Abstract The global economic crisis that is felt is leading to the emergence of a need to increase business competitiveness, by improving the performance of its employees. In this sense, Lean Manufacturing is an area that deserves the attention of employers and their employees, since its main objectives are to increase productivity, reduce waste and optimize available resources. A Lean tool that deserves special attention is the 5S Method, which can improve productivity, by increasing the o
Keywords : Serious Game, Learning, knowledge, Evaluation
Unlike what is stated in its title ("how to design a serious game for training courses"), this book doesn't explain how to design a Serious Game, but how to hire someone to create a Serious Game for you (i.e. how to be an "aware client" regarding Serious Games). After a short definition of what a Serious Game is, this book details very clearly the different ways to integrate a Serious Game inside a training course (advantages of Serious Games, how they work with other methods
Keywords : serious game, ordering, client, project management
An excellent book featuring a deep analysis of the experiences offered to players by videogames. Being at the same time a gamer and a scholar, the author provides us with his very thoughtful and stimulating ideas on this topic. The first three chapters are tackling the issue of defining games, video games, and the relation between games and movies / storytelling. As they are full of concepts and references, these chapters are a bit harder to read than the others. The three following chapters are
Keywords : history, philosophy, sociology, experience, critical, gamification
This tiny 100 pages book attempts to tackle a broad question: "Why do people like video games?" The author starts with a quick definition of video games and game genres. He then details the different kind of pleasures video games have to offer: freedom, multiplayer cooperation, immersion, artistic feeling, exploration, and relationship with a virtual pet. While the book is pleasant to read and filled with many relevant examples, the small number of pages prevent the author to fully dev
Keywords : video game, pleasure, freedom, social interaction, immersion
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce an overall classification system for Serious Games. ?The intention of this classification is to guide people through the vast field of Serious Games by providing them with a general overview. For example, it may appeal to teachers who wish to find games with strong educational potential though they may be outside the “edugames” field. This chapter will start by discussing the definition of Serious Games, and define them as having a combinat
Keywords : serious games, definition, classification
AbstractTo strengthen the motivation of learners, the professional training sector is focusing more and more on game-based learning. In this context, the authors have become interested in the design of Learning Role-Play Game (LRPG) scenarios. The aim of this article is to improve the designers’ confidence in the validity of the game-based learning programs developed by providing a methodology and tools to support their choices. The first stage of this work is the creation of a grid to des
Keywords : Computer-supported design, Description grid, Game-based learning, Learning scenarios, Professional training, Role-play
In association with the multimedia workshop and the game library of the Odyssud cultural centre, located in Blagnac (near Toulouse, in France), we ran a local edition of the international game creation contest called "Global Game Jam". The contestants had 48h to design an experimental videogame on the theme "Extinction". The 17 contestants who participed in our local antena of this huge jam created two videogames: Celestial Equilibrium
Keywords : game design, contest
Wardopi (Student project)
A game designed to talk about the french "Hadopi" law, which aims to prevent illegal downloads over the Internet. As a computer fan, do you think this law will prevent YOUR data to go freely over the worldwide network?
Keywords : serious game, newsgame, hadopi, law
The Games And Learning Alliance (GALA) is an European Network of Excellence gathering researchers and industrials from all over Europe involved in the field of Serious Games. GALA aims to shape the scientific community and build a European Virtual Research Centre aimed at gathering, integrating, harmonizing and coordinating research on Serious Games and disseminating knowledge, best practices and tools as a reference point at an international level. The other key focuses of the project are: the
Keywords : serious game, europa, research network
This chapter describes application areas for serious games in the context of such CNOs. A classification scheme for serious games has been developed based on two different approaches: one based on a process framework, the other one based on a game genome approach. Both are applied on a number of known serious games with the objective to identify uncovered areas and gaps. These gaps represent new opportunities for the application of serious games which has not yet been realized. References (
Keywords : Serious Game, Classification, Game genome approach, Virtual Organisation life cycle, Education, Industry