AbstractThe advent of mobile phone with a multi-megapixel camera and autouploaders has democratised photography. Taking pictures and acquiring annotations is no longer an expensive task as it used to be. Yet performing these tasks in a systematically way is still very cumbersome for most users. In this paper, we outline two game mechanics that can be exploited for the purpose of large-scale image sensing and content annotation. Our first mechanic allows for better control over when, how and wher
Mots-clés : game mechanics, photography
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:To evaluate the effectiveness of Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions for delivering pre- and post-registration health professional education compared with traditional learning, other types of eLearning, or other Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions. We will primarily assess the impact of these interventions on students’ knowledge, skills, professional attitudes and satisfaction.Lien
Mots-clés : Serious Game, santé, Protocole, Health game, Gamification, Ludification
Abstract: In this article a summary is made of the use of standard electronic game’s methods in e-learning. It shows how game-elements and game-mechanics can be applied in e-learning environments. Different types of Serious games – Game-based learning, Gamification of learning, Organizational-dynamic games, Simulation Games and Edutainment have been discussed. The article introduces the game-based model for learning and 70:20:10 education framework. There are examples for e-Lea
Mots-clés : E-learning, Serious games, Game-based learning, Gamification, Game-based learning model
====================Description de la table ronde==================== Table ronde associant des représentants de studios de développement, des consultants et chercheurs.De manière croisée, chaque participant a donné son approche pour répondre aux questions liées aux coûts, retours sur investissements et éléments de réussites associés à la gamification. ============================Description
Mots-clés : Gamification, Business, Retours sur investissement, Modèles économiques
The introduction of new technologies into children's daily routines is in many cases associated with negative health impacts. However, technology may also be used to promote healthy practices by way of so-called serious games. Several studies have confirmed that the use of such tools can result in significant health gains, the adoption of healthy eating habits, the practice of an active lifestyle, increased energy expenditure and decreased adiposity. In this context, the authors report a case st
Mots-clés : Obésité (Obesity), Serious Game, Game, Health game, Santé
ABSTRACT With more than 1.5 billion gamers around the world as of the end of 2015, with further growth projected as mobile devices achieve greater market penetration, there has been a great deal of interest in using games for purposes beyond entertainment. However, gamification and serious games often fail to engage prospective users, generate commercial interest, or meet longterm objectives, due to mismatched expectations, failures in communication, and lack of understanding of design
Mots-clés : WellBeing Theory, Game Design, InterProfessional Collaboration, Psycholog
Researchers and health professionals have long been curious about the potential of electronic games for purposes beyond entertainment. This topic is of particular importance given the rapid growth of the game industry, whose products are enjoyed by over 1.5 billion people worldwide (EEDAR, 2015), many of them on mobile devices. As the number of smartphone users continues to grow, with conservative estimates projecting a rise from 2 billion worldwide at the end of 2015 to 6.1 billion in 2020 (Eri
Abstract:Gamification is a new form of approach that is being looked into in the world of education. With its game elements that relates to the needs of the current generation of users whose life is entangled in the world of technology. Yet the use of technology is not a one size fits all deal; thus it is important to identify how certain gamification elements influences students. This is vital point that needs to be understood before endeavouring further into the infusion of gamification in edu
Mots-clés : secondary school, student achievement, gamification element, science learning
Resumen de la tesis Los juegos digitales tienen la capacidad de introducir al sujeto, de fuera hacia dentro, en un espacio de significación consensuado por los jugadores. Sin embargo, también tienen un gran potencial para hacer emerger el contenido del juego a la vida del sujeto, de dentro hacia fuera. Igualmente, el arte crea un espacio de significación consensuado que, además de permitir la inmersión, admite la emersión del contenido del arte a la
Mots-clés : Art, Jeux vidéo, Immersion, serious game, Gamification
Il existe désormais de nombreuses catégories d’applications correspondant à des cas d’inspirations, d’emplois ou de détournements du jeu pour atteindre des fins non ludiques. Certaines sont maintenant très connues comme la conception et l’usage de serious games. Nous souhaitons aborder dans cet article un cas moins connu d’emploi du jeu à des fins sérieuses, mais dont le potentiel nous semble très importan
Mots-clés : Serious Game, Design, Data, Visualisation des Données, Gamification