Presentation of the workshop: The idea of video game ratings is far from new. There are many and varied “free classification” systems used by the video game industry, the trade press or simply by gamers. However, while these systems are an important part of common video game culture, they are unfortunately not suitable for cataloguing or classifying all existing video games.Indeed, these so-called “free” systems follow the course of video game evolution: categories a
Keywords : Classification, Videogame, Game library, Deconstruction, Structuralism, Gameplay bricks, Taxonomy, Formal system
Over a series of 7 books, Florent Gorges wrote the most complete history of Nintendo. The texts are easy to read and full of unique information, and are illustrated with many pictures of all the games and toys created by the company. This first book in the series is focused on the numerous creations made by Nintendo before entering the video and electronic games market: playing cards, toys, arcades, and some weird stuffs like office supplies. An absolute must-read book.This book was translated i
Keywords : history, nintendo, toys, cards
Fitness, lutte contre la maladie d'Alzheimer, formation continue..., les jeux vidéo trouvent de nouveaux publics. Désormais, les jeux vidéo servent aussi à garder la forme. En commercialisant en avril dernier le jeu Wii-fit, pour faire des exercices physiques devant son téléviseur, Nintendo s'est attaqué à un marché très porteur: celui de la santé. "Ce jeu combine la demande d'interactivité du public a
(Broacasting our studies)
The vocation of a Serious Game is to invite the user to interact with a computer application whose intention is to combine aspects of teaching, learning, communication or information with the playfulness of video games. The aim of such a combination is to give didactic or training content (Serious) an attractive form or setting (Game).
Keywords : Serious game, Definition
This is an heavy-weight (450 pages) book dedicated to the history of computer role-playing games. The purpose of the book isn't to provide information about how the game were made (there is no developer interview here), but to picture a general overview of the role-playing game genre through a detailed presentation of the most influential titles. The book is organized in chronological order. Each chapter focuses on a selection of games coming from a specific era: the pen-and-paper role-playing g
Keywords : history, computer, role playing game, rpg, ultima, might & magic, goldbox, mud
A book addressing the delicate "video game addiction" topic in a clear and thoughtful way. The book is suited to parents of young video game players, and explains the current state of scientific knowledge on this topic: in spite of what some un-rigourous journalists might say, video games are not a "drug", but some players may be in a "excessive playtime" state which they sometimes need help to escape from. To help parents achieve this goal, the book briefly introdu
Keywords : video game addiction, parent handbook, simple, practical, testimony
A duel to the death involving Sonic versus Ronald Mc Donald. Will the blue hedgehog be able to defeat the junk food emperor?
Keywords : serious game, action, casual game
Summary: This thesis is situated on the border of the Computer Science and the Social Sciences. It concerns the conception of Serious Games and their use within the context of targeted learning. By a Serious Game we mean a computer application, whose initial intention is to combine coherently the serious aspects (Serious) in a neither exhaustive nor exclusive manner, with instruction, learning, communication or further on information, assorted with the playing aspect of Video Games (Game).
Keywords : serious game, gameplay, teaching