
Healthcare Games and the Metaphoric Approach Catherine Lelardeux, Julian Alvarez, Thierry Montaut, Michel Galaup, Pierre Lagarrigue - 2012


Support : Publications
Author(s) : Catherine Lelardeux, Julian Alvarez, Thierry Montaut, Michel Galaup, Pierre Lagarrigue
Editor : In Sylvester Arnab, Ian Dunwell, Kurt Debattista, "Serious Games for Healthcare: Applications and Implications", pp.23-49, IGI Global
Date : 2012
Lang : Lang


Many serious games dedicated to the health sector have been identified. Within this wide range, the
authors have explored the Serious games offering an educational dimension and targeting either individuals
or health-care professionals. Based on a corpus built around this orientation, the goal is to
determine whether or not it is possible to find a use, targeted or not, involving metaphorical contexts
among different titles. In the corpus studied, no metaphor is used for serious game targeting healthcare
professionals contrary to serious games targeting individuals. For this target, the game universe
is mainly metaphorical. A discussion in the light of didactic and motivational arguments suggests that
a metaphorical universe could be beneficial in the case where more transversal skills are targeted.


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More informations about the book "Serious Games for Healthcare: Applications and Implications"

Keywords : Serious game, Metaphor, Health, Health game