
SUCCESS FACTORS IN FINNISH SERIOUS GAMES Raija Halonen, Tapio Heikkinen - 2016


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Raija Halonen, Tapio Heikkinen
Editor : Conference: Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, At Paphos, Cyprus
Date : 2016
Lang : Lang


Serious games (SG) are computer-and video games with a primary focus other than entertainment. This is, they are made to educate, teach, inform and promote ideas. The current research focused on SGs' success factors and their emergence in SGs published in Finland in 2015. The research approach was qualitative and the research method was theory-based content analysis. First, the concepts of SG, SG design methodology and learning were discussed based on existing knowledge. Success factor related knowledge was summarised from the literature. Second, an analysis structure with categories and subclasses was formed deductively from the literature. Categories were used as they were defined in the literature, but more adaptive approach with subclasses was seen necessary to avoid losing the rich details in the material. Third, the empirical part of the study was arranged to collect, organise and analyse material related to SGs as restricted by the title. A goal was set to find out the level of success factor knowledge utilisation in the current SG development. Briefly, five success factors seen from differing angles were detected: The role of the actor is chosen and focused intentionally. The available areas of experience complete each other. The game concepts aim to activate players to self-directed learners. Adjusting measurement-based learning experience optimises aimed influence. The orchestrated use of SGs includes pre-playing to support motivation. Lots of variation was detected in the level of success factor awareness between the games. A couple of high quality games arose from the material and thus in this sense the overview of the Finnish SG industry describes the situation of the Finnish game industry. On top of the identified success factors, the analysis structure was built to be used by other SG settings and international contexts.
References (4): 

Alvarez, J. and D. Djaouti. (2011). “An introduction to serious game definitions and concepts”. Proceedings of The Serious Games & Simulation for Risks Management Workshop, 11-15.

Alvarez, J. and L. Michaud. (2008). "Serious games. Advergaming, edugaming, training and more.", Montpellier, France: IDATE Consulting & Research. 


Alvarez, J., and D. Djaouti. (2011). “An introduction to Serious game Definitions and concepts.”, Serious Games & Simulation for Risks Management , 11-15. 


Djaouti, D., J. Alvarez, and J. Jessel (2011). “Classifying serious games: The G/P/S model”. In P. Felicia (Ed.),

Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games: Multidisciplinary Approaches

(2 volumes), (pp. 118-136). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global. 


Keywords : Serious game, Success factor, Gaming experience, Content implementation, Implementation process, Analysis framework