
Um jogo sério sobre realidade económica/financeira de Portugal Nuno Filipe Viveiros Ponte - 2013


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Nuno Filipe Viveiros Ponte
Editor : Técnico Lisboa
Date : 2013
Lang : Lang




Portugal is at hand with an unprecedented crisis with the government having to take policies, some of them tough measures. Due to the characteristics of some measures and the unaccomplishment of others, people fail to comprehend them and do not believe in its execution. This work tries to bring greater clarity to the situation of the Portuguese economy, through a serious game. The use of serious games in contexts of awareness is increasing, according to which the learning ability proves to be successfully. The game will focus on role-play where the player acts as Portugal prime minister and takes decisions over the several areas, upon the data he has. Acknowledging the consequences and taking decisions in the game will be a great tool to bring awareness and comprehension to an unhappy population.


References (1):


Djaouti, D., Alvarez, J., Jessel, J.P., Rampnoux, O. (2011). Origins of Serious Games. IRIT, Ludoscience, CEPE

Keywords : serious games, learning, knowledge, awareness, population, economics, finances, budget