(Broacasting our studies)
AbstractNowadays the issue of learning through play has been raised because of the generalization of the use of video games. In the 1990s, the concept of game-based learning stood out and offered educational software claiming a play environment. In the 2000s, as the game-based learning didn’t seem to keep its promises, the concept of serious game stood out and offered new applications based on the video game culture. The founding title financed by the United States Armed Forces, America&rs
Keywords : Serious games, Edutainment, Learning, Education, Video game
While this will be of little use if you can't read french, I just uploaded 5 new lessons materials on the website: An overall presentation of the history of videogames (from 1952 to 2013).A presentation of the various jobs related to videogames (from AAA game designers to indies or journalist).An updated version of our presentation of the Game Design theories.An updated version of our presentation about the structure of games (i.e. what is gameplay?).An introduction to Serious Games, to
Keywords : lessons materials
CALL FOR PAPERS for a Special Issue of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL) on Learning Analytics in Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments and CoursesThere has been much interest of late in ‘big data’ and the role it can play in decision making in diverse areas of business, science and entertainment. By employing a combination of modern artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistics techniques, extremely large and complex data sets can be &lsquo
Keywords : call for papers, journal
In this document we present proposals for merging the fictional game world with the real world taking into account the profile of casual players. To merge games with reality we resorted to the creation of games that explore diverse real world elements. We focused on sound, video, physiological data, accelerometer data, weather and location. We made the choice for these real world elements because data, about those elements, can be acquired making use of functionality already available, or forese
Keywords : Casual games, Pervasive games, Sound, Video, Physiological data, Electrodermal activity, Accelerometer, Weather
ABSTRACT From the perspective of educators, games are viewed as a medium in which the younger generation both thrive and excel. Students navigate game environments with ease and regularly solve problems, engage in advanced collaborative efforts, and communicate complex concepts and strategies to one another during their private gaming sessions at home. Games invite the player to form an understanding of intricate systems and mechanics based on participation and experimentation rather than m
Keywords : Education, Serious Game
Abstract:In light of calls that civic participation is declining, efforts are underway to replace outdated, unproductive forms of citizenship. With the majority of Americans now connected to the Internet, community leaders see the digital realm as the new frontier for promoting engagement. Increasingly, digital games are being designed for the express purpose of promoting community engagement and social action. My thesis examines this emerging practice of civic game design. Within this thesis, I
This article presents a selection of "formal game design tools" that may be able to bring game design and software engineering closer. Nowadays, game designers can rely on a set of theoretical tools to create video games. These tools are first intended to facilitate the design phase. However, some of them have a strong potential to communicate designers' ideas to the rest of the team, especially to developers. We will study four examples of such tools, before discussing how they
Keywords : game design tools, communication, industry
================================================================================= International Scientific Symposium "Games for all purposes? Appropriation, Repurposing and Rejection" ================================================================================= On 4 and 5 June 2013 in Valenciennes, during the "e-virtuoses" scientific convention, dedicated to the use of games and play (digital or not) for utilitarian purposes, we will host a scientific
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Gamification, Serious Play, Evaluation, Uses, Organisation, Transformation
This literature review discusses impacts of video games and serious games in terms of educational potential and contributions to education and learning. After defining video games and serious game, authors examine successively the motivational dimensions and developmental effects of these games and their interest in schools and universities. References (1): Alvarez, J., Du jeu video au serious game : approche culturelle, pragmatique et formelle, Thèse de doctorat, Spécial
Abstract Social, economic and global changes make it difficult to predict what the future might hold. Creativity is one possible response to these changes. Indeed, creative skills enable students to face the complex nature of life. As a result, creativity has become significant in education, and is regarded as an important objective to be addressed in the curriculum. Nevertheless, creativity is not always promoted in schools. Rather, there are those who claim that many educational systems hinder
Keywords : Game design, Creativity, Game-based learning