Grâce à un « serious game », le gouvernement américain a réussi à faire manger 5 fruits et légumes par jour à des enfants entre 8 et 10 ans.Aux États-Unis, la lutte contre l'obésité infantile et pour la santé alimentaire fait l'objet de programmes des plus variés. Le dernier en date est un serious game (jeu à portée pédagogique) développé par le d&ea
Mots-clés : Alimentation, Serious Game, Légumes, Fruits
AbstractResearch into educational technology has evaluated new computer-based systems as tools for improving students’ academic performance and engagement. Serious games should also be considered as an alternative pedagogical medium for attracting students with different needs and expectations. In this field study, we empirically examined different forms of serious-game use for learning on learning performance and attitudes of eighty 13-year-old students in the first grade of middle school
Mots-clés : Serious Game, student engagement, Learning
Researchers and health professionals have long been curious about the potential of electronic games for purposes beyond entertainment. This topic is of particular importance given the rapid growth of the game industry, whose products are enjoyed by over 1.5 billion people worldwide (EEDAR, 2015), many of them on mobile devices. As the number of smartphone users continues to grow, with conservative estimates projecting a rise from 2 billion worldwide at the end of 2015 to 6.1 billion in 2020 (Eri
Objective: Serious games are becoming popular in various healthcare domains. However, they should be designed to cater toward learners' perspectives, needs, and specifications in order to be used to their full potential in education. This study investigated the gaming experiences, motivations, and preferences of pharmacy students.Materials and Methods: An anonymous self-administered survey obtained participant demographics, gaming experiences (enjoyment level of different game genres,
The main research question addressed in this thesis is how the choice of game type influences the success of digital educational games (DEG), where success is defined as significant knowledge gain in combination with positive player experience. Games differ in type if they differ at least by one game feature. As a first step we identified a comprehensive set of unique game features, summarised in the Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM), where elements are the defining components that all game
Mots-clés : digital educational games (DEG), Game Elements-Attributes Model (GEAM), Jeux vidéo, Classification
AbstractThis paper focuses on the analysis of serious games. We analysed and evaluated serious games, and particularly their training aspect, based on the classification method of Djaouti et al. (2011b). Further, we evaluated existing training games and based on the results developed a civil defence training game for Korea. The game has been designed to train professional civil defence personnel based on pedagogical features of serious games for training. This research can serve as the groundwor
Mots-clés : Serious games, Pedagogical features, Civil defence training, Training games, Game-based training, Safety education
AbstractThis article summarises our Ph.D. thesis – an analytical view on the player-game relationship through the lens of an action-oriented framework, centred on fundamental entities defined as actors, entities through which action is enacted in the game and of which the player and the game system are a part of. With this in mind, the grounding principles of this framework are seeded in a transition of action into experience, based on communicational systems that structure the dynamic for
Mots-clés : Action, chronologie, Design, transcodage, Jeux vidéo
Realizing the significant role that city plays in the development of human civilization, the influence it brings to people’s life in the modern society, as well as its absence in fields other than architecture, urban design, and urban planning, this research aims to study the multimodal metaphorical manifestations of civic imagery in picture books from a cognitive linguistic point of view. Relying on the Visual-Verbal Multimodal Metaphor Identification Procedure (VVMMIP) constructed by us
Mots-clés : Multimodal metaphor, Metonymy, City, Picture books, Visual-Verbal Multimodal Metaphor Identification P, Magic surrealism, Multimodal Metaphorical Scenario Chain Reaction
Grounded on a perspective in which action is a defining trait in video games, this work proposes the development of an action-oriented framework focused on the analysis of the relationships between the player and the game system centred on the existence of actors, which we define as entities responsible for the actions that affect the game – a category in which the player and the game system are included. We describe the grounding principles of this framework as focused on a transformation
Mots-clés : Action, chronologie, Jeux vidéo, transcodage, Design, Réflexion et action, Transversal, Réactivité
RésuméCette thèse propose des modèles, méthodes et outils destinés aux game designers de jeux thérapeutiques. Le problème de conception le plus fondamental des jeux thérapeutiques est le gameplay, c'est-à-dire des objectifs de jeu et des actions que le joueur doit effectuer pour atteindre ces objectifs. Dans un jeu thérapeutique, le gameplay doit à la fois produire l'effet thérapeutique et motiver le patie
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Gameplay, Health game, Santé, jeux thérapeutiques