Video game industry, Designers
User tracking is one of the keys to evaluate the effectiveness of Serious Games. Two main approaches are available to perform such user tracking: the first one is to insert the Serious Game inside a LMS through SCORM or IMS-LD, while the second one is to build a custom analysis tool for each Serious Game. In this article, we introduce a third approach to track Serious Games users: the use of generic metrics & analytics platforms. This article presents an experiment where two Serious Games ha
Keywords : serious games, assessment, user tracking, google analytics, playtomic, ecology
In order to contribute to the analysis of the “disseminations of video games”, this article attempts to examine the “Serious Game” designation itself. Our study relies on a corpus of texts aiming to define what a “Serious Game” is, alongside with a corpus of video games matching its definition. We will begin with a study of the historical origins of the “Serious Game” designation, in order to identify what it refers to, and why it is used tod
Keywords : serious game, video game, definition, history, purpose, impact
Keywords : game jam, culture, Montpellier, serious game
AbstractThis thesis explores the use of serious games from an instructor perspective. More specifically, it aims to study the roles of instructors and how they can be facilitated within an instructor-led game-based training environment. Research within the field of serious games has mostly focused on the learners' perspective, but little attention has been paid to what the instructors do and what challenges that entails. In this thesis, I argue that serious games, as artefacts used for learning
Keywords : Serious games, Serious gaming, Game-based training
Carmageddon. A video game known by people even if they never played it, thanks to its scandalous reputation. However, this game is far from solely being the "nasty racing game where you have to crush pedestrians" that many media and politicians wanted to ban. Carmageddon is first and foremost an excellent game, featuring many technological and gameplay innovations that deeply influenced the racing game genre. We interviewed Neil Barnden, co-founder of Stainless Software gam
Keywords : history, carmageddon, stainless software, violence, scandal, censorship, fun
Abstract —Since 2002, serious games have received much attention from industry, government and the research community. However, the large number of definitions available still present limitations in terms of contexts and games classification. Indeed, these definitions exclude certain types of games and do not cover certain contexts where serious games could be deployed. Therefore this paper introduces a shift in the interpretation of serious games, allowing a more flexible definition
This book focuses on a little known and hardly discussed period from the history of video games: the ends of the 70's, and more specifically the 1976-1980 years of the home consoles. The books explains how, after Ralph Baer's pioneer invention of the Magnavox Odyssey, and the success of Pong in arcades, home video games takes over TV sets around the world thanks to... General Instrument. Indeed, the introduction of a new integrated chip, copying Pong and sold for a few dollars only, allowed many
Keywords : pong, globalization, economic history, home console, 70's, japan, france, usa