List of our studies 644 references
This page gathers or written publications (in scientific venues or not) alongside with our participation to conferences, workshops or similar events.
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2017 - jury member"
Game Pratic' 2017, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2017.
Site officiel
- Jean-Serge Vigouroux, Ludovic Delorme, Jean Cazes, Damien Djaouti
"Edu Game Jam 2017 - organizer"
Canopé Montpellier, Académie de Montpellier, Université de Montpellier, 24-25 mars , 2017.
Site officiel de la Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2016 - jury member"
Game Pratic' 2016, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2016.
Site officiel
- Pictanovo
Pictanovo, 2014.
Accéder au site
- Julian Alvarez; Damien Djaouti
"What is the CEPAJe Model?"
Université de Montpellier / Fun MOOC, 2017.
Lien vers la vidéo
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez & Olivier Rampnoux
"Plateforme Fun MOOC: Enseigner avec les Serious Games"
Université de Montpellier / Fun MOOC, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Virtual Reality and Serious Game: emotional stimulation for learning"
ElearningLetter, 2017.
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- Damien Djaouti
"Crime Wave"
Pix'N Love #25, Editions Pix'N Love, 2014.
- Damien Djaouti
"Microsoft BOA"
Pix'N Love #25, Editions Pix'N Love, 2014.
- Julian Alvarez, Vincent Nahan
"Pas remis de la disparition de Flappy Bird ? Pourquoi Puzzle Game 2048 vous fera oublier jusqu'à son existence"
Atlantico, 2014.
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- Olivier Rampnoux & Julian Alvarez
"Le jeu vidéo pour la mise en valeur des métiers"
Infobourg, 2006.
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- Julian Alvarez
"Julian Alvarez's work since 1991"
Ludoscience, 2023.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Evaluate a ludopedagogical session"
Colloque Printemps Pédagogique en Sciences de la Santé 2024, Amiens, 2024.
Synthèse de la journée - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Immersive Learning : Retour d'expériences & analyses critiques des modèles évaluatifs "
Université de Nantes, 2023.
Vidéo - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Katell Bellegarde
"Blue Bot Project from ESPE of Lille"
ESPE de Nice, 2018.
- Damien Djaouti
"Former des enseignants au "numérique""
Journée d'étude "Recherche et développement dans le numérique scolaire : des projets au données de recherche", Faculté d'éducation de Montpellier, 29 novembre, 2017.
- Damien Djaouti
"Enseigner avec les Serious Games : quoi ? pourquoi ? comment ?"
Conférences et ateliers "Jeux, robots et programmation", Canopé Toulouse, 28 juin, 2017.
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games : utiliser ou créer ?"
Colloque "Game Evolution : management et pédagogie ludique", IAE de Montpellier, 8 juin, 2017.
- Damien Djaouti
"Utiliser, détourner, (faire) créer : 4 approches du jeu à vocation pédagogique"
Chimie et Jeux, Sciences et Jeux : Apports dans l'enseignement, Université Lyon I, 17 mai, 2017.
Programme de la journée
- Damien Djaouti, Jean Cazes
"Edu Game Jam : Retour d'experience"
4e séminaire académique sur le numérique éducatif, Rectorat de l'Académie de Montpellier, Canopé Montpellier, 30 mars, 2017.
Programme du séminaire
- Julian Alvarez
DeVISU, 2016.
Lien associé
- Julian Alvarez
"Conception Serious Game"
Play'it Festival, Lille 3, 2015.
Lien vers la vidéo
- Julian Alvarez
"Conception Serious Game"
Play'it Festival, Lille 3, 2015.
Lien vers la vidéo
- Julian Alvarez
"Conception Serious Game"
Play'it Festival, Lille 3, 2015.
Lien vers la vidéo
- Julian Alvarez
"Conception Serious Game"
Play'it Festival, Lille 3, 2015.
Lien vers la vidéo
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Boudier, Daniel Fiévet, Jean Menu, Stéphane Natkin
"Serious games: to learn thanks to viedogames ?"
CNAM - Rencontres du Café des techniques, 2010.
Voir la vidéo de la table ronde
- Damien Djaouti
"Introduction aux Serious Games"
Séminaire "Les jeux vidéo : pédagogie ou idéologie ?", ENS Lettres Sciences Humaines, Lyon, 2008.
Compte rendu en ligne (ENS LSH)
- Julian Alvarez, Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Vincent Hurez, Jean-Jacques Flahaut, Thierry Lafouge
"Blue Bot Project"
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- Nicolas Martin, Damien Djaouti, Hélène Michel
"Serious Games, je joue je gagne"
La Méthode Scientifique, France Culture, 4 octobre, 2017.
Ecouter l'émission (France Culture)
- Thierry Weber
"Qu'est-ce qu'un FPS"
20, 2016.
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- Serge Viudez
"La première Climate Game Jam au château de Castries remporte un beau succès", 2016.
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- Aurélie Julien
"Bibliographie jeux vidéos : déjà plus de 80 ouvrages sur Ludoscience"
Ludomag, 2014.
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- Jean-Marc Olivères
"Un inventaire des livres sur les jeux vidéo", 2014.
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- Achille Micral
"Livres sur les jeux vidéo - la bibliothèque idéale de Ludoscience"
Rom-Game, 2014.
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- Jean-Philippe Arrouet
"Serious Games : des jeux pour sensibiliser aux risques"
La Prévention Routière dans l'entreprise, N°386, 2012.
Site Internet de la revue
- Ludovia
"Inauguration de Ludoscience"
Ludovia TV, 2011.
Lire l'article (Ludovia TV)
- Chantal Delsouc
"Inauguration de LudoScience : quand Serious game rime avec Serious Wine?"
Mid e-news, 2011.
Lire l'article (Mid E-News)
- Global Mag
"Train to save the Planet"
Arte, 2010.
- Jean-Philippe Dutemps et Clément Floc'h
""Serious games": the video games reach societies"
Rue89 : Blog Game Over, 2009.
Lire article - [mirror link]
- Julien Bonnet
"Nouvelles technologies: le jeu vidéo se prend au sérieux"
Alternatives Economiques, Juillet-Août 2008, p., 2008.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez et Thierry Lafouge
"Evolution and influences of the key-words « gameplay », « ludic » and « fun » in the writings produced by English-speaking and French-speaking journal"
Les Cahiers du Numérique Vol.17 n°1-2 (2021), Lavoisier, 2022.
Télécharger résumé / Download abstract - [mirror link]
- Antoine Taly, Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
"The Colectyng Model for the Evaluation of Game-Based Learning Activities"
GALA 2020 - Games and Learning Alliance 9th International Conference, Laval, France, 2020.
Read online (Springer LNCS)
- Damien Djaouti
"Préhistoire du jeu vidéo"
Ludoscience Editions, 2019.
Acheter l'ouvrage
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
"The creation of "Newsgames" as a teaching method: empirical observations"
Book chapter in George Kalmpourtzis, Educational Game Design Fundamentals, CRC Press, pp.72-77, 2018.
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- Damien Djaouti
"Quatre approches du jeu à des fins pédagogiques"
Revue "L'Actualité Chimique", pp.41-42, 2018.
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- Julian Alvarez, Jean-Charles Cailliez, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Irrmann, Olivier Rampnoux, Louise Sauvé (Grand Témoin)
"Serious Gaming dans le cadre de la formation des adultes : regards croisés d'enseignants chercheurs"
Colloque e-Formation des Adultes, Université de Lille 1, Laboratoire Trigone CIREL, 2015.
Télécharger la proposition du symposium (PDF - 150ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Sandra Faggioni, Sylvain Haudegond (eds.) et Pascal Staccini
"Proceedings of the "e-virtuoses" & SEGAMED international scientific conference 2012/2013"
CCI Grand Hainaut / Play Research Lab, 2014.
Télécharger les actes (PDF - 9mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Sylvain Haudegond
"Experimentation around the imaginations aroused by retrogaming"
Ludovia / Culture Numérique, 2014.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 900ko)
- Nhien Hoang Bao Pham
"Competitive game environment and its application: Case study with focus on tournament entertainment"
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Hariharan Subramanyan, Krishna Moorthy
"Designing and Evaluating Simulation Games For Professional Project Management Education"
Project Management Centre of Excellence, University of Maryland, PM Symposium 12th & 13th May 2016, 2016.
- Eichenberg Christiane, Grabmayer Gloria, Green Nikos
"Acceptance of Serious Games in Psychotherapy: An Inquiry into the Stance of Therapists and Patients"
Telemedicine and e-Health, 2016.
- Matthew D. Lee
"Gamification and the Psychology of Game Design in Transforming Mental Health Care"
Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association March/April 2016 vol. 22 no. 2 134-136, 2016.
- Fabien Fenouillet
"Les théories de la motivation-2e éd."
Dunod, Paris, 2016.
- hang Huan Ying, Wong Li Lian, Yap Kai Zhen, Yap Kevin Yi-Lwern
"Gaming Preferences, Motivations, and Experiences of Pharmacy Students in Asia"
Games for Health Journal. February 2016, 5(1): 40-49. doi:10.1089/g4h.2015.0028, 2016.
- Daphné Bavelier, Lori M. Takeuchi
"Digital Game Features and Play Contexts"
in Child Psychology: A Handbook of Contemporary Issues publié par Lawrence Balter, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, 2016.
- Djoko Wahyudi
"Pengantar Tehnologi Informasi"
, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Djoko Wahyudi
"Pengantar Tehnologi Informasi"
, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Bernard SENACH, Anne-Laure NEGRI
"Ludo-persuasive systems for sustainable consumption. 1 ? Landmarks and challenges"
Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système (JIPS), AFIHM, 2015, 4 (1), pp.104-140., 2015.
Lien / Link
- Masselink, A.B.J.
"Design and Development of Effective and Customizable Educational Business Games"
Utrecht University, Faculty of Science Theses, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Marine Agogué, Kevin Levillain, Sophie Hooge
"Gamification of Creativity: Exploring the Usefulness of Serious Games for Ideation"
Creativity and Innovation, Volume 24, Issue 3, September 2015, Pages 415-429, 2015.
- Isabel López, Lorena López, Lorena López
, 2015.
- David Sonnberger
"Der Einsatz von Online Games als Self-Assessment im Recruiting"
BWL - Personal und Organisation Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Institut für Datenverarbeitung in den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften), GRIN, 2015.
- Steffen Roth
"Serious Gamification: On the Redesign of a Popular Paradox"
Games and Culture, 2015.
- Bastian C. Müller, Carsten Reise, Günther Seliger
"Gamification in Factory Management Education - A Case Study with Lego Mindstorms"
Procedia CIRP Volume 26, 2015, Pages 121-126 12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing ? Emerging Potentials, 2015.
- Maria Freese, Meike Jipp
"Mensch-Maschine-Zusammenarbeit innerhalb von Leitstand-Teams im Luftverkehrsmanagement"
Sonderdruck aus M. Grandt & S. Schmerwitz (Hrsg.) (2015), Kooperation und kooperative Systeme in der Fahrzeug- und Prozessführung (DGLR-Bericht 2015-01). Bonn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt ? Lilienthal-Oberth e.V.; ISBN 978-3-932182-83-9, 2015.
- Christian Sebastian Loh, Yanyan Shengb
"Maximum Similarity Index (MSI): A metric to differentiate the performance of novices vs. multiple-experts in serious games"
Computers in Human Behavior Volume 39, October 2014, Pages 322?330, 2014.
Lien / Link
- Alexis Le Compte, Tim Watson, David Elizondo
"Serious Games: A design methodology from concept to end-user"
VS-Games 2014 , Msida, Malta , 9-12 Sep 2014, 2014.
- Anna-Sofia Alklind Taylor
"FACILITATION MATTERS A framework for instructor-led serious gaming"
University of Skövde, 2014.
- Eirini Christinaki, Nikolas Vidakis, and Georgios Triantafyllidis
"A Novel Educational Game for teaching Emotion Identification Skills to Preschoolers with Autism Diagnosis"
Computer Science and Information Systems 11(2):723-743, 2014.
- Fedwa Laamarti, Mohamad Eid, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
"An overview of serious games"
International Journal of Computer Games Technology, Volume 2014, January 2014, Article No. 11, Hindawi Publishing Corp. New York, NY, United States, 2014.
- Al Osman, Hussein
"Ubiquitous Biofeedback Multimedia Systems"
Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Computer Engineering School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty of Engineering University of Ottawa, 2014.
Lien / Link
- Anton Delawari M.Sc.
"Shared Situational Awareness between inland actors at Port of Rotterdam: Improving Shared Situational Awareness by means of a game session"
Delft University of Technology, 2013.
- Gonçalo Ferreira Araújo
"Jogo sério para aprendizagem da instabilidade de vertentes"
- Simon Jambu
"Apprentissage de corrélations entre entrées et sorties de systèmes dynamiques"
Université Paul Sabatier (UPS) ? Toulouse III, 2013.
- Schirra, Steven M. (Steven Michael)
"Playing for impact : the design of civic games for community engagement and social action / Designing large-scale games for community engagement"
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013.
- Jean-Marc Cieutat
"Quelques applications de la réalité augmentée: Nouveaux modes de traitement de l'information et de la communication. Effets sur la perception, la cogn"
Universit´e Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2013., 2013.
- Eirini Christinaki, Nikolas Vidakis, and Georgios Triantafyllidis
"Facial expression recognition teaching to preschoolers with autism: a natural user interface approach"
Proceeding BCI '13 Proceedings of the 6th Balkan Conference in Informatics Pages 141-148 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2013 table of contents ISBN: 978-1-4503-1851-8 doi>10.1145/2490257.2490262, 2013.
Scientific Annals of the 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University of Iasi: Educational Sciences Series / Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' - Sect. Stiintele Educatiei . 2013, Vol. 17, p23-50. 28p., 2013.
- Corso di Laurea
"Apprendere la lingua giapponese con i videogiochi. Una ricerca sul campo"
Università Ca'Foscari Venezia - Facoltà di lingue e Letterature Straniere, 2012.
- Mina Tawadrous, Sherrene Kevan, Bill Kapralos, Andrew Hogue
"A Serious Game for Incidence Response Education and Training"
International Journal of Technology, Knowledge & Society . 2012, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p177-184. 8p., 2012.
Lien / Link
- Samuel Rufat, Hovig Ter Minassian
"Les jeux vidéo comme objet de recherche"
L>P / Questions théoriques, 2012.
- Marion Coville
"Hello. I'm a woman gamer."
From Cyborgs to Facebook technological dreams {and feminist critiques}, 2011.
Lien / Link
- Joanna Pomian
"« Serious games » : apprendre en jouant ?"
Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme - 2009/2 (n° 69), 2009.
5g mobile communication
- Julian Alvarez
"RDU accompaniment model applyed to serious game : confrontation with the ecosystem of secondary education"
Dans Numérique & éducation Dispositifs, jeux, enjeux, hors jeux sous la direction de Philippe Bonfils, Philippe Dumas et Luc Massou, Questions de communication, série actes 34 / 2016, PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, p.83-93, 2017.
Lien vers le site de l'éditeur
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious game : questions et réflexions autour de son appropriation dans un contexte d'enseignement"
Revue Psychologie Clinique, pp.112-126, n°37, DOI :, 2014.
Lire l'article en ligne (Psychologie Clinique)
Active learning
- Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"PBL and Serious Games"
Actes du colloque "7th ALE International Workshop: Experience and Reflection on Active Learning in Engineering Education", Toulouse, Geneviève Moore, Anne Hernandez, ISBN : 978-2-87649-051-2, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 150ko)
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
38e congrès de APLIUT, Lyon, 2016.
