While video games have become a major cultural practice, we still know little about the diversity of the video game audiences and their practices. Identifying the main issues in the reticularization of the territories in which video game are used, and rising above normative debates on violence and addiction, requires a multidisciplinary approach, at the interface between social and cultural geography, and the sociology of cultural practices. The analysis of video games as spatial systems enable
Keywords : Cultural practice, Network, Space, Territory, Video game
Surprise report from the Serious Game workshop, aimed at understanding this market and studying whether any prospects can be identified.
Keywords : Market, Serious Game, Training, Audit, Outlook
The biography of Michel Ancel, a french game designer, who is famous for creating the "Rayman" and "Raving Rabbids" series. This book details the creations of this famous game designer, by presenting the main steps of his career: the childhood of Michel Ancel, his first professionnal videogames, Rayman, Beyond Good & Evil, King Kong, Raving Rabbids, and Rayman Origins. Each chapter features an interview of someone who worked with Michel Ancel or who is part of his private
Keywords : biography, michel ancel, rayman, king kong, raving rabbids, beyond good & evil
Disclaimer: The CROSSROAD project is co-funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. This document reflects only authors’ views. EC is not liable for any use that may be done of the information contained therein. Executive summary This document is the final version of the Research Roadmap on Governance and Policy Modelling, which lists and describes research themes to be supported by future public funding through Science & Technological Roadmappin
Keywords : Roadmap, Grand Challenges, Research Challenges, Model-based Collaborative Governance, Data powered collective intelligence and action, Government Service Utility
Mahjian (Our projects)
Mahjian is an "Alternate Reality Game" who took place during 6 month (from january to june 2011) in the city of Blagnac, France. Proposing puzzles to solve on Internet mixed with real-life treasure hunts throughout the city, alongside with a giant game-show as a closing event, this game was designed to promote the cultural activities of Blagnac city. While we were working for the game libraray of the Odyssud cultural center, we got involved in the geensis of this game, an
Keywords : serious game, alternate reality game
Through a book of over 500 pages, game designer Scott Rogers shares his professional experience of creating videogames. This industry veteran has worked on games such as God of War, Darksiders and the Maximo series, among others. This book deals with the various steps and key-points of the game design process: ideas, scenario, writing a Game Design Document, characters, camera, controls, user interface, level design, game mechanics, enemies... The main strength of this book lies in the way the a
Keywords : game design, example, game design document, maximo, drawing
This paper presents a review of the literature on game design. After proposing a theoretical framework to clarify the definition of "ludic interactivity", we analyze a corpus of 36 texts dealing with game design. This analysis will first enable us to sketch out a categorization of the different types of methodological approaches to game design. It will then allow us to reflect on the very nature of game design, and more specifically on the different stages that make up this process.
Keywords : Game Design, Formal model, Interactivity
Games, MMOG-s (Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games), on-line social sites etc have become a major cultural and economic force. The main distinguishing features and attraction of these applications is their interactivity and emergent quality – participants constantly change the state of affairs with their actions. Gameplay, the resulting dynamic flow of events, is fascinating: this is like execution of an algorithm, where elementary actions are defined by game rules, but the logic, the flow
Keywords : Gameplay, Structure, On-line social , Games, MMOG-s (Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games)
A book about Serious Games, written by the two heads of a company who is one of the french leader in this area, KTM Advance. This book offers a captivating real-life feedback from people working in the Serious Games industry, and who share with us some cases studies and detail the design methodology they use in their company. A rare and very interesting testimony that should be more than relevant for anyone working professionally on Serious Games.
Keywords : serious game, entreprise, ktm advance, design methodology
Within the framework of this paper, our project is to propose an exploratory analysis of a corpus of Serious Games that talk about food, or Serious Games developed by food brands. Indeed, there is a great deal of heterogeneity and diversity, as brands and communications agencies mobilize all their creativity to reach their targets. In our view, these methods represent an innovation in marketing strategies aimed at young audiences, although we currently have no way of assessing their impact and e
Keywords : serious game, fun food