-= Support de cours =- (Format Flash - cliquez dans la fenêtre pour lui donner le focus clavier, puis utilisez les touches "flèche gauche" et "flèche droite" du clavier pour faire défiler les slides)
Keywords : serious game, gameplay
An introduction to Serious Games featuring many examples. -= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the window to give it the keyboard focus,then use the left and right arrow keys to browse through the slides)
Keywords : serious games
An introduction to casual gaming, alongside with a comparative study of arcade games. -= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the window to give it the keyboard focus,then use the left and right arrow keys to browse through the slides)
Keywords : casual games, arcade
A point & click adventure game. You play as a teenage girl who has to find a way to "escape" from his house, in order to go out with friends !
Keywords : feminine audience
A collection of minigames themed after jokes about men.
Keywords : feminine audience
An adventure game where you play as a detective woman. Your ability to disguise yourself in various fake characters, thanks to your wardrobe, will be very helpful to infiltrate any place in the city in order to find clues.
Keywords : feminine audience
An humorous dating game. You play as a girl who have to seduce the most beautiful boys in town, through dialogue.
Keywords : feminine audience
A game where you'll look after your "Best'Hyols", a kind of cute Pokemon. You'll have to win several minigames in order to have enough money to feed your "Hyols", so he can evolve to become the "Best'Hyols".
Keywords : feminine audience
Sophie, who litteraly hates videogames, just got a new contract: to imagine an advertising contract about a girl videogame. Will she manage to overcome her misconceptions about videogames to create a convicing ad campaign?
Keywords : interactive fiction, girls and videogames, photo
Experience the life of a nameless heroin, whose life is plagued by the MMORPG addiction of his boyfriend...
Keywords : interactive fiction, girls and videogames, mmorpg, audiovisuel