Download / Télécharger
- Julian Alvarez
"Presentation of the CEPAJe Model "
Why so serious ? "Learning Games & Gamification", 2015.
Lien vers la présentation de la journée d'étude
- Julian Alvarez
"Understanding the Language of Game Studies: Beyond the Dichotomy of "game" and "play""
Etudes de communication, 2021.
- Julian Alvarez, Pascal Chaumette
"Presentation of a Model Dedicated to Assessing Ludo-pedagogical Activities, and Feedback"
Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité [En ligne], Vol.36 N°2 | 2017, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2017, 2017.
Lien / Link - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Aurélien Libessart, Sylvain Haudegond
"The not serious gaming, an unproductive activity?"
Interfaces Numériques, pp.391-408, Vol 3/3, 2014.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Victor Potier
"Mise en jeu de la production aux usages d?un jeu sérieux. Le cas d'une entreprise du secteur du jeu vidéo"
Sciences du jeu, 2 | 2014 : Questionner les mises en forme ludiques du web : gamification, ludification et ludicisation, 2014.
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Activity analysis
"Introducing pupils to robotics & computer science: when mediating materials impact the teaching action's grammar"
STICEF, Volume 28, 2021 Article de recherche, 2022.
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- Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Julian Alvarez
"S'initier à la robotique/informatique en classe de grande section de maternelle. Une expérimentation autour de l?utilisation du robot Blue Bot comme "
Re S M ICT E | ISSN: 1792-3999 (electronic), 1791-261X (print) | Laboratory of Didactics of Sciences, Mathematics and ICT, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras., 2019.
document.pdf - [mirror link]
Activity theory
- Sylvie Barma, Sylvie Daniel
"Designing Enhanced Learning Environments in Physics: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approach Producing an Instrument for School Success"
Game-Based Learning Across the Lifespan Part of the series Advances in Game-Based Learning pp 91-113, Springer, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Maira B. Carvalho, Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta, Alessandro De Gloria, Carolina Islas Sedano, Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Jun Hu, Matthias Rauterberg
"An activity theory-based model for serious games analysis and conceptual design"
Computers & Education, 87 (2015) 166-181, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Sofie Van Hoecke, Koen Samyn, Gaétan Deglorie, Olivier Janssens, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle
"Enabling Control of 3D Visuals, Scenarios and Non-linear Gameplay in Serious Game Development Through Model-Driven Authoring"
5th International Conference, SGAMES 2015 Novedrate, Italy, September 16?18, 2015, Springer, 2015.
- J. Alvarez, C. Gautellier, O. Rampnoux
"Serious Games ou comment sont détournés les jeux vidéo"
La Revue des Ceméa, Vers l'Education Nouvelle, N° 531, juillet 2008, p.54 - 61, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 7mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Laurent Michaud
"Serious Games : Advergaming, edugaming, training..."
IDATE, 2008.
Télécharger l'étude (PDF - 3.3mo)
- J. Alvarez, L. Michaud
"Serious Games: Advergaming, edugaming, training and more"
IDATE, 2008.
Download study (PDF - 2.6mo)
"Publicidad in-Game. Los videojuegos como soporte publicitario"
Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias ISSN 1887-8598 ISSN-e 1989-5143, Vol 3, No 2 (2009) , 2009.
Lien / Link
Advergames development companies
- J. Alvarez, C. Gautellier, O. Rampnoux
"Serious Games ou comment sont détournés les jeux vidéo"
La Revue des Ceméa, Vers l'Education Nouvelle, N° 531, juillet 2008, p.54 - 61, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 7mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Laurent Michaud
"Serious Games : Advergaming, edugaming, training..."
IDATE, 2008.
Télécharger l'étude (PDF - 3.3mo)
- J. Alvarez, L. Michaud
"Serious Games: Advergaming, edugaming, training and more"
IDATE, 2008.
Download study (PDF - 2.6mo)
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Communiquer par le jeu vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 1.2mo) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"New Advertising Tools for School Guidance"
Actes du colloque "Edutainment 2006", Hangzou, Chine, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"EduMarket Game: Technocity"
Actes du colloque "Narrative AI and Games symposium (AISB 2006)", Bristol, Royaume-Uni, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"New advertising tools: Edumarket game"
Actes du colloque "Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2006)", Copenhague, Danemark, Copenhagen Business School, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 1mo) - [mirror link]
"Publicidad in-Game. Los videojuegos como soporte publicitario"
Pensar la Publicidad. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Publicitarias ISSN 1887-8598 ISSN-e 1989-5143, Vol 3, No 2 (2009) , 2009.
Lien / Link
Algorithm design and analysis
- Damien Djaouti
"L'appellation "Serious Game" : une stratégie d'extention du champ d'application des jeux vidéo ?"
Colloque "L'Homo Ludens du XXI siècle", université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, 2015.
Programme de la conférence (Université Paul Valéry)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Evaluating the coherence of a Serious Game"
Actes du colloque "Fifth EDEN Research Workshop", UNESCO, Paris, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 250ko)
- Nadia Akma Ahmad Zaki, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Kartini Ahmad
"Analysis and classification of serious games for cognitive stimulation"
Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 2015 International Conference on, 2015.
- Stéphanie Mader, Stéphane Natkin, Guillaume Levieux
"How to Analyse Therapeutic Games: The Player / Game / Therapy Model"
In: Herrlich M., Malaka R., Masuch M. (eds) Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2012. ICEC 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7522. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Ryo Sugimura, Hiroki Tamari, Hiromi Kitaguchi, Sotaro Kawatsu, Kaiki Oya, Yuya Ono, Kosuke Kaneko, Saki Nakazono, Yoshihiro Okada, Motofumi Yoshida, Yukiko Kono
"Serious Games for Education and Their Effectiveness for Higher Education Medical Students and for Junior High School Students"
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ( ) (ISSN : 2091-1610 ) on volume No : 19 , Issue No : 1 , 2015.
Applications in subject areas
Apprentissage collaboratif
- Julian Alvarez
"RDU accompaniment model applyed to serious game : confrontation with the ecosystem of secondary education"
Dans Numérique & éducation Dispositifs, jeux, enjeux, hors jeux sous la direction de Philippe Bonfils, Philippe Dumas et Luc Massou, Questions de communication, série actes 34 / 2016, PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, p.83-93, 2017.
Lien vers le site de l'éditeur
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
CIRTA 2016 / Université de Sherbrooke / Université de Laval / TELUQ / Université de Montréal / UQAM, 2016.
Actes - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious game : questions et réflexions autour de son appropriation dans un contexte d'enseignement"
Revue Psychologie Clinique, pp.112-126, n°37, DOI :, 2014.
Lire l'article en ligne (Psychologie Clinique)
- Manouk Borzakian
"Les jeux: quelle définition par et pour les sciences sociales?"
Journal Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure Volume 35, 2012 - Issue 2, 2012.
Lien / Link
Artificial intelligence (incl. robotics)
Augmented reality
- Julian Alvarez
"AR, VR and XR games applied to HSE fields: understanding the approach and uses"
Ludinord Pro 2024 & Immersive Factory, 2024.
Programme de l'atelier - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
" AR / VR / XR: Approaches and Experiments"
Séminaire « Visibilité de l'entreprise sur le Web et nouvelles technologies », CMQ Relation Client 3.0. / CMQ Tourisme / GRETA Lille Métropole, 2024.
Support de présentation
"The tablet in the museum versus the museum in the tablet: virtual walk, augmented visit or serious heritage game?"
Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM), Vol 20 - N°1/ 2019, 2020.
Fichier PDF - [mirror link]
- Celina P. Leao, Filomena Soares, Vítor Carvalho
"A serious game concept to enhance students' learning of statistics"
Experiment@International Conference ('17), 2017 4th, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Sylvie Barma, Sylvie Daniel
"Designing Enhanced Learning Environments in Physics: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approach Producing an Instrument for School Success"
Game-Based Learning Across the Lifespan Part of the series Advances in Game-Based Learning pp 91-113, Springer, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Sylvie Barma, Sylvie Daniel, Nathalie Bacon, Marie-Andrée Gingras, Mathieu Fortin
International Journal of Serious Games Vol 2, No 2 (2015) , 2015.
Lien / Link
Automatic knowledge extraction
- Sugimura, Ryo; Kawazu, Sotaro; Tamari, Hiroki; Watanabe, Kodai; Nishimura, Yohei; Oguma, Toshiki; Watanabe, Katsushiro; Kaneko, Kosuke; Okada, Yoshihiro; Yoshida, Motofumi; Takano, Shigeru; Inoue, Hitoshi
"Mobile Game for Learning Bacteriology"
International Association for Development of the Information Society, Paper presented at the International Conference on Mobile Learning 2014 (10th, Madrid, Spain, Feb 28-Mar 2, 2014), 2014.
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagame: Crowdsourcing, Metrics & Traces"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Studies Pages 72-76, Paris, France, October 03 - 05, 2018 ACM New York, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6438-6, doi>10.1145/3240431.3240445, 2018.
Link / Lien
- Nataliya V. Bogacheva
"The Experimental Method as an Evaluation Tool in Serious Games Research and Development"
Entertainment Computing and Serious Games Volume 9970 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 284-305, 2016.
- Alexey Voinov, Nagesh Kolagani, Michael K. McCall, Pierre D. Glynn, Marit E. Kragt, Frank O. Ostermann, Suzanne A. Pierce, Palaniappan Ramu
"Modelling with stakeholders - Next generation"
Elsevier, Environmental Modelling & Software Volume 77, March 2016, Pages 196-220, 2016.
Biological control systems
Biological system modeling
Board game
- Matthieu Tassetti et Julian Alvarez
"Julian Alvarez ? Studying the game, a good idea!"
Homo Ludens : Libérer le potentiel du jeu, 2020.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Matthew Beale
"Designing an Agile Game for Technical Communication Classrooms"
SIGDOC '16 Proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication Article No. 17,Silver Spring , 2016.
Lien / Link
- Delphine Buzy-Christmann, Laurent Di Filippo, Stéphane Goria et Pauline Thévenot
"Correspondances et contrastes entre jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques"
Sciences du jeu, 4 | 5 | 2016 : Jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques : filiations, croisements, recompositions, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"There is a matrix behind our arcade games"
Pix'N Love #10, éditions Pix'N Love, 2009.
Télécharger l'article / Download the paper
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Les Briques Gameplay - la classification des jeux vidéo par leur principe ludique"
Conférence "Comprendre le jeu vidéo et le Serious Game - Une exploration au coeur du Gameplay", Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, 17 avril, 2014.
Affiche de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"Morphologie des jeux vidéo"
Actes du colloque "H2PTM'07 (Collaborer, Echanger, Inventer : Expériences de réseaux)", Hammamet, Tunisie, Hermes science, ISBN : 978-2-7462-1891-8, Lavoisier, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Morphological study of the video games"
Actes du colloque "CGIE 2006", Perth, Australie, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 600ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"A classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach"
Actes du colloque "Enactive / 06 : Enaction & Complexity", Montpellier, ENACTIVE, pp.99-100, 2006.
Download poster (PDF - 150ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"V.E.Ga.S.: A tool to study morphology of the video games"
Actes du colloque "International Digital Games Conference (GAMES 2006)", Portalegre, Portugal, APROJE, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 150ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Etude morphologique des jeux vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 120ko)
Business management simulation game
Business process management
Business simulation games
- Julian Alvarez, Sylvain Haudegond, Clémentine Havrez, Christophe Kolski, Yoann Lebrun, Sophie Lepreux, Aurélien Libessart
"From Screens to Devices and Tangible Objects: A Framework Applied to Serious Games Characterization"
In Interacting with games part, HCI International 2014, Springer, p.559 - 570, 2014.
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Citizen science
- Alexey Voinov, Nagesh Kolagani, Michael K. McCall, Pierre D. Glynn, Marit E. Kragt, Frank O. Ostermann, Suzanne A. Pierce, Palaniappan Ramu
"Modelling with stakeholders - Next generation"
Elsevier, Environmental Modelling & Software Volume 77, March 2016, Pages 196-220, 2016.
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Les Briques Gameplay - la classification des jeux vidéo par leur principe ludique"
Conférence "Comprendre le jeu vidéo et le Serious Game - Une exploration au coeur du Gameplay", Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, 17 avril, 2014.
Affiche de la conférence
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games: an online collaborative database"
1st GALA Alignment School, Heriot-Watt University, Edimburg, Scotland, 2011.
Games And Learning Alliance website
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"The classification of Serious Games"
4e Serious Game Sessions Europe, Lyon, 2008.
Télécharger le support de présentation (SWF - 1Mo)
- Olivier Rampnoux, Josette Hospital, Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
"Classification des jeux vidéo : des pistes pour construire une offre cohérente en ludothèque"
11ème Congrès International des Ludothèques, Paris, 2008.
Programme du congrès (Association des Ludothèques Françaises)
- Samra Bonvoisin
"?Serious games?: Play to understand?"
Le Café Pédagogique, 2014.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Yves de Saint-Jacob
"Pour comprendre les serious games: bien les nommer, bien les classer"
Le (supplément partenaire IBM), 2010.
Lire l'article (
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"An introduction to Serious game - Definitions and concepts"
LARSEN Science 2011 in "Serious Games & Simulation for Risks Management" ISBN 978-2-9541430-0-2 (PDF), 2011.
Download / Télécharger - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Classifying Serious Games: The G/P/S Model"
Patrick Felicia (ed), "Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games: Multidisciplinary Approaches", IGI Global, 2011.
Download book chapter (PDF - 140 ko) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Play, Game, World : Anatomy of a Videogame"
International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation, Volume 5 - Number 1, ISSN 1477-2043, 2008.
Download paper (PDF - 400ko) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"A Gameplay Definition throught Videogame Classification"
International Journal of Computer Game Technology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 1er trimestre, 2008.
Read paper (International Journal of Computer Game Technology) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Play, Game, World: Anatomy of a videogame"
Actes du colloque "International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational & Serious Games (Cgames 2007)", La Rochelle, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Classification des serious games"
Actes du colloque "H2PTM'07 (Collaborer, Echanger, Inventer : Expériences de réseaux)", Hammamet, Tunisie, Hermes science, ISBN : 978-2-7462-1891-8, Lavoisier, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"Morphologie des jeux vidéo"
Actes du colloque "H2PTM'07 (Collaborer, Echanger, Inventer : Expériences de réseaux)", Hammamet, Tunisie, Hermes science, ISBN : 978-2-7462-1891-8, Lavoisier, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"The nature of Gameplay: a videogame classification"
Actes du colloque "Cybergames 2007", Manchester, Angleterre, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 1.2mo)
- Damien Djaouti
"Narration et Interaction : relations en milieu vidéoludique"
Mémoire de Master 2 Recherche, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 2007.
Télécharger le mémoire (PDF - 4.5mo)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Towards a classification of Video Games"
Actes du colloque "Artificial and Ambient Intelligence convention (Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence) (AISB (ASAMi) 2007)", Newcastle upon Tyne, Royaume-Uni, The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Morphological study of the video games"
Actes du colloque "CGIE 2006", Perth, Australie, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 600ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"A classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach"
Actes du colloque "Enactive / 06 : Enaction & Complexity", Montpellier, ENACTIVE, pp.99-100, 2006.
