Abstract Professional training for risky professions involves simulation training. This kind of facilities has appeared very important to give to the workers the initial knowledge, to improve the skills of experienced workers, and to make them face rare situations for which they must be potentially ready to deal with. The past years, a broad range of simulation systems including virtuality have become available on the market, and the professions concerned are wider every year. The possibili
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Simulation, Training
Ce chapitre traite de l'origine historique des Serious Games : "The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the historical origins of Serious Games to try to understand where the current wave of "Serious Games" comes from. We first review the origins of the "Serious Games" oxymoron. We will then analyse digital games designed for serious purposes before the 2000's. Such games can be traced back to the beginning of the history of video games. We will use all these ele
Mots-clés : serious games, histoire
Ce livre présente une sélection subjective de 1001 jeux vidéo intéressants ou importants, issus de toutes les époques de l'histoire du jeu vidéo. Chaque jeu est présenté par un petit texte et accompagné d'une ou plusieurs captures d'écran. Traduction française d'un ouvrage originellement anglophone publié en 2010 sous le titre "1001 video games you must play before you die". Cette version originelle a c
Mots-clés : encyclopédie, histoire
AbstractLes jeux vidéo sérieux offrent aujourd’hui une grande diversité de catégories et d’usages. Ils prétendent changer notre rapport au monde comme au jeu. Pour surmonter les paradoxes provenant de l’opposition entre activité ludique et activité sérieuse, il est préférable d’étudier ces nouveaux produits en termes d’utilité. La méthode de la recherche présenté
Mots-clés : Jeu vidéo, Serious Game, Utilité
Abstract:Nowadays, organizations have to be flexible enough to allow adjustments to new circumstances and to be able to align their processes in a short time according to the users requirements, respecting environmental constraints and technological evolution. The challenges are then to improve process efficiency and quality, to introduce a continuous process evolution and to improve the stakeholder's satisfaction. This article proposes a Serious Game-based Method for Business Process Management
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Business Process, Modeling, Management, Participative process, Process improvement, BPM
Abstract: The new media have brought with them new forms of engagement with history. Jáchym Topol’s most recent novel, which plays with a grotesque war of memorial strategies in the Czech Republic and Belarus, reacts to this challenge with intermedial references, including structural imitation and a computer game. This article describes the textual means of creating an immersive experience that include literary modelling of the narrative strategies on the first-person shooter
Mots-clés : Transmediality, Fictional immersion, Computer gaming, Culture of memory, Collective memory, Representation of history, Jáchym Topol, Novel
Games, MMOG-s (Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games), on-line social sites etc have become a major cultural and economic force. The main distinguishing features and attraction of these applications is their interactivity and emergent quality – participants constantly change the state of affairs with their actions. Gameplay, the resulting dynamic flow of events, is fascinating: this is like execution of an algorithm, where elementary actions are defined by game rules, but the logic, the flow
Mots-clés : Games, MMOG-s (Massively Multiplayer On-Line Games), On-line social , Structure, Gameplay
Avec "The Ultimate History of Videogames" et "La Saga des Jeux vidéo", voici sans conteste le troisième ouvrage indispensable pour avoir une vision globale de l'histoire du jeu vidéo. L'auteur y repart des premiers jeux jusqu'à nos jours, et raconte les histoires de jeux ou machines importantes à l'aide d'interviews de leur créateur. La valeur ajouté de cet ouvrage par rapport à ses deux prédécesseurs est l
Mots-clés : histoire, europe, royaume-uni, france
In this paper, we establish a link between video games and data collections. In particular, we examine video games as potential interfaces for collection exploration, i.e. as a platform for a more insightful and exploratory interaction with a repository. Furthermore, we question if a more structural relationship between the game and the collection is possible: Can we produce video games based on the structure of a repository? We explore these ideas on theoretical grounds and by means of a protot
Mots-clés : Video games, Data collections, Data exploration, Human Factors, Theory, Experimentation
ABSTRACT: Video games have become a prime choice of entertainment not only for young people but also in adults or women. Development Studies advertisers and organizations that mediate between them have discovered the potential of videogames as a medium for marketing communication. Thus, the advergame and the in-game advertising have become a powerful and dynamic medium for communicating ideas, products, services or items in an original manner, which also offers video game development studios an
Mots-clés : Publicité, Advergame, In-game advertising, Placement de produits, Jeux vidéo