
Citizen Game Nicolas Gaume - 2006

History of videogames (biography)

Citizen Game

Author(s) : Nicolas Gaume
Editor : Editions Anne Carrière
Publication date : 10-25-2006
Language : french French

The autobiography of Nicolas Gaume, founder of the french game studio Kalisto, which created some of the finest videogames during the 90's: Pac-in-time, Nightmare Creatures, Ultim@te Race Pro, Dark Earth, etc. Praised for the quality of its creations, this studio unfortunately closed its door in the 2000's, mainly due to the financial crisis caused by the burst of the ".com economy" bubble. This rare book is a detailed legacy of the quick transformation of the AAA videogames industry from amateurish creations to an industrial process with ever-growing costs. This book is both passionating and touching, and we warmly recommend it to anyone interested in videogames.


Keywords : biography, nicolas gaume, kalisto, french touch