Download poster (PDF - 150ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"V.E.Ga.S.: A tool to study morphology of the video games"
Actes du colloque "International Digital Games Conference (GAMES 2006)", Portalegre, Portugal, APROJE, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 150ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Etude morphologique des jeux vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 120ko)
- Heintz, Stephanie Alexandra
"Digital Educational Games: Methodologies for Evaluating the Impact of Game Type"
University of Leicester, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Stephanie Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law
" The Game Genre Map: A Revised Game Classification"
CHI PLAY '15 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Pages 175-184 , London, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Nadia Akma Ahmad Zaki, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Kartini Ahmad
"Analysis and classification of serious games for cognitive stimulation"
Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 2015 International Conference on, 2015.
- Marigo Raftopoulos
"How enterprises play: Towards a taxonomy for enterprise gamification"
DiGRA 2015, At Luneburg, Germany, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Duin, H., Hauge, J. B., Hunecker, F., & Thoben, K.
"Application of Serious Games in Industrial Contexts"
Industrial Contexts. In M. Cruz-Cunha, V. Varvalho, & P. Tavares (Eds.) Business, Technological, and Social Dimensions of Computer Games: Multidisciplinary Developments (pp. 331-347). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1- 60960-567-4.ch020 Application of Serious Games in , 2011.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Antoine Taly, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Louise Sauvé
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
Chapitre d'ouvrage: S. Leleu-Merviel, Useille, Philippe, & Schmitt, Daniel (Eds.), De l?UXD au LivXD, le design des expériences de vie. ISTE Editions, pp.253-278., 2018.
Acheter le livre (
Cognitive mediation
"Introducing pupils to robotics & computer science: when mediating materials impact the teaching action's grammar"
STICEF, Volume 28, 2021 Article de recherche, 2022.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Julian Alvarez
"S'initier à la robotique/informatique en classe de grande section de maternelle. Une expérimentation autour de l?utilisation du robot Blue Bot comme "
Re S M ICT E | ISSN: 1792-3999 (electronic), 1791-261X (print) | Laboratory of Didactics of Sciences, Mathematics and ICT, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras., 2019.
document.pdf - [mirror link]
Collaborative agent-based architecture
Collaborative learning
- Sébastien George, Élise Lavoué, Baptiste Monterrat
"Linking normative and descriptive research with serious gaming"
8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013), Sep 2013, Paphos, Cyprus. Springer, pp.111-124, 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8095., 2017.
Lien / Link
- Sébastien George, Élise Lavoué, Baptiste Monterrat
"An Environment to Support Collaborative Learning by Modding"
In: Hernández-Leo D., Ley T., Klamma R., Harrer A. (eds) Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact. EC-TEL 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8095. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George
"Learning Game 2.0: support for game modding as a learning activity"
6th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2012), Oct 2012, Cork, Ireland. pp.340-347, 2012, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Winfred Omwakwe - Bachelor of Communication & Entertainment Management
"An introduction to the exciting world of Serious Games"
Université de Monaco, 2012.
Link / Lien
- Julian Alvarez et Pascal Staccini
e-virtuoses et SEGAMED, CCI Grand Hainaut, Play Research Lab, UNICE, 2014.
Download / Télécharger
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Design Tools for Collaboration"
Gamasutra, 2013.
Read online (Gamasutra)
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
Comparative study
- Julian ALVAREZ, Katell BELLEGARDE, Julie BOYAVAL, Vincent HUREZ, Jean-Jacques FLAHAUT, Thierry LAFOUGE
"An educational robotics experiment conducted with five-year old pupils to learn coding / decoding / design: Statistical results and interpretations "
Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées, Vol 22 - N°2/ 2021, 2023.
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- Julian Alvarez, Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Vincent Hurez, Jean-Jacques Flahaut et Thierry Lafouge
""Distance" Hypothesis applied to robot-pedagogy for children in kindergarten"
EIAH 2021 / APIMU - Atelier "Apprentissage de la pensée informatique de la maternelle à l'Université : retours d'expériences et passage à l'échelle", Fribourg, Suisse, 2021.
Link / Lien
- Abdelali, Slimani; Mateu, Sbert; Imma, Boada; Fatiha, Elouaai; Mohammed, bouhorma.
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology . 10/15/2016, Vol. 92 Issue 1, p130-143. 14p., 2016.
Lien / Link
Computer-supported design
- Andreja Samčović, Antoni Jaume-i-Capo
"Serious games in health care based on multimedia technologies"
Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2013 21st, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Christopher Carter, Qasim Mehdi, Thomas Hartley
"Navigational techniques to improve usability and user experience in RPG games"
Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Nour El Mawas, Jean-Pierre Cahier, Aurélien Bénel
"Serious games for expertise training: Rules in questions"
Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on, 2012.
Lien / Link
Computers and education
- Francesco Bellotti, Riccardo Berta, Alessandro De Gloria, Michela Ott, Maria Magdalena Popescu, Jannicke Baalsrud-Hauge
"Supporting Collaborative Serious Game Studies Online"
Games and Learning Alliance Volume 9599 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 228-237, 2016.
- Karla Muñoz , Paul Mc Kevitt, Tom Lunney, Julieta Noguez, Luis Neri
"Designing and Evaluating Emotional Student Models for Game-Based Learning"
In Serious Games and Edutainment Applications pp 245-271, 2011.
Constructivist psychocognitive theories
- Houda Mouaheb, Ahmed Fahli, Mohammed Moussetad, Said Eljamali
"The Serious Game: What Educational Benefits?"
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 46, 2012, Pages 5502-5508 4th WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
Controlled natural language
- Victor Potier
"Mise en jeu de la production aux usages d?un jeu sérieux. Le cas d'une entreprise du secteur du jeu vidéo"
Sciences du jeu, 2 | 2014 : Questionner les mises en forme ludiques du web : gamification, ludification et ludicisation, 2014.
Lire l'article
- Nour El Mawas, Jean-Pierre Cahier
"Towards Participative and Knowledge-Intensive Serious Games"
Ma M., Oliveira M.F., Hauge J.B., Duin H., Thoben KD. (eds) Serious Games Development and Applications. SGDA 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7528. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Damien Djaouti
"ArtGame weekend #2 - Jury member"
La cantine, Paris, 2011.
Site officiel du concours
- Damien Djaouti, Jean-Philippe Gardès, Josette Hospital
"Global Game Jam 2011 - Organizer of the Toulouse location"
Centre Culturel Odyssud, Blagnac, 2011.
Site officiel du concours
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games et apprentissage par projets"
e.virtuoses 2011, Lille, 2011.
Programme de la conférence
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Game Design - Theoretical and technical study of the creation of games aimed to serve serious purposes"
Thèse de doctorat en informatique, Université de Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, 2011.
Télécharger la thèse (PDF - 11 Mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 1st approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 68, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 250ko)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Place your bets! Thoughts on the scope of video game creation tools"
Actes du colloque "Ludovia 2008" , Ax-les-Thermes, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400 ko)
Crisis management training
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagames: Questioning About the Unproductive Criterion of Play"
in SAVIGNAC, E. (2021). Gamification de la société/ The Gamification of Society, ISTE Editions, LONDRES, (ROYAUME-UNI), , 2021.
Télécharger chapitre
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagame: Crowdsourcing, Metrics & Traces"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Studies Pages 72-76, Paris, France, October 03 - 05, 2018 ACM New York, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6438-6, doi>10.1145/3240431.3240445, 2018.
Link / Lien
- Alexey Voinov, Nagesh Kolagani, Michael K. McCall, Pierre D. Glynn, Marit E. Kragt, Frank O. Ostermann, Suzanne A. Pierce, Palaniappan Ramu
"Modelling with stakeholders - Next generation"
Elsevier, Environmental Modelling & Software Volume 77, March 2016, Pages 196-220, 2016.
Cultural heritage
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux, Vincent Charvillat, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Serious Games & Cultural Heritage: A case study of prehistoric caves"
Actes du colloque "15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia (VSMM 2009)", Vienne, Autriche, 2009.
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- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, Fotis Arnaoutoglou, Georgia Petsa, Stella Markantonatou, George Pavlidis
"The 'Synthesis' Virtual Museum?an open virtual exhibition creation tool"
International Workshop on Virtual Archaeology: Museums & Cultural Tourism, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Bouko
"When digital technology storms the castle: serious games as a tool reflexion on heritage"
Études de communication 2015/2 (n° 45), 2015.
Lien / Link
- Michela Mortara, Chiara Eva Catalano, Francesco Bellotti, Giusy Fiucci, Minica Houry-Panchetti, Panagiotis Petridis
"Learning cultural heritage by serious games"
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Elsevier, 2014, vol. 15 (n 3), pp. 318-325., 2014.
Lien / Link
- Tanguy Coenen, Lien Mostmans, Kris Naessens
"MuseUs: Case study of a pervasive cultural heritage serious game"
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) - Special issue on serious games for cultural heritage JOCCH Homepage archive Volume 6 Issue 2, May 2013 , 2013.
Lien / Link
- Sofia Reis, Nuno Correia
"Co-located Interaction in Casual Games for the Dissemination of Traditional Stories"
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2016 - président du jury"
Game Pratic' 2016, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2016.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2015 - jury member"
Game Pratic' 2015, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2015.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' - jury member"
Game Pratic', game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2014.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Danuta Smołucha
"Muzeum w XXI wieku. Między rzeczywistością a wirtualnym światem (Museum of the XXI century. Between virtual world and reality)"
Perspektywy Kultury, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Sofie Van Hoecke, Koen Samyn, Gaétan Deglorie, Olivier Janssens, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle
"Enabling Control of 3D Visuals, Scenarios and Non-linear Gameplay in Serious Game Development Through Model-Driven Authoring"
5th International Conference, SGAMES 2015 Novedrate, Italy, September 16?18, 2015, Springer, 2015.
Data powered collective intelligence and action
- David Osimo, Katarzyna Szkuta, Stefano Armenia, Fenareti Lampathaki, Sotiris Koussouris, Spiros Mouzakitis, Yannis Charalabidis, Dimitris Askounis, Melanie Bicking, Gianluca Misuraca, Roberto Pizzicannella
"CROSSROAD project"
ICT-2009.7.3 ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling FP7-ICT-2009-4 Support Action (SA) Project, 2010.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Crowdsourcing Métriques & Traces"
IDEMM'16, 2016.
Télécharger la présentation / Download presentation
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagames: Questioning About the Unproductive Criterion of Play"
in SAVIGNAC, E. (2021). Gamification de la société/ The Gamification of Society, ISTE Editions, LONDRES, (ROYAUME-UNI), , 2021.
Télécharger chapitre
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagame: Crowdsourcing, Metrics & Traces"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Studies Pages 72-76, Paris, France, October 03 - 05, 2018 ACM New York, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6438-6, doi>10.1145/3240431.3240445, 2018.
Link / Lien
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagame : Crowdsourcing, Métriques & Traces"
Education Artististique et Economie Numérique - ESPE Valenciennes - Benjamin Brou, 2016.
Télécharger le programme
Decision making
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Maite Frutos-Pascual, Begona Garcia Zapirain
"Review of the Use of AI Techniques in Serious Games: Decision making and Machine Learning"
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games ( Volume: PP, Issue: 99 ), 2015.
Lien / Link
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Michele Barsotti, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"ADITHO - a Serious Game for Training and Evaluating Medical Ethics Skills"
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2015 Volume 9353 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 59-71, Springer, 2015.
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"VR-based serious game designed for medical ethics training"
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Second International Conference, AVR 2015, Lecce, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2015, Proceedings, Springer, 2015.
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games : Enjeux, offre et marché - Enseignement - Formation - Santé Information & Communication - Défense (3e e.)"
IDATE, 2012.
Download - [mirror link]
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games: Issues, offer and market Education - Training - Health Care Information & Communication - Defence (3rd Edition)"
IDATE, 2012.
M11213__Report.pdf - [mirror link]
- Alexander Gundermann
"A Web-Based Serious Game for Joint Training"
Lien / Link
- Coral Dando, Claire Tranter
"Military and Defence Applications"
Applied Cyberpsychology pp 197-215, Springer, 2016.
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"A serious game approach"
Ludovia magazine, n°4, Avril/Mai/Juin, p.6 à 8, 2008.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
" AR / VR / XR: Approaches and Experiments"
Séminaire « Visibilité de l'entreprise sur le Web et nouvelles technologies », CMQ Relation Client 3.0. / CMQ Tourisme / GRETA Lille Métropole, 2024.
Support de présentation
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagame : Crowdsourcing, Métriques & Traces"
Education Artististique et Economie Numérique - ESPE Valenciennes - Benjamin Brou, 2016.
Télécharger le programme
- Damien Djaouti
"De l'utilité de l'appellation « Serious Game ». Le jeu est-il l'apanage du divertissement ? "
Interfaces Numériques, pp.409-429, Vol 3/3, 2014.
Lire l'article en ligne (Site officiel de la revue)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"An introduction to Serious game - Definitions and concepts"
LARSEN Science 2011 in "Serious Games & Simulation for Risks Management" ISBN 978-2-9541430-0-2 (PDF), 2011.
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- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Classifying Serious Games: The G/P/S Model"
Patrick Felicia (ed), "Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games: Multidisciplinary Approaches", IGI Global, 2011.
Download book chapter (PDF - 140 ko) - [mirror link]
- Sangkyun Kim, Kibong Song, Barbara Lockee, John Burton
"What is Gamification in Learning and Education?"
Part of the Advances in Game-Based Learning book series (AGBL), 2017.
Lien / Link
- Christian Sebastian Loh (Southern Illinois University), Yanyan Sheng (Southern Illinois University), Dirk Ifenthaler (University of Mannheim)
In C. S. Loh, Y. Sheng, & D. Ifenthaler (Eds). Serious Games Analytics: Methodologies for Performance Measurement, Assessment, and Improvement. New York, NY: Springer. [Chapter 1], 2015.
- Manouk Borzakian
"Les jeux: quelle définition par et pour les sciences sociales?"
Journal Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure Volume 35, 2012 - Issue 2, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Damien Djaouti
"Workshop : Design"
e-virtuoses 2013, 2013.
Programme de la conférence (e-virtuoses 2013)
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Antoine Taly, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Louise Sauvé
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
Chapitre d'ouvrage: S. Leleu-Merviel, Useille, Philippe, & Schmitt, Daniel (Eds.), De l?UXD au LivXD, le design des expériences de vie. ISTE Editions, pp.253-278., 2018.
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- Damien Djaouti
"Méthodes de conception de Serious Games. Vers un modèle générique ?"
Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, pp.37-62, Vol 20/1, 2015.
Lire l'article en ligne (RevuesOnline)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
"La création de Newsgames pour développer l'esprit critique d'élèves-ingénieurs : une expérimentation empirique"
Atelier "Serious Games, jeux épistémiques numériques", conférence "EIAH 2013", Toulouse, 28-31 mai, 2013.
Actes de l'atelier (EIAH 2013) - [mirror link]
- Beatriz Legerén Lago
, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Matthew Beale
"Designing an Agile Game for Technical Communication Classrooms"
SIGDOC '16 Proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication Article No. 17,Silver Spring , 2016.
Lien / Link
- Begoña Gros
"Game Dimensions and Pedagogical Dimension in Serious Games"
Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications, 402. Robert Zheng (The University of Utah, USA) and Michael K. Gardner (The University of Utah, USA), 2016.
Lien / Link
- Stéphane Goria
"Data visualizations inspired by a game and the design by disengamement"
La visualisation des données, Les Cahiers du numérique 2016/4 (Vol. 12), Lavoisier, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Pedro Cardoso
"Summarising the 7 Dimensions of an Action-Oriented Framework for Video Games"
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, 8(1), 57-72., 2016.
Lien / Link
- Pedro Jorge Couto Cardoso
"Playing in 7D An Action-Oriented Framework for Video Games"
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Art and Design, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade do Porto, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Marigo Raftopoulos
"How enterprises play: Towards a taxonomy for enterprise gamification"
DiGRA 2015, At Luneburg, Germany, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Laureline Chiapello
"A model of game design activity: new perspectives on creativity and innovation"
CHI PLAY '14 Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play Pages 287-290 , 2014.
Lien / Link
- Thomas, L. David
"Fun house ludus loci and the American home as folly"
University of Colorado at Denver, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2012. 3505860., 2012.
Lien / Link
- Roncancio R., Juan C.
"Le rôle des interfaces dans l?expérience de jeu vidéo : le jeu du ping-pong et son adaptation sur des plateformes numériques"
Thèse, Université de Montréal, 2010.
Lien / Link
Design game
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Damien Djaouti, Antoine Taly, Olivier Rampnoux and Louise SauvÉ
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
in Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Daniel Schmitt and Philippe Useille, From UXD to LivXD Living eXperience Design, ISTE Edition, 2019.
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Antoine Taly, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Louise Sauvé
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
Chapitre d'ouvrage: S. Leleu-Merviel, Useille, Philippe, & Schmitt, Daniel (Eds.), De l?UXD au LivXD, le design des expériences de vie. ISTE Editions, pp.253-278., 2018.
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Digital collaborative environment
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
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Digital educational games (deg)
Digital game-based learning
Digital games
- Begoña Gros
"Game Dimensions and Pedagogical Dimension in Serious Games"
Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications, 402. Robert Zheng (The University of Utah, USA) and Michael K. Gardner (The University of Utah, USA), 2016.
Lien / Link
- Bulut, Ergin; Mejia, Robert; McCarthy, Cameron
"Governance through Philitainment: Playing the Benevolent Subject"
Communication and Critical/ Cultural Studies, Vol. 11, No. 4, 02.10.2014, p. 342-361., 2014.
Digital serious game
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Michele Barsotti, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"ADITHO - a Serious Game for Training and Evaluating Medical Ethics Skills"
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2015 Volume 9353 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 59-71, Springer, 2015.
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"VR-based serious game designed for medical ethics training"
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Second International Conference, AVR 2015, Lecce, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2015, Proceedings, Springer, 2015.
Domain specific modeling language
- Olivier Dolbeau
"Interview de Damien Djaouti", 2010.
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- J. Alvarez, C. Gautellier, O. Rampnoux
"Serious Games ou comment sont détournés les jeux vidéo"
La Revue des Ceméa, Vers l'Education Nouvelle, N° 531, juillet 2008, p.54 - 61, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 7mo)
- Mariya Gachkova, Elena Somova
"Game-based Approach in e-Learning"
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Association for the Development of the Information Society - Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016, 143p-152p, 2016.
- Andrej Jerman Bla?ič, Franc Novak
"Challenges of Business Simulation Games?A New Approach of Teaching Business"
Computer and Information Science » Information and Knowledge Engineering » "E-Learning - Instructional Design, Organizational Strategy and Management", book edited by Boyka Gradinarova, ISBN 978-953-51-2188-6, Published: October 21, 2015 , 2015.
Lien / Link
- Tran CHI DUNG, Sébastien George
"EDoS: An authoring environment for serious games design based on three models"
4th Europeen Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, 21-22 October 2010, pp. 393-402, 2010.
Lien / Link
- Nicolas Besombes, Xavier Bodénand, Sandy Louchart, Charles-Alexandre Delestage, Julian Alvarez
"Clubs de football et e-sport : analyse croisée des influences et des repositionnements économiques et techniques"
2nd International Congress I3SAW Stirling, Scotland, 2017, 2017.
Proceedings / Actes - [mirror link]
- Delphine Buzy-Christmann, Laurent Di Filippo, Stéphane Goria et Pauline Thévenot
"Correspondances et contrastes entre jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques"
Sciences du jeu, 4 | 5 | 2016 : Jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques : filiations, croisements, recompositions, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Damien Djaouti
"Le Serious Game comme outil de communication locale : 2 jeux pour découvrir Andromède"
La Novela 2010, Mairie de Toulouse, 2010.
Site du festival Novela 2010
- Yvan Hochet
"Eco Reporter à Andromède", 2010.
Lire l'article (Réseau Ludus)
- Yasmine Kasbi
"Le temps d'un serious game devenez éco-reporter", 2010.
Lire L'article (Yasmine joue sérieusement)
- C. Vincent-Valdenaire / L. Boffet / L. Meynier
"Un Serious Game pour l'écoquartier Andromède"
Journal Télévisé 19-20, édition locale (Toulouse) du 01 juin, France 3, 2010.
- Emmanuel Haillot
"Andromède au coeur d'un jeu vidéo"
La dépèche du midi, édition du 01 juin, 2010.
Lire la version en ligne de l'article (La Dépèche)
- Thomas Gourdin
"Andromède fait sa promo avec les jeux vidéos"
ToulEco, 2010.
Lire l'article en ligne (ToulEco)
- Simon Marty
"Le Talk CT2E: Damien Djaouti"
L'invité du Journal, édition du 28 mai, CT2E, 2010.
- Julie Rimbert
"Jouez sérieusement à l'écocitoyen"
20 Minutes, édition du 27 mai, 2010.
Lire la version en ligne de l'article (20 Minutes)
"Jeux vidéo : quand l'écologie se la joue en ligne (Video game: Green games online)", 2010.
Lire l'article
- Damien Djaouti
"Utilisation de plateformes génériques de mesure analytique pour l'évaluation de Serious Games : une expérimentation"
Revue STICEF, Volume 21, 2014.
Lire l'article en ligne (Revue Sticef)
- Julian Alvarez, Jean-Yves Plantec, Mathieu Vermeulen, Christophe Kolski
"RDU Model dedicated to evaluate needed counsels for Serious Game projects"
Computers & Education Volume 114, November 2017, Pages 38-56, mis en ligne le 15/06/2017, 2017.
- Julian Alvarez
"RDU accompaniment model applyed to serious game : confrontation with the ecosystem of secondary education"
Dans Numérique & éducation Dispositifs, jeux, enjeux, hors jeux sous la direction de Philippe Bonfils, Philippe Dumas et Luc Massou, Questions de communication, série actes 34 / 2016, PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, p.83-93, 2017.
Lien vers le site de l'éditeur
- Julian Alvarez
"Journée partenaires ESPE de Lille"
ESPE de Lille, 2016.
Programme de la journée
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludo Pedagogy - Why use it?"
Immersive Factory, 2020.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Présentation d'un modèle visant à évaluer une formation utilisant le jeu comme médiation"
Rencontre "A l'intersection du jeu et de l'apprentissage", Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, le CRI, Paris, 2016.
Compte rendu de la rencontre
- Damien Djaouti, Salim Zein, Max Lévita, Michèle Bartolini, Christophe Héral, David Mekersa
"PixMeeting : Jeu Vidéo & Education (round table)"
PixLR / Montpellier In Game, Montpellier, 20 novembre, 2014.
Programme de la table ronde (PixLR)
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games pour la formation : utiliser, faire ou faire faire ?"
Séminaire "Utilisation des TIC dans des situations de formation à distance : pratiques, dispositifs et recherche", Rencontres scientifiques Montpellier-Sherbrooke", IUFM de Montpellier, 27-28 juin, 2013.
Programme de la rencontre scientifique (PRES Sud de France)
- Julian Alvarez
"Présentation des serious game dans le domaine de la santé"
"Table ronde : Quels jeux pour quels publics ?", Les journées JIES Paris 2012, Groupe Traces, 2012.
Download / Télécharger Presentation - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games et apprentissage par projets"
e.virtuoses 2011, Lille, 2011.
Programme de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Game: a concept for higher education?"
Université Vivialdi - Colloque TICE : Université de Strasbourg, 2010.
Vidéo de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Misconception 4: Video games have no place in the classroom with Julian Alvarez"
DAPI / Université de Lille, 2024.
- Hélène Denis, Romuald Delattre et Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: When playing allows you to learn"
Ota Mag' "Jouer pour apprendre : Un levier pour entrer dans les apprentissages" , 2020.
Lien vers l'interview - [mirror link]
- Céline Authemayou
"Julian Alvarez (Play research lab) : "Les serious games permettent de contextualiser les enseignements théoriques avec des cas concrets"" /, 2013.
Lire l'article
- France Télévisions / Cemea / Ligue de l?enseignement / Tralalère / Julian Alvarez
"The educational contribution of serious games"
Curiosphè / France 5, 2010.
- Yvan Hochet
"Eco Reporter à Andromède", 2010.
Lire l'article (Réseau Ludus)
- Yasmine Kasbi
"Le temps d'un serious game devenez éco-reporter", 2010.
Lire L'article (Yasmine joue sérieusement)
- Etienne Gless
"La formation à distance se la joue nouvelles technologies"
L'Entreprise N°289, 2010.
- Marie Maurisse
"Les jeux vidéos ont la classe"
Le Temps, 2009.
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- Julian Alvarez
"RDU accompaniment model applyed to serious game : confrontation with the ecosystem of secondary education"
Dans Numérique & éducation Dispositifs, jeux, enjeux, hors jeux sous la direction de Philippe Bonfils, Philippe Dumas et Luc Massou, Questions de communication, série actes 34 / 2016, PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, p.83-93, 2017.
Lien vers le site de l'éditeur
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
CIRTA 2016 / Université de Sherbrooke / Université de Laval / TELUQ / Université de Montréal / UQAM, 2016.
Actes - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games pour l'éducation : utiliser, créer, faire créer ?"
Revue Tréma, numéro 44, mai 2016, 2016.
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- Julian Alvarez et Pascal Staccini
e-virtuoses et SEGAMED, CCI Grand Hainaut, Play Research Lab, UNICE, 2014.
Download / Télécharger
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games : Enjeux, offre et marché - Enseignement - Formation - Santé Information & Communication - Défense (3e e.)"
IDATE, 2012.
Download - [mirror link]
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games: Issues, offer and market Education - Training - Health Care Information & Communication - Defence (3rd Edition)"
IDATE, 2012.
M11213__Report.pdf - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Communiquer par le jeu vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 1.2mo) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"New Advertising Tools for School Guidance"
Actes du colloque "Edutainment 2006", Hangzou, Chine, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"EduMarket Game: Technocity"
Actes du colloque "Narrative AI and Games symposium (AISB 2006)", Bristol, Royaume-Uni, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"New advertising tools: Edumarket game"
Actes du colloque "Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2006)", Copenhague, Danemark, Copenhagen Business School, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 1mo) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Valoriser via le jeu vidéo"
Revue Entrelacs, Actes du colloque "Ludovia 2005", St-Lizier, Mêlée Numérique « e-education », 2005.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 2.3mo) - [mirror link]
- Loubna El Azizi, Aziz Arbai
"Serious Games for the Development of Learning"
Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; ISSN (online) 2169-4726, Vol 5, No 4 (2017), 2017.
Lien / Link
- Rafael P. De Lope, Nuria Medina-Medina
"Using UML to Model Educational Games"
Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), 2016 8th International Conference on, IEEE, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Rafael P. De Lope, Nuria Medina-Medina
"Using UML to Model Educational Games"
Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), 2016 8th International Conference on, IEEE, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Matthew Beale
"Designing an Agile Game for Technical Communication Classrooms"
SIGDOC '16 Proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication Article No. 17,Silver Spring , 2016.
Lien / Link
- Begoña Gros
"Game Dimensions and Pedagogical Dimension in Serious Games"
Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications, 402. Robert Zheng (The University of Utah, USA) and Michael K. Gardner (The University of Utah, USA), 2016.
Lien / Link
- Yassine EL Borji, Mohamed Khaldi
"Comparative Study to Develop a Tool for the Quality Assessment of Serious Games Intended to be used in Education."
iJET ‒ Volume 9, Issue 9: "Blended Learning", 2014 55 A, 2016.
- Danuta Smołucha
"Games and gamification as modern tools in university education"
Horyzonty Wychowania, 15 (34), 231-244. DOI: 10.17399/HW.2016.153413, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Akchelov E.O., Galanina E.V., Nikitina K.S.
Lien / Link
- Andrej Jerman Bla?ič, Franc Novak
"Challenges of Business Simulation Games?A New Approach of Teaching Business"
Computer and Information Science » Information and Knowledge Engineering » "E-Learning - Instructional Design, Organizational Strategy and Management", book edited by Boyka Gradinarova, ISBN 978-953-51-2188-6, Published: October 21, 2015 , 2015.
Lien / Link
- Stephanie Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law
" The Game Genre Map: A Revised Game Classification"
CHI PLAY '15 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Pages 175-184 , London, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Margarida Romero, Sylvie Barma
"Serious Games opportunities for the primary education curriculum in Quebec"
De Gloria A. (eds) Games and Learning Alliance. GALA 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9221. Springer, Cham, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Andrej Jerman Bla?ič, Borka D?onova Jerman Bla?ič
"Exploring and Upgrading the Educational Business-Game Taxonomy"
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Marc-Antoine Dumont
"Une proposition de modèle de design pédagogique dans un processus de co-conception d'un jeu sérieux par des apprenants-concepteurs"
Université de Laval, Canada, 2014.
Lien / Link
"GAMES IN FORMAL EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS: Obstacles for the development and use of learning games"
University of Skövde, 2013.
- Chong-San Kwon, Tack Woo
"A Research on Gamification Methodology for Korean Language Education"
Journal of Korea Game Society, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, pp.61-74, DOI : 10.7583/JKGS.2013.13.1.61, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Vincent Berry
"Playing to Learn: Are you Serious? A Theoretical Discussion of the Relationship Between (Video) Games and Learning"
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l?apprentissage et de la technologie, Vol 37, No 2 (2011), 2011.
Lien / Link
- Duin, H., Hauge, J. B., Hunecker, F., & Thoben, K.
"Application of Serious Games in Industrial Contexts"
Industrial Contexts. In M. Cruz-Cunha, V. Varvalho, & P. Tavares (Eds.) Business, Technological, and Social Dimensions of Computer Games: Multidisciplinary Developments (pp. 331-347). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1- 60960-567-4.ch020 Application of Serious Games in , 2011.
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Educational business game
Educational contents
- Ryo Sugimura, Hiroki Tamari, Hiromi Kitaguchi, Sotaro Kawatsu, Kaiki Oya, Yuya Ono, Kosuke Kaneko, Saki Nakazono, Yoshihiro Okada, Motofumi Yoshida, Yukiko Kono
"Serious Games for Education and Their Effectiveness for Higher Education Medical Students and for Junior High School Students"
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ( ) (ISSN : 2091-1610 ) on volume No : 19 , Issue No : 1 , 2015.
- Sugimura, Ryo; Kawazu, Sotaro; Tamari, Hiroki; Watanabe, Kodai; Nishimura, Yohei; Oguma, Toshiki; Watanabe, Katsushiro; Kaneko, Kosuke; Okada, Yoshihiro; Yoshida, Motofumi; Takano, Shigeru; Inoue, Hitoshi
"Mobile Game for Learning Bacteriology"
International Association for Development of the Information Society, Paper presented at the International Conference on Mobile Learning 2014 (10th, Madrid, Spain, Feb 28-Mar 2, 2014), 2014.
Educational game development
Educational games for children
Educational games in sweden
Educational serious games
- Julian Alvarez
"Journée partenaires ESPE de Lille"
ESPE de Lille, 2016.
Programme de la journée
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
38e congrès de APLIUT, Lyon, 2016.
Download / Télécharger
- Julian Alvarez
"Présentation d'un modèle visant à évaluer une formation utilisant le jeu comme médiation"
Rencontre "A l'intersection du jeu et de l'apprentissage", Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, le CRI, Paris, 2016.
Compte rendu de la rencontre
- Julian Alvarez
"Introduction to ludopedagogy and Serious game"
Formation organisée par le Centre d'Etudes Pédagogiques ignatien (CEPi), France et par la coordination des écoles jésuites (COCIJE), Belgique, 2016.
Lien vers la présentation des journées d'études
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
CIRTA 2016 / Université de Sherbrooke / Université de Laval / TELUQ / Université de Montréal / UQAM, 2016.
Actes - [mirror link]
- J. Alvarez, C. Gautellier, O. Rampnoux
"Serious Games ou comment sont détournés les jeux vidéo"
La Revue des Ceméa, Vers l'Education Nouvelle, N° 531, juillet 2008, p.54 - 61, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 7mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Laurent Michaud
"Serious Games : Advergaming, edugaming, training..."
IDATE, 2008.
Télécharger l'étude (PDF - 3.3mo)
- J. Alvarez, L. Michaud
"Serious Games: Advergaming, edugaming, training and more"
IDATE, 2008.
Download study (PDF - 2.6mo)
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Communiquer par le jeu vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 1.2mo) - [mirror link]
- Luciano Julián Nomdedeu
"RAÍCES: un juego serio social para revalorizar las culturas originarias"
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2015.
- Andrej Jerman Bla?ič, Borka D?onova Jerman Bla?ič
"Exploring and Upgrading the Educational Business-Game Taxonomy"
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Marc-Antoine Dumont
"Une proposition de modèle de design pédagogique dans un processus de co-conception d'un jeu sérieux par des apprenants-concepteurs"
Université de Laval, Canada, 2014.
Lien / Link
- J. Alvarez, C. Gautellier, O. Rampnoux
"Serious Games ou comment sont détournés les jeux vidéo"
La Revue des Ceméa, Vers l'Education Nouvelle, N° 531, juillet 2008, p.54 - 61, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 7mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Laurent Michaud
"Serious Games : Advergaming, edugaming, training..."
IDATE, 2008.
Télécharger l'étude (PDF - 3.3mo)
- J. Alvarez, L. Michaud
"Serious Games: Advergaming, edugaming, training and more"
IDATE, 2008.
Download study (PDF - 2.6mo)
Edumarket game
- J. Alvarez, C. Gautellier, O. Rampnoux
"Serious Games ou comment sont détournés les jeux vidéo"
La Revue des Ceméa, Vers l'Education Nouvelle, N° 531, juillet 2008, p.54 - 61, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 7mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Laurent Michaud
"Serious Games : Advergaming, edugaming, training..."
IDATE, 2008.
Télécharger l'étude (PDF - 3.3mo)
- J. Alvarez, L. Michaud
"Serious Games: Advergaming, edugaming, training and more"
IDATE, 2008.
Download study (PDF - 2.6mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"New Advertising Tools for School Guidance"
Actes du colloque "Edutainment 2006", Hangzou, Chine, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"New advertising tools: Edumarket game"
Actes du colloque "Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2006)", Copenhague, Danemark, Copenhagen Business School, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 1mo) - [mirror link]
- Suzon Beaussant, Julian Alvarez
"Crossed perspectives on Educational Escape Games"
Mag RH n°18 (pp.47-50), 2022.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"The value of play in learning"
Learning HUB, ENAC, 2022.
Télécharger l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludo Pedagogy - Why use it?"
Immersive Factory, 2020.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious game, a ?Ludic Constraint?? Discussion around interpretive and ethical gaps in edutainment teachings"
CHU de Nantes, Roselyne Clouet, 2023.
Flyer de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Introduction to edutainment"
FIJLoC (Festival International du Jeu et Loisirs des Caraïbes), 2023.
Download / Télécharger plaquette
- Julian Alvarez
"Misconception 4: Video games have no place in the classroom with Julian Alvarez"
DAPI / Université de Lille, 2024.
- Manon Consul / Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: what if we used games to develop soft skills? Interview with Julian Alvarez"
Lefebvre Dalloz Compétences, 2024.
Lire la suite... - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: instructions for use in professional training"
C2RP / Atelier du Formateur, 2023.
Accès au podcast
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious games and design thinking: a possible combinaison?"
ISTE Open Science - Technologie et innovation , 2024.
Accès vers l'article
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Games : "A Ludic Constraint" ? Video games, work and instrumentalizations"
Editions Loco, 2023.
Présentation de l'ouvrage - [mirror link]
- Liljamo Pyry
"Serious games: history and future"
Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu University of applied sciences, 2016.
- Marc-Antoine Dumont
"Une proposition de modèle de design pédagogique dans un processus de co-conception d'un jeu sérieux par des apprenants-concepteurs"
Université de Laval, Canada, 2014.
Lien / Link
- Esther Kuindersma , Jelke van der Pal, Jaap van den Herik, Aske Plaat
"Voluntary Play in Serious Games"
Games and Learning Alliance Volume 9599 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 131-140, Springer, 2016.
- Ibtissem Daoudi, Raoudha Chebil, Wided Lejouad Chaari
"A Multi-Agent Simulation of Serious Games to Predict Their Impact on E-Learning Processes"
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol:11, No:2, 2017 , 2017.
Read paper
- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, Fotis Arnaoutoglou, Georgia Petsa, Stella Markantonatou, George Pavlidis
"A dynamic web-based 3D virtual museum framework based on open data"
Digital Heritage, 2015, IEEE, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Lisa E. Fischer
""RevQuest: The Black Chambers": Bringing together technology and gaming at a historical site"
Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013, 2013.
Lien / Link
Entrepreneurial learning
- Rachid Lamrani , El Hassan Abdelwahed, Souad Chraibi, Sara Qassimi, Meriem Hafidi, Abdelaziz El Amrani
"Serious Game to Enhance and Promote Youth Entrepreneurship"
Europe and MENA Cooperation Advances in Information and Communication Technologies Volume 520 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 77-85, Springer, 2016.
Entrepreneurship education
- Rachid Lamrani , El Hassan Abdelwahed, Souad Chraibi, Sara Qassimi, Meriem Hafidi, Abdelaziz El Amrani
"Serious Game to Enhance and Promote Youth Entrepreneurship"
Europe and MENA Cooperation Advances in Information and Communication Technologies Volume 520 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 77-85, Springer, 2016.
Escape game
- Suzon Beaussant, Julian Alvarez
"Crossed perspectives on Educational Escape Games"
Mag RH n°18 (pp.47-50), 2022.
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- Guilhem Olombel, Paola Vianez, Damien Djaouti
"Evaluating the learning efficiency of escape games: a case study in high school"
Sciences du jeu, Volume 16, 2021.
Lire l'article en ligne (Revue Sciences du Jeu)
- Gaëlle Guigon, Jérémie Humeau, Mathieu Vermeulen
"Escape Classroom : un escape game pour l'enseignement"
QPES 2017, Grenoble, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
" Discussions on the exploitation of video games"
IHEST, Etienne-Armand Amato, 2024.
- Julian Alvarez
"Instrumentalizing video games: precautions to take and pitfalls to avoid"
Nicolas Esposito, Séminaire de recherche du Laboratoire ErgoDesign Lutin-Gobelins, 2024.
Programme du séminaire - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious games: practices and effects in the world of work"
Ludinord Pro 2024, 2024.
Programme de la conférence - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious games. A ludic constraint?"
GERiiCO : Axe 3, 2024.
Programme - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez & François Garreau
"Serious Games ?A Ludic Constraint?? Ludopedagogy in debate"
Inforisque, 2024.
Lien vers la vidéo / podcast
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious game, a ?Ludic Constraint?? Discussion around interpretive and ethical gaps in edutainment teachings"
CHU de Nantes, Roselyne Clouet, 2023.
Flyer de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Educational games, ethics and responsible development"
FIJLoC, 2023.
Download / Télécharger le programme
- Julian Alvarez
"Misconception 4: Video games have no place in the classroom with Julian Alvarez"
DAPI / Université de Lille, 2024.
- Julian Alvarez
"Video games, tools of soft power or vectors of ideologies?"
The Conversation, 2024.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Games : "A Ludic Constraint" ? Video games, work and instrumentalizations"
Editions Loco, 2023.
Présentation de l'ouvrage - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Playstation VR review: the body comes back in force!"
Ludoscience, 2017.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
" Discussions on the exploitation of video games"
IHEST, Etienne-Armand Amato, 2024.
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
38e congrès de APLIUT, Lyon, 2016.
Download / Télécharger
- Julian Alvarez
"Presentation of the CEPAJe Model "
Why so serious ? "Learning Games & Gamification", 2015.
Lien vers la présentation de la journée d'étude
- Julian Alvarez
"CEPAJe, un outil pour évaluer une séance ludopédagogique"
ANRT, 2024.
Télécharger chapitre - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Clément Alvarez
"Critical Analysis of Learning Models"
Immersive Factory, 2021.
EN_Critical_Analysis_Learning_Mo.pdf - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Evaluation of serious play and serious play design"
RHIM Vol 20 - N°2 / 2019, 2020.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Pierre-André Caron, Sébastien George, Julian Alvarez
"Introduction to the special issue? Evaluation in serious games?"
Revue Sticef, Volume 21, 2014, ISSN : 1764-7223, 2015.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Enrichissement d'un modèle évaluatif pour assurer une formation avec le jeu comme médiation"
Journée AIM Serious Games et Co-design, GEM, 2015.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 1st approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 68, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 250ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 3rd approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 85, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 300ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Evaluating the coherence of a Serious Game"
Actes du colloque "Fifth EDEN Research Workshop", UNESCO, Paris, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 250ko)
- Nicolas Szilas, Denise Sutter Widmer
"L'évaluation rapide de jeux d'apprentissage : la clef de voûte de l'ingénierie ludo-pédagogique (Instructional Game Design)"
Actes de l?Atelier« Serious games, jeux épistémiques numériques » Méthodologies de recherche pour l?étude des interactions, EIAH 2013 Toulouse, 28 mai 2013 - p.24, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Diego Buchinger, Marcelo da Silva Hounsell
"Jogos sérios competitivo-colaborativos: um mapeamento sistemático da literatura"
II Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2013), XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2013), 2013.
Lien / Link
- Marfisi-Schottman, I., George, S., Tarpin-Bernard, F., & Prévot, P.
"Comment évaluer la qualité d?un Learning Game pendant sa conception ? "
Conférence Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, TICE'2012 (pp. 80-90)., 2012.
Lire l'article
- S. Mader, J. Dupire, S.Natkin, E. Guardiola
"Designing Therapeutic Games for Seniors: Case Study of "Le Village aux Oiseaux""
AMSE 2012, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Stéphanie Mader, Stéphane Natkin, Guillaume Levieux
"How to Analyse Therapeutic Games: The Player / Game / Therapy Model"
In: Herrlich M., Malaka R., Masuch M. (eds) Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2012. ICEC 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7522. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Duarte Sousa Ferreira Gomes
"Jogos Sérios para Lean Manufacturing:?Jogo: Método 5S?"
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, 2011.
Lien / Link
Evaluation methods and techniques
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games : Enjeux, offre et marché - Enseignement - Formation - Santé Information & Communication - Défense (3e e.)"
IDATE, 2012.
Download - [mirror link]
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games: Issues, offer and market Education - Training - Health Care Information & Communication - Defence (3rd Edition)"
IDATE, 2012.
M11213__Report.pdf - [mirror link]
Exchange students
- Jennifer Bohn, Maximilian Eibl, Arne Berger, Stefanie Müller
"Study-Town: a Game for Cultural Awareness"
SeriousGames '14 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Workshop on Serious Games Pages 51-56 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2014, 2014.
Experiential service platform
- Nataliya V. Bogacheva
"The Experimental Method as an Evaluation Tool in Serious Games Research and Development"
Entertainment Computing and Serious Games Volume 9970 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 284-305, 2016.
- Feldmann, Niels, Adam, Marc T. P., Bauer, Maximilian
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2014.
- Joseph Heili, Hélène Michel
"Do students trained using serious games become better sales representatives? an experiment to study the performance of academic serious games"
Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance: ECGBL 2011, 2011.
Experimental methods
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Morphological study of the video games"
Actes du colloque "CGIE 2006", Perth, Australie, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 600ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"V.E.Ga.S.: A tool to study morphology of the video games"
Actes du colloque "International Digital Games Conference (GAMES 2006)", Portalegre, Portugal, APROJE, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 150ko)
Facial emotion recognition
Facial ex-pression recognition
- Israel, Emmanuel
"A Study to Investigate the Relationship Among Flow, Social Interaction and ICT Skills with Older Adults During Gameplay"
University: University of Ottawa, 2015.
- Jean Heutte, Michel Galaup, Catherine Lelardeux, Pierre Lagarrigue, Fabien Fenouillet
"Etude des déterminants psychologiques de la persistance dans l'usage d'un jeu sérieux : évaluation de l'environnement optimal d'apprentissage avec Mec"
STICEF, ATIEF, 2014, Evaluation dans les jeux sérieux, 21, pp.ISSN : 1764-7223,, 2014.
- Abed Hamza, Philippe Pernelle, Thibault Carron, Chokri Benamar, Patrick Baert, Marwene Kechiche,
"Serious game framework confronted with specificities of industrial training: application to steel industry"
The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2015, Steinkjer, Norway, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Neil Suttie, Sandy Louchart, Theodore Lim, Andrew Macvean, Wim Westera, Damian Brown, Damien Djaouti
"Introducing the Serious Games Mechanics: A Theoretical Framework to Analyse Relationships Between Game and Pedagogical Aspects of Serious Games"
Poster presented at the "VS-Games 2012" conference, Genoa, Italy, 2012.
Download poster (PNG - 600ko)
- Alexis Le Compte, Tim Watson, David Elizondo
"A renewed approach to serious games for cyber security"
IEEE: Cyber Conflict: Architectures in Cyberspace (CyCon), 2015 7th International Conference on, 2015.
Freedom of choice
- Esther Kuindersma , Jelke van der Pal, Jaap van den Herik, Aske Plaat
"Voluntary Play in Serious Games"
Games and Learning Alliance Volume 9599 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 131-140, Springer, 2016.
- Julian Alvarez (pp.6-7 & pp.188-190)
"Preface of the book ?The Gamification Toolbox?"
Dunod, 2021.
Extrait de l'ouvrage comprenant la préface - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez; Quentin Alvarez;
"What is video game mapping?"
Ludosciecne, 2021.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez, Quentin Alvarez
"What is a zero player game?"
Ludoscience, 2020.
- Julian Alvarez, Suzon Beaussant, Vincent Berry et Julien Démaret
"Training in the use of games in a professional environment, what paths?"
Ludinord Pro, 2024.
Programme de la table ronde - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious games. A ludic constraint?"
GERiiCO : Axe 3, 2024.
Programme - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious game, a ?Ludic Constraint?? Discussion around interpretive and ethical gaps in edutainment teachings"
CHU de Nantes, Roselyne Clouet, 2023.
Flyer de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Introduction to edutainment"
FIJLoC (Festival International du Jeu et Loisirs des Caraïbes), 2023.
Download / Télécharger plaquette
- Julian Alvarez
""Realities", digital games and learning"
Groupe GT7 Immersion, Canopé, Ministère de l'Education, 2017.
Enregistrement de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Présentation des serious game dans le domaine de la santé"
"Table ronde : Quels jeux pour quels publics ?", Les journées JIES Paris 2012, Groupe Traces, 2012.
Download / Télécharger Presentation - [mirror link]
- Julian ALVAREZ & Mathilde PRIALNIC
"Game & Serious (or rather Serious Game) - Interview with Julian Alvarez"
Nananère ! #3 - Mathilde PRIALNIC - WDK Groupe Partner, 2024.
Lien vers le podcast
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: instructions for use in professional training"
C2RP / Atelier du Formateur, 2023.
Accès au podcast
- Ludomag
"Ludopedagogy: Does video game escape the question of gender?"
Ludomag, 2023.
Accès au post de Ludomag - [mirror link]
- Hélène Denis, Romuald Delattre et Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: When playing allows you to learn"
Ota Mag' "Jouer pour apprendre : Un levier pour entrer dans les apprentissages" , 2020.
Lien vers l'interview - [mirror link]
- Matthieu Tassetti et Julian Alvarez
"Julian Alvarez ? Studying the game, a good idea!"
Homo Ludens : Libérer le potentiel du jeu, 2020.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Games : "A Ludic Constraint" ? Video games, work and instrumentalizations"
Editions Loco, 2023.
Présentation de l'ouvrage - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Understanding the Language of Game Studies: Beyond the Dichotomy of "game" and "play""
Etudes de communication, 2021.
"The tablet in the museum versus the museum in the tablet: virtual walk, augmented visit or serious heritage game?"
Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM), Vol 20 - N°1/ 2019, 2020.
Fichier PDF - [mirror link]
- Gaëlle Pellon, Julian Alvarez, Joan Pere Plaza i Font
"Improving Democratic Awareness and Participation in the European Elections by means of Digital Narrative-Based Learning: a Research Agenda"
EDULEARN17, Serious And Educational Games Session, Barcelone, 3-5th July 2017, 2017.
- Julian Alvarez, Pascal Chaumette
"Presentation of a Model Dedicated to Assessing Ludo-pedagogical Activities, and Feedback"
Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité [En ligne], Vol.36 N°2 | 2017, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2017, 2017.
Lien / Link - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"The nature of Gameplay: a videogame classification"
Actes du colloque "Cybergames 2007", Manchester, Angleterre, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 1.2mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"A classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach"
Actes du colloque "Enactive / 06 : Enaction & Complexity", Montpellier, ENACTIVE, pp.99-100, 2006.
Download poster (PDF - 150ko) - [mirror link]
- Sangkyun Kim, Kibong Song, Barbara Lockee, John Burton
"What is Gamification in Learning and Education?"
Part of the Advances in Game-Based Learning book series (AGBL), 2017.
Lien / Link
- Loubna El Azizi, Aziz Arbai
"Serious Games for the Development of Learning"
Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; ISSN (online) 2169-4726, Vol 5, No 4 (2017), 2017.
Lien / Link
- Lydia Martin
"Entraves à l'attitude ludique avec un jeu sérieux intégré dans une formation managériale : un exercice plus qu'un jeu ?"
Sciences du jeu, 7 | 2017 : Les marges du jeu, 2017.
Lire l'article
- Cindy Parra, Ashley Decker, Kira Minkis
"How to Assess Dermatology Resident Surgical Training: New Techniques"
DOI: 10.1007/s13671-016-0137-6, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Danuta Smołucha
"Games and gamification as modern tools in university education"
Horyzonty Wychowania, 15 (34), 231-244. DOI: 10.17399/HW.2016.153413, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Janne Parkkila, Timo Hynninen, Jouni Ikonen, Jari Porras, Filip Radulovic
"Towards interoperability in video games"
CHItaly 2015 Proceedings of the 11th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter Pages 26-29 , 2015.
Lien / Link
- E.D. McGrady, Catherine M. Trentacoste
"Serious Games with Serious Players: Game Play with International Decision-makers"
CNA, 2014.
- Stefania Aceto, Spiros Borotis, Jim Devine, Thomas Fischer
"Mapping and Analysing Prospective learning for technologies: Results from a consultation with European stakeholders and roadmaps for policy action"
Panagiotis Kampylis & Yves Punie, European Commission: JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, Joint Research Centre, 2014.
- Chong-San Kwon, Tack Woo
"A Research on Gamification Methodology for Korean Language Education"
Journal of Korea Game Society, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, pp.61-74, DOI : 10.7583/JKGS.2013.13.1.61, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Luis Filipe Rodrigues, Carlos J. Costa, Abilio Oliveira
"The adoption of gamification in e-banking"
Proceeding ISDOC '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication Pages 47-55, 2013.
- Daniel Perry, Cecilia Aragon
"Measuring distributed affect in collaborative games"
CSCW '12 Proceedings of the ACM 2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work Companion Pages 195-198, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Thomas, L. David
"Fun house ludus loci and the American home as folly"
University of Colorado at Denver, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2012. 3505860., 2012.
Lien / Link
- Manouk Borzakian
"Les jeux: quelle définition par et pour les sciences sociales?"
Journal Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure Volume 35, 2012 - Issue 2, 2012.
Lien / Link
Game analytics
- Manuel Freire, Ángel Serrano-Laguna, Borja Manero Iglesias, Iván Martínez-Ortiz, Pablo Moreno-Ger, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón
"Game Learning Analytics: Learning Analytics for Serious Games"
Living Reference Work Entry Learning, Design, and Technology pp 1-29, Springer, 2016.
- Christian Sebastian Loh (Southern Illinois University), Yanyan Sheng (Southern Illinois University), Dirk Ifenthaler (University of Mannheim)
In C. S. Loh, Y. Sheng, & D. Ifenthaler (Eds). Serious Games Analytics: Methodologies for Performance Measurement, Assessment, and Improvement. New York, NY: Springer. [Chapter 1], 2015.
Game based learning
- Julian Alvarez
"BIP Editorial - special issue dedicated to Edutainment"
BIP n°4 / INSPE Lille Nord de France, 2022.
Télécharger l'éditorial - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
""Realities", digital games and learning"
Groupe GT7 Immersion, Canopé, Ministère de l'Education, 2017.
Enregistrement de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
38e congrès de APLIUT, Lyon, 2016.
Download / Télécharger
- Julian Alvarez
"Présentation d'un modèle visant à évaluer une formation utilisant le jeu comme médiation"
Rencontre "A l'intersection du jeu et de l'apprentissage", Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, le CRI, Paris, 2016.
Compte rendu de la rencontre
- Hélène Denis, Romuald Delattre et Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: When playing allows you to learn"
Ota Mag' "Jouer pour apprendre : Un levier pour entrer dans les apprentissages" , 2020.
Lien vers l'interview - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez & Eric Delamotte
"Digital games and Ludopedagogy: Introduction to a special issue"
Revue EducationS / ISTE OpenScience - 2022 - Vol. 6 - n°1 , 2022.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Design of serious gaming devices and experiences"
Mémoire HDR - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2019, 2019.
Télécharger mémoire / Download thesis
- Julian Alvarez
"Enrichissement d'un modèle évaluatif pour assurer une formation avec le jeu comme médiation"
Journée AIM Serious Games et Co-design, GEM, 2015.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Juan Antonio Caballero Hernández, Manuel Palomo Duarte, Juan Manuel Dodero Beardo
"Skill assessment in learning experiences based on serious games: A systematic mapping study"
Computers & Education, 2017.
Lien / Link
Game creation tools
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"A Collaborative Classification of Games & Serious Games (Database)"
Ludoscience, 2006.
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
"La création de Serious Games avec des étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur : retour d'expériences"
Conférence "PédagoTICE 2013", Toulouse, 13 juin, 2013.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 300ko)
- Damien Djaouti
"Créer des jeux vidéo en classe : des outils simples d'accès"
Revue "l'école numérique", n°7, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, 2011.
Sommaire de la revue (
Game design
- Neil Suttie, Leonardo Ronald Satria, Damien Djaouti
"Hands-On: Serious Game Design"
2nd GALA Alignment School, Carcavelos, Portugal, 2012.
Games And Learning Alliance website
- Julian Alvarez
" Le Serious game : marché en déclin ou en pleine mutation ?"
ElearningLetter, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Les Briques Gameplay - la classification des jeux vidéo par leur principe ludique"
Conférence "Comprendre le jeu vidéo et le Serious Game - Une exploration au coeur du Gameplay", Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, 17 avril, 2014.
Affiche de la conférence
- Damien Djaouti
"(Serious) Game Design tools"
2nd GALA Alignment School, Carcavelos, Portugal, 2012.
Games And Learning Alliance website
- Damien Djaouti
"Outils et techniques pour le Serious Game : moteurs propriétaires et usines à jeuxOutils et techniqu"
e.virtuoses, Lille, 2011.
Programme de la conférence
- Emmanuel Forsans
"Serious Game Design : Une thèse sur la conception de Serious Games"
AFJV, 2011.
Lire l'article (AFJV)
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious games and design thinking: a possible combinaison?"
ISTE Open Science - Technologie et innovation , 2024.
Accès vers l'article
- Damien Djaouti
"DICE: A Generic Model for the Design Process of Serious Games"
International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), 10(2), pp.39-53, 2020.
Read online (IJGBL)
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Damien Djaouti, Antoine Taly, Olivier Rampnoux and Louise SauvÉ
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
in Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Daniel Schmitt and Philippe Useille, From UXD to LivXD Living eXperience Design, ISTE Edition, 2019.
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Antoine Taly, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Louise Sauvé
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
Chapitre d'ouvrage: S. Leleu-Merviel, Useille, Philippe, & Schmitt, Daniel (Eds.), De l?UXD au LivXD, le design des expériences de vie. ISTE Editions, pp.253-278., 2018.
Acheter le livre (
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Sandy Louchart
"A Pedagogical Experiment Involving Game Design Students in Producing Non-Violence Serious Games"
ECGBL, 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning 6 - 7 October 2016, Paisley, Scotland, 2016.
Download PPT Presentation ECGBL 2016 - [mirror link]
- Neil Suttie, Sandy Louchart, Theodore Lim, Andrew Macvean, Wim Westera, Damian Brown, Damien Djaouti
"Introducing the Serious Games Mechanics: A Theoretical Framework to Analyse Relationships Between Game and Pedagogical Aspects of Serious Games"
Poster presented at the "VS-Games 2012" conference, Genoa, Italy, 2012.
Download poster (PNG - 600ko)
- Damien Djaouti
"Watch them play"
External contribution for: Jeannie Novak, Kevin Saunders, "Game Development Essentials: Game Interface Design 2nd Edition", Delmar Cengage Learning, 2012.
Buy the book (Amazon)
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Game Design - Theoretical and technical study of the creation of games aimed to serve serious purposes"
Thèse de doctorat en informatique, Université de Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, 2011.
Télécharger la thèse (PDF - 11 Mo)
- Damien Djaouti
"Créer des jeux vidéo en classe : des outils simples d'accès"
Revue "l'école numérique", n°7, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, 2011.
Sommaire de la revue (
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Designing playful interactivity: an overview of "game design" methodologies"
Actes du colloque "Ludovia 2010" , Ax-les-Thermes, 2010.
Télécharger / Download
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Can "Gaming 2.0" Help Design "Serious Games"? A Comparative Study"
Actes du colloque "SIGGRAPH 2010", Los Angeles, USA, 2010.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"From "Mods" to "Gaming 2.0": an overview of tools to ease the game design process"
Actes du colloque "Games: Design & Research Conference", Volda, Norvège, 2010.
Download Paper (PDF - 70ko)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Place your bets! Thoughts on the scope of video game creation tools"
Actes du colloque "Ludovia 2008" , Ax-les-Thermes, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400 ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Morphological study of the video games"
Actes du colloque "CGIE 2006", Perth, Australie, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 600ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"V.E.Ga.S.: A tool to study morphology of the video games"
Actes du colloque "International Digital Games Conference (GAMES 2006)", Portalegre, Portugal, APROJE, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 150ko)
- Kaouther Raies, Maha Khemaja, Yemna Mejbri
"Automatic Extraction of Smart Game Based Learning Design Expertise: An Approach Based on Learning Ontology"
In book: Innovations in Smart Learning, pp.161-170, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-2419-1_23, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Abdelali, Slimani; Mateu, Sbert; Imma, Boada; Fatiha, Elouaai; Mohammed, bouhorma.
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology . 10/15/2016, Vol. 92 Issue 1, p130-143. 14p., 2016.
Lien / Link
- Matthew Beale
"Designing an Agile Game for Technical Communication Classrooms"
SIGDOC '16 Proceedings of the 34th ACM International Conference on the Design of Communication Article No. 17,Silver Spring , 2016.
Lien / Link
- Matthew Lee
"Positive Psychology in Game Design: A Framework for Collaboration"
Proceedings of DiGRA Australia Queensland Symposium 2016: Wayfinding, 2016.
- Therése Svensson Pierrau
"Learning Without Knowing: A study of playfulness in educational games"
Uppsala University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Game Design, 2014.
"Creación de Juegos Serios en Unity 3D"
- Frédérique Frossard
"Fostering teachers? creativity through the creation of GBL scenarios"
University of Barcelona, Facultat de Pedagogia Departament de Didàctica i Organització Educativa Programa de Doctorado Educació i Societat, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Stéphanie Mader, Stéphane Natkin, Guillaume Levieux
"How to Analyse Therapeutic Games: The Player / Game / Therapy Model"
In: Herrlich M., Malaka R., Masuch M. (eds) Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2012. ICEC 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7522. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
Lien / Link
Game development kits
- Sébastien George, Élise Lavoué, Baptiste Monterrat
"Linking normative and descriptive research with serious gaming"
8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013), Sep 2013, Paphos, Cyprus. Springer, pp.111-124, 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8095., 2017.
Lien / Link
- Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George
"Learning Game 2.0: support for game modding as a learning activity"
6th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2012), Oct 2012, Cork, Ireland. pp.340-347, 2012, 2012.
Lien / Link
Game development life cycle
Game development methodology
Game development processes
Game development workflows
Game elements-attributes model (geam)
Game genome approach
- Duin, H., Hauge, J. B., Hunecker, F., & Thoben, K.
"Application of Serious Games in Industrial Contexts"
Industrial Contexts. In M. Cruz-Cunha, V. Varvalho, & P. Tavares (Eds.) Business, Technological, and Social Dimensions of Computer Games: Multidisciplinary Developments (pp. 331-347). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1- 60960-567-4.ch020 Application of Serious Games in , 2011.
Lien / Link
Game jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2016 - président du jury"
Game Pratic' 2016, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2016.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Climate Game Jam 2016 - parrain"
Climate Game Jam 2016, association Hakatah, 18-20 mars,, 2016.
Site officiel de la Jam (
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2015 - jury member"
Game Pratic' 2015, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2015.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' - jury member"
Game Pratic', game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2014.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
Game mechanics
- Grégory Ben Sadoun & Julian Alvarez
"Gameplay Bricks Model, a Theoretical Framework to Match Game Mechanics and Cognitive Functions"
Games and Culture / Sage Publication, 2022.
- Neil Suttie, Sandy Louchart, Theodore Lim, Andrew Macvean, Wim Westera, Damian Brown, Damien Djaouti
"Introducing the Serious Games Mechanics: A Theoretical Framework to Analyse Relationships Between Game and Pedagogical Aspects of Serious Games"
Poster presented at the "VS-Games 2012" conference, Genoa, Italy, 2012.
Download poster (PNG - 600ko)
- Bruno Simões, Raffaele De Amicis
"Gamification as a Key Enabling Technology for Image Sensing and Content Tagging"
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services 2016 Volume 55 of the series Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies pp 503-513, Springer, 2016.
- Akchelov E.O., Galanina E.V., Nikitina K.S.
Lien / Link
Game software quality evaluation
Game-based learning
- Marielle LÉONARD, Yvan PETER, Yann SECQ, Julian ALVAREZ & Cédric FLUCKIGER
"PATTERN..PATTERN.. : learning loops without spatial skills"
STICEF, Volume 28, 2021 Article de recherche, 2022.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Phil Wilkinson
"A Brief History of Serious Games"
Entertainment Computing and Serious Games Volume 9970 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 17-41, 2016.
- Serdar Aslan
"Digital Educational Games: Methodologies for Development and Software Quality"
Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, George Pavlidis
"DynaMus: a fully dynamic 3D virtual Museum framework"
Journal of Cultural Heritage, Volume 22, November?December 2016, Pages 984?991, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Sébastien COMBÉFIS, Gytautas BERESNEVIČIUS, Valentina DAGIENĖ
"Learning Programming through Games and Contests: Overview, Characterisation and Discussion"
Olympiads in Informatics, 2016, Vol. 10, 39?60, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Mariya Gachkova, Elena Somova
"Game-based Approach in e-Learning"
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Association for the Development of the Information Society - Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016, 143p-152p, 2016.
- Carlos Alberto Ochoa-Zezzatti
"A Serious Game to make people aware of behavioral symptoms in Tourette syndrome"
Conference: Micai 2015, At Cuernavaca, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Morrison, Gillian
"BrainPlay: Serious Game, Serious Learning?"
uropean Conference on Games Based Learning: 680-686. Reading: Academic Conferences International Limited. (Oct 2015), 2015.
- Adam M. Ross, Matthew E. Fitzgerald, Donna H. Rhodes
"Game-based Learning for Systems Engineering Concepts"
ScienceDirect / Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER 2014), 2014.
- Frédérique Frossard
"Fostering teachers? creativity through the creation of GBL scenarios"
University of Barcelona, Facultat de Pedagogia Departament de Didàctica i Organització Educativa Programa de Doctorado Educació i Societat, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Paula Lorente Fernández, Mercedes Pizarro Carmona
"El juego en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera. Nuevas perspectivas"
Université de Louvain - Tonos Digital NÚMERO 23 - JULIO 2012, 2012.
- Paula Lorente Fernández, Mercedes Pizarro Carmona
"El juego en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera. Nuevas perspectivas"
Université de Louvain - Tonos Digital NÚMERO 23 - JULIO 2012, 2012.
- Christelle Mariais, Florence Michau, Jean-Philippe Pernin
"A description grid to support the design of learning role-play games"
Simulation Gaming February 1, 2011 1046878110390764, 2011.
Game-based learning model
- Mariya Gachkova, Elena Somova
"Game-based Approach in e-Learning"
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Association for the Development of the Information Society - Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016, 143p-152p, 2016.
- Julian Alvarez; Quentin Alvarez;
"Quelle est l'origine de "Gameplay" ?"
Ludoscience, 2022.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez, Quentin Alvarez
"What is Fun Theory?"
INSPE Lille Nord de France / Ludoscience, 2020.
Lien vers la vidéo / Link to the vidéo
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"There is a matrix behind our arcade games"
Pix'N Love #10, éditions Pix'N Love, 2009.
Télécharger l'article / Download the paper
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Les Briques Gameplay - la classification des jeux vidéo par leur principe ludique"
Conférence "Comprendre le jeu vidéo et le Serious Game - Une exploration au coeur du Gameplay", Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris, 17 avril, 2014.
Affiche de la conférence
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Patrick Mpondo-Dicka
"Sémiotique et Gameplay"
Colloque "Homoludens", congrès de l'Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS), Québec City, Québec, 2008.
Programme du colloque (ACFAS)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games et Gameplay"
3e Serious Games Sessions Europe, Lyon, 3 décembre, 2007.
- Julian Alvarez
"Emergence of the "gameplay" term in the English-speaking and French-speaking video game culture sphere in the 20th century"
Sciences du jeu / Laboratoire EXPERICE - Centre de Recherche Interuniversitaire Expérience Ressources Culturelles Education, 2022.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Understanding the Language of Game Studies: Beyond the Dichotomy of "game" and "play""
Etudes de communication, 2021.
- Julian Alvarez
IUPAC Paris 2019, Chemistry education, 14:00 - 18:00 PS1 - 5.2 - Poster session 1 - Blue Session - Chemistry education: 5.2, 2019.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Sophie Lepreux, Julian Alvarez, Clémentine Havrez, Yoann Lebrun, Pierrette Ethuin, Christophe Kolski
"Serious game for waste sorting on interactive tabletop with tangible objects: exploratory study"
Conférence Ergo-IA (3-5 octobre) Bidart - Biarritz, 2018.
Lien / Link - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Play, Game, World : Anatomy of a Videogame"
International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation, Volume 5 - Number 1, ISSN 1477-2043, 2008.
Download paper (PDF - 400ko) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"A Gameplay Definition throught Videogame Classification"
International Journal of Computer Game Technology, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 1er trimestre, 2008.
Read paper (International Journal of Computer Game Technology) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"From video game to serious game: cultural, pragmatic and formal approaches"
Thèse de doctorat en science de l'information et de la communication, Université de Toulouse, 2007.
Télécharger le mémoire de doctorat (PDF - 50mo)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Play, Game, World: Anatomy of a videogame"
Actes du colloque "International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational & Serious Games (Cgames 2007)", La Rochelle, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"Morphologie des jeux vidéo"
Actes du colloque "H2PTM'07 (Collaborer, Echanger, Inventer : Expériences de réseaux)", Hammamet, Tunisie, Hermes science, ISBN : 978-2-7462-1891-8, Lavoisier, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"The nature of Gameplay: a videogame classification"
Actes du colloque "Cybergames 2007", Manchester, Angleterre, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 1.2mo)
- Damien Djaouti
"Narration et Interaction : relations en milieu vidéoludique"
Mémoire de Master 2 Recherche, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 2007.
Télécharger le mémoire (PDF - 4.5mo)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Towards a classification of Video Games"
Actes du colloque "Artificial and Ambient Intelligence convention (Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence) (AISB (ASAMi) 2007)", Newcastle upon Tyne, Royaume-Uni, The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Morphological study of the video games"
Actes du colloque "CGIE 2006", Perth, Australie, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 600ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"A classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach"
Actes du colloque "Enactive / 06 : Enaction & Complexity", Montpellier, ENACTIVE, pp.99-100, 2006.
Download poster (PDF - 150ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Etude morphologique des jeux vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 120ko)
- Kaouther Raies, Maha Khemaja, Yemna Mejbri
"Automatic Extraction of Gameplay Design Expertise: An Approach Based on Semantic Annotation"
International Conference on Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation SGAMES 2016: Serious Games, Interaction and Simulation, Springer, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Delphine Buzy-Christmann, Laurent Di Filippo, Stéphane Goria et Pauline Thévenot
"Correspondances et contrastes entre jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques"
Sciences du jeu, 4 | 5 | 2016 : Jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques : filiations, croisements, recompositions, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Akchelov E.O., Galanina E.V., Nikitina K.S.
Lien / Link
- Stéphanie Mader
"Game Design of Therapeutic Games : Models and methods to design the gameplay"
Laboratoire Cedric, CNAM, 2015.
- Victor Potier
"Mise en jeu de la production aux usages d?un jeu sérieux. Le cas d'une entreprise du secteur du jeu vidéo"
Sciences du jeu, 2 | 2014 : Questionner les mises en forme ludiques du web : gamification, ludification et ludicisation, 2014.
Lire l'article
- Jung Tsung Chen, Shao Shin Hung, Der Chian Tsaih
"An Efficient Game Level Generation in Web-Based Serious Game"
Applied Mechanics and Materials (Volumes 284-287), Wen-Hsiang Hsieh, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Jaak Henno
"On structure of games"
Proceedings of the 2010 conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXI, 2010, vol. 206, p. 344., 2010.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"BIP Editorial - special issue dedicated to Edutainment"
BIP n°4 / INSPE Lille Nord de France, 2022.
Télécharger l'éditorial - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Antoine Taly, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Louise Sauvé
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
Chapitre d'ouvrage: S. Leleu-Merviel, Useille, Philippe, & Schmitt, Daniel (Eds.), De l?UXD au LivXD, le design des expériences de vie. ISTE Editions, pp.253-278., 2018.
Acheter le livre (
- Olfa Chourabi, Tantan Daniel, Lang Imed Boughzala
"Learning Business Process Management through Serious Games: Feedbacks on the Usage of INNOV8"
Business Informatics (CBI), 2016 IEEE 18th Conference on, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Rafael P. De Lope, Nuria Medina-Medina
"Using UML to Model Educational Games"
Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), 2016 8th International Conference on, IEEE, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Rafael P. De Lope, Nuria Medina-Medina
"Using UML to Model Educational Games"
Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), 2016 8th International Conference on, IEEE, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Loannis Paraskevopoulos, Emmanuel Tsekleves, Alyson Warland, Cherry Kilbride
"Virtual Reality-Based Holistic Framework: A Tool for Participatory Development of Customised Playful Therapy Sessions for Motor Rehabilitation"
Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), 2016 8th International Conference on, 2016.
- Maite Frutos-Pascual, Begona Garcia Zapirain
"Review of the Use of AI Techniques in Serious Games: Decision making and Machine Learning"
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games ( Volume: PP, Issue: 99 ), 2015.
Lien / Link
- Rui Miguel Barros Rocha
"Jogos sérios para reabilitação cognitiva"
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, 2015.
- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, Fotis Arnaoutoglou, Georgia Petsa, Stella Markantonatou, George Pavlidis
"A dynamic web-based 3D virtual museum framework based on open data"
Digital Heritage, 2015, IEEE, 2015.
Lien / Link
Estadual de Londrina University, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Joe Baxter-Webb
"How geek kids get geek jobs: a cross-generational inquiry into digital play and young adults' careers in IT"
Canterbury Christ Church University, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Øyvin Richardsen
"Learning Modeling Languages Using Strategies from Gaming"
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2014.
- Luiz Carlos Murakami, Antonio José Melo Leite Júnior, Rodolfo Felipe Sganzerla Sabino, Diego Almeida Macedo
"Design Thinking como metodologia alternativa para o desenvolvimento de jogos sérios"
Nuevas Ideas en Informática Educativa TISE 2014, 2014.
Lien / Link
- Amalia Kallergi, Fons J Verbeek
"Playful Interfaces for Scientific Image Data: A Case for Storytelling"
In book: Emerging Research and Trends in Interactivity and the Human-Computer Interface, Publisher: IGI Global, Editors: K. Blashki, P. Isaías, pp.471-489, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4623-0.ch024, 2014.
Lien / Link
- Lisa E. Fischer
""RevQuest: The Black Chambers": Bringing together technology and gaming at a historical site"
Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Andreja Samčović, Antoni Jaume-i-Capo
"Serious games in health care based on multimedia technologies"
Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2013 21st, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Imed Boughzala, Ikram Bououd, Hélène Michel
"Characterization and Evaluation of Serious Games: A Perspective of Their Use in Higher Education"
System Sciences (HICSS), 2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on, 2013.
- Christopher Carter, Qasim Mehdi, Thomas Hartley
"Navigational techniques to improve usability and user experience in RPG games"
Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Nour El Mawas, Jean-Pierre Cahier, Aurélien Bénel
"Serious games for expertise training: Rules in questions"
Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Thierry Robert, Claude Ayerdi-Martin
"The Gamification of Numeric Médiat The Development of Specialised Online Games for Libraries "
Documentation et bibliothèques, Volume 58, numéro 2, Avril/Juin 2012, Association pour l'avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation (ASTED) ISSN 0315-2340 (imprimé) 2291-8949 (numérique), 2012.
Lien / Link
- Vincent Berry
"Playing to Learn: Are you Serious? A Theoretical Discussion of the Relationship Between (Video) Games and Learning"
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l?apprentissage et de la technologie, Vol 37, No 2 (2011), 2011.
Lien / Link
- Jaak Henno
"On structure of games"
Proceedings of the 2010 conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXI, 2010, vol. 206, p. 344., 2010.
Lien / Link
- Carlos Delgado-Mata, Ricardo Ruvalcaba-Manzano, Oscar Quezada-Patino, Jesus Ibanez-Martinez
"Low cost video game technology to measure and improve motor skills in children"
Conference: AFRICON, 2009. AFRICON '09., DOI: 10.1109/AFRCON.2009.5308189 · Source: IEEE Xplore, 2009.
Lien / Link
- Damien Djaouti
"Workshop : Design"
e-virtuoses 2013, 2013.
Programme de la conférence (e-virtuoses 2013)
- Julian Alvarez (pp.6-7 & pp.188-190)
"Preface of the book ?The Gamification Toolbox?"
Dunod, 2021.
Extrait de l'ouvrage comprenant la préface - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludo Pedagogy - Why use it?"
Immersive Factory, 2020.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
" Discussions on the exploitation of video games"
IHEST, Etienne-Armand Amato, 2024.
- Julian Alvarez, Laurent Auneau, Sam Damani, Clément Muletier (El Gamificator)
Game All Over#1 - Plaine Image / Imaginarium - Laurent Tricart, 2016.
Programme du colloque - [mirror link]
- Sophie Le May Fourmentraux & Julian Alvarez
"How to reinvent health prevention through play?"
Interview-dexpert---Re769in.pdf - [mirror link]
- Winfred Omwakwe - Bachelor of Communication & Entertainment Management
"An introduction to the exciting world of Serious Games"
Université de Monaco, 2012.
Link / Lien
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy told by a sponge"
ISTE / 8ème Colloque International Game Evolution (CIGE), 2024.
Paper / Article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Games : "A Ludic Constraint" ? Video games, work and instrumentalizations"
Editions Loco, 2023.
Présentation de l'ouvrage - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagames: Questioning About the Unproductive Criterion of Play"
in SAVIGNAC, E. (2021). Gamification de la société/ The Gamification of Society, ISTE Editions, LONDRES, (ROYAUME-UNI), , 2021.
Télécharger chapitre
- Julian Alvarez
"Design of serious gaming devices and experiences"
Mémoire HDR - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2019, 2019.
Télécharger mémoire / Download thesis
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Damien Djaouti, Antoine Taly, Olivier Rampnoux and Louise SauvÉ
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
in Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Daniel Schmitt and Philippe Useille, From UXD to LivXD Living eXperience Design, ISTE Edition, 2019.
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Irrmann, Antoine Taly, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Louise Sauvé
"Design Games and Game Design: Relations Between Design, Codesign and Serious Games in Adult Education"
Chapitre d'ouvrage: S. Leleu-Merviel, Useille, Philippe, & Schmitt, Daniel (Eds.), De l?UXD au LivXD, le design des expériences de vie. ISTE Editions, pp.253-278., 2018.
Acheter le livre (
- Sophie Lepreux, Julian Alvarez, Clémentine Havrez, Yoann Lebrun, Pierrette Ethuin, Christophe Kolski
"Serious game for waste sorting on interactive tabletop with tangible objects: exploratory study"
Conférence Ergo-IA (3-5 octobre) Bidart - Biarritz, 2018.
Lien / Link - [mirror link]
- Sarah Gentry, Beatrice L'Estrade Ehrstrom, Andrea Gauthier, Julian Alvarez, David Wortley, Jurriaan van Rijswijk, Josip Car, Anneliese Lilienthal, Lorainne Tudor Car, Charoula K Nikolaou, Nabil Zary
"Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions for health professional education (Protocol)"
Cochrane Library / Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, 2016.
Read paper - [mirror link]
- Sangkyun Kim, Kibong Song, Barbara Lockee, John Burton
"What is Gamification in Learning and Education?"
Part of the Advances in Game-Based Learning book series (AGBL), 2017.
Lien / Link
- Gaëlle Guigon, Jérémie Humeau, Mathieu Vermeulen
"Escape Classroom : un escape game pour l'enseignement"
QPES 2017, Grenoble, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Imed Boughzala, Olfa Chourabi, Daniel Lang, Mondher Feki
"Feedback on the integration of a serious game in the data modeling learning"
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Maria Antonietta Denami
"A Serious Game for the development of the professional skills of operators in aseptic zone : definition of a holistic model of design and usage studie"
École doctorale Sciences humaines et sociales ? Perspectives européennes (Strasbourg) , en partenariat avec Laboratoire interuniversitaire des sciences de l'éducation et de la communication (Strasbourg) (laboratoire), 2016.
Lien / Link
- Tancicleide C S Gomes, Jeane C B De Melo, Patricia C. de A. R. Tedesco
"Jogos no Design de Experiências de Aprendizagem de Programação Engajadoras"
In book: Anais da V Jornada de Atualização em Informática na Educação, Edition: 1, Chapter: Jogos no Design de Experiências de Aprendizagem de Programação Engajadoras, Editors: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, pp.39, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, Stella Markantonatou, George Pavlidis
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 16, No 5,(2016), pp. 1-9, Greece, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Sébastien COMBÉFIS, Gytautas BERESNEVIČIUS, Valentina DAGIENĖ
"Learning Programming through Games and Contests: Overview, Characterisation and Discussion"
Olympiads in Informatics, 2016, Vol. 10, 39?60, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Luís Filipe da Silva Rodrigues
"A adoção de aplicações informáticas com características de jogos online: Uma perspetiva no setor do e-banking em Portugal"
Lisboa University, Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Mariya Gachkova, Elena Somova
"Game-based Approach in e-Learning"
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Association for the Development of the Information Society - Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016, 143p-152p, 2016.
- Stéphane Goria
"Data visualizations inspired by a game and the design by disengamement"
La visualisation des données, Les Cahiers du numérique 2016/4 (Vol. 12), Lavoisier, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Samuel Gallastegui González
"De lo virtual a lo físico: expandiendo las fronteras entre arte y vida a través de los juegos digitales emersivos"
Departamento de Arte y Tecnología - Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2016.
- Danuta Smołucha
"Games and gamification as modern tools in university education"
Horyzonty Wychowania, 15 (34), 231-244. DOI: 10.17399/HW.2016.153413, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Akchelov E.O., Galanina E.V., Nikitina K.S.
Lien / Link
- Qiang Wu, Yueming Zhu, Zongwei Luo
"A Gamification Approach to Getting Students Engaged in Academic Study"
Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology, Volume 17, Number 4, December 2015, 2015.
- Marigo Raftopoulos
"How enterprises play: Towards a taxonomy for enterprise gamification"
DiGRA 2015, At Luneburg, Germany, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Victor Potier
"Mise en jeu de la production aux usages d?un jeu sérieux. Le cas d'une entreprise du secteur du jeu vidéo"
Sciences du jeu, 2 | 2014 : Questionner les mises en forme ludiques du web : gamification, ludification et ludicisation, 2014.
Lire l'article
- Manuel Oliveira, Sobah Petersen
"The Choice of Serious Games and Gamification"
Serious Games Development and Applications Volume 8778 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 213-223, SPRINGER, 2014.
- Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George
"Vers une ludification personnalisée dans une plateforme d'ancrage mémoriel"
Actes de l?Atelier« Serious games, jeux épistémiques numériques » Méthodologies de recherche pour l?étude des interactions, EIAH 2013 Toulouse, 28 mai 2013 - p.19, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Chong-San Kwon, Tack Woo
"A Research on Gamification Methodology for Korean Language Education"
Journal of Korea Game Society, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, pp.61-74, DOI : 10.7583/JKGS.2013.13.1.61, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Luis Filipe Rodrigues, Carlos J. Costa, Abilio Oliveira
"The adoption of gamification in e-banking"
Proceeding ISDOC '13 Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information Systems and Design of Communication Pages 47-55, 2013.
- Marius Ludvigsen, Christian Wallervand
"Gamifying an Oil-Gas-Water Separation Process in a Process Control System to Improve Operators' Motivation, Skills, and Process Understanding"
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2012.
- Thierry Robert, Claude Ayerdi-Martin
"The Gamification of Numeric Médiat The Development of Specialised Online Games for Libraries "
Documentation et bibliothèques, Volume 58, numéro 2, Avril/Juin 2012, Association pour l'avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation (ASTED) ISSN 0315-2340 (imprimé) 2291-8949 (numérique), 2012.
Lien / Link
Gaming 2.0
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Can "Gaming 2.0" Help Design "Serious Games"? A Comparative Study"
Actes du colloque "SIGGRAPH 2010", Los Angeles, USA, 2010.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"From "Mods" to "Gaming 2.0": an overview of tools to ease the game design process"
Actes du colloque "Games: Design & Research Conference", Volda, Norvège, 2010.
Download Paper (PDF - 70ko)
- Stephanie Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law
" The Game Genre Map: A Revised Game Classification"
CHI PLAY '15 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Pages 175-184 , London, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Jin Ha Lee, Natascha Karlova, Rachel Ivy Clarke, Katherine Thornton, Andrew Perti
"Facet Analysis of Video Game Genres"
iSchools, iConference 2014 Proceedings (p. 125 - 139). doi:10.9776/14057, 2014.
Lien / Link
- Benjamin B. Pennell
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008.
Lien / Link
- Jennifer Bohn, Maximilian Eibl, Arne Berger, Stefanie Müller
"Study-Town: a Game for Cultural Awareness"
SeriousGames '14 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Workshop on Serious Games Pages 51-56 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2014, 2014.
Gesture-based interaction
Government service utility
- David Osimo, Katarzyna Szkuta, Stefano Armenia, Fenareti Lampathaki, Sotiris Koussouris, Spiros Mouzakitis, Yannis Charalabidis, Dimitris Askounis, Melanie Bicking, Gianluca Misuraca, Roberto Pizzicannella
"CROSSROAD project"
ICT-2009.7.3 ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling FP7-ICT-2009-4 Support Action (SA) Project, 2010.
Lien / Link
Grand challenges
- David Osimo, Katarzyna Szkuta, Stefano Armenia, Fenareti Lampathaki, Sotiris Koussouris, Spiros Mouzakitis, Yannis Charalabidis, Dimitris Askounis, Melanie Bicking, Gianluca Misuraca, Roberto Pizzicannella
"CROSSROAD project"
ICT-2009.7.3 ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling FP7-ICT-2009-4 Support Action (SA) Project, 2010.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Santé et Serious Gaming : concepts, état de l'art et perspectives"
Colloque "L'Homo Ludens du XXI siècle", université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, 2015.
Programme de la conférence Homo Ludens XXIe siècle
- Julian Alvarez
"Typology of therapeutic games and guidelines for their development in prevention, functional re-education and rehabilitation "
ESPRM-SOFMER Marseille 2014 - Patrick et Alexandre Abellard, 2014.
Download / Télécharger - [mirror link]
- Sophie Le May Fourmentraux & Julian Alvarez
"How to reinvent health prevention through play?"
Interview-dexpert---Re769in.pdf - [mirror link]
- Renaud Coureau
"Jeux vidéo thérapeutiques: "pour l'instant, il faut y croire ?""
OWNI, 2010.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Sandy Louchart, Yoann Lebrun, Nabil Zary, Sophie Lepreux and Christophe Kolski
"A formal approach to distinguish Games, Toys, Serious Games & Toys, Serious Re-purposing & Modding and Simulators"
IEEE Transaction on Games, 2022.
Download paper
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
CIRTA 2016 / Université de Sherbrooke / Université de Laval / TELUQ / Université de Montréal / UQAM, 2016.
Actes - [mirror link]
- Sarah Gentry, Beatrice L'Estrade Ehrstrom, Andrea Gauthier, Julian Alvarez, David Wortley, Jurriaan van Rijswijk, Josip Car, Anneliese Lilienthal, Lorainne Tudor Car, Charoula K Nikolaou, Nabil Zary
"Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions for health professional education (Protocol)"
Cochrane Library / Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, 2016.
Read paper - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez et Pascal Staccini
e-virtuoses et SEGAMED, CCI Grand Hainaut, Play Research Lab, UNICE, 2014.
Download / Télécharger
- Catherine Lelardeux, Julian Alvarez, Thierry Montaut, Michel Galaup, Pierre Lagarrigue
"Healthcare Games and the Metaphoric Approach"
In Sylvester Arnab, Ian Dunwell, Kurt Debattista, "Serious Games for Healthcare: Applications and Implications", pp.23-49, IGI Global, 2012.
Read the preprint paper - [mirror link]
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games : Enjeux, offre et marché - Enseignement - Formation - Santé Information & Communication - Défense (3e e.)"
IDATE, 2012.
Download - [mirror link]
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games: Issues, offer and market Education - Training - Health Care Information & Communication - Defence (3rd Edition)"
IDATE, 2012.
M11213__Report.pdf - [mirror link]
- Gary Ushaw1, Janet Eyre2, Graham Morgan1
"A Paradigm for the Development of Serious Games for Health as Benefit Delivery Systems"
SEGAH 2017, 2017.
Lire l'article
- Daniel Novák, Bengisu Tulu, Håvar Brendryen
"Interactive Digital Mobile Gaming as a Strategic Tool in the Fight against Childhood Obesity"
In book: Handbook of Research on Holistic Perspectives in Gamification for Clinical Practice, Edition: 1, Chapter: 21, Publisher: IGI GLobal, Editors: Daniel Novák, Bengisu Tulu, Håvar Brendryen, pp.475, 495, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Stéphanie Mader
"Game Design of Therapeutic Games : Models and methods to design the gameplay"
Laboratoire Cedric, CNAM, 2015.
- Daniel Tolks, Martin R Fischer
"Serious Games for Health ? ernstzunehmende didaktische Konzepte in der medizinischen Ausbildung?"
GMS MedizinischeInformatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie2013, Vol. 9(1),ISSN 1860-9171, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Cagatay M., Pinar Ege, Gul Tokdemir, Nergiz Cagiltay
"A serious game for speech disorder children therapy"
Conference: Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), 2012 7th International Symposium on, DOI: 10.1109/HIBIT.2012.6209036, 2012.
Lien / Link
Health game
- Julian Alvarez
"Santé et Serious Gaming : concepts, état de l'art et perspectives"
Colloque "L'Homo Ludens du XXI siècle", université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, 2015.
Programme de la conférence Homo Ludens XXIe siècle
- Julian Alvarez
"Typology of therapeutic games and guidelines for their development in prevention, functional re-education and rehabilitation "
ESPRM-SOFMER Marseille 2014 - Patrick et Alexandre Abellard, 2014.
Download / Télécharger - [mirror link]
- Sophie Le May Fourmentraux & Julian Alvarez
"How to reinvent health prevention through play?"
Interview-dexpert---Re769in.pdf - [mirror link]
- Renaud Coureau
"Jeux vidéo thérapeutiques: "pour l'instant, il faut y croire ?""
OWNI, 2010.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Sandy Louchart, Yoann Lebrun, Nabil Zary, Sophie Lepreux and Christophe Kolski
"A formal approach to distinguish Games, Toys, Serious Games & Toys, Serious Re-purposing & Modding and Simulators"
IEEE Transaction on Games, 2022.
Download paper
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
CIRTA 2016 / Université de Sherbrooke / Université de Laval / TELUQ / Université de Montréal / UQAM, 2016.
Actes - [mirror link]
- Sarah Gentry, Beatrice L'Estrade Ehrstrom, Andrea Gauthier, Julian Alvarez, David Wortley, Jurriaan van Rijswijk, Josip Car, Anneliese Lilienthal, Lorainne Tudor Car, Charoula K Nikolaou, Nabil Zary
"Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions for health professional education (Protocol)"
Cochrane Library / Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, 2016.
Read paper - [mirror link]
- Catherine Lelardeux, Julian Alvarez, Thierry Montaut, Michel Galaup, Pierre Lagarrigue
"Healthcare Games and the Metaphoric Approach"
In Sylvester Arnab, Ian Dunwell, Kurt Debattista, "Serious Games for Healthcare: Applications and Implications", pp.23-49, IGI Global, 2012.
Read the preprint paper - [mirror link]
- Gary Ushaw1, Janet Eyre2, Graham Morgan1
"A Paradigm for the Development of Serious Games for Health as Benefit Delivery Systems"
SEGAH 2017, 2017.
Lire l'article
- Daniel Novák, Bengisu Tulu, Håvar Brendryen
"Interactive Digital Mobile Gaming as a Strategic Tool in the Fight against Childhood Obesity"
In book: Handbook of Research on Holistic Perspectives in Gamification for Clinical Practice, Edition: 1, Chapter: 21, Publisher: IGI GLobal, Editors: Daniel Novák, Bengisu Tulu, Håvar Brendryen, pp.475, 495, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Stéphanie Mader
"Game Design of Therapeutic Games : Models and methods to design the gameplay"
Laboratoire Cedric, CNAM, 2015.
- Daniel Tolks, Martin R Fischer
"Serious Games for Health ? ernstzunehmende didaktische Konzepte in der medizinischen Ausbildung?"
GMS MedizinischeInformatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie2013, Vol. 9(1),ISSN 1860-9171, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Cagatay M., Pinar Ege, Gul Tokdemir, Nergiz Cagiltay
"A serious game for speech disorder children therapy"
Conference: Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (HIBIT), 2012 7th International Symposium on, DOI: 10.1109/HIBIT.2012.6209036, 2012.
Lien / Link
Health games
- Liljamo Pyry
"Serious games: history and future"
Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu University of applied sciences, 2016.
- Linda Lotta Luhtala
"Critical elements underpinning the emergence of the medical game ecosystem: gamifying traumatic brain injury rehabilitation in Finland"
University of Turku - Turku School of Economics, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Ana R. Cano, Alvaro García-Tejedor, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón
"Highlights in the Literature Availablein Serious Games for Intellectual Disabilities"
In book: Advances in Web-Based Learning -- ICWL 2015, pp.95-108, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25515-6_9, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Bahadir Gurer Gurkan
"Viable Health Games: Elements for Success"
University of Turku - Turku School of Economics, 2015.
Estadual de Londrina University, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Matthew Ellis, Congmin Liu, Pei Pei, Sneha Sherma, Tiffanie Smith
"Persuasive Health Games"
CPSC 414/614 Human Computer Interaction, 2014.
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Taxonomy of Serious Games dedicated to Healthcare"
SEE, Revue REE N°11, Décembre 2008, p. 91-102, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 1mo)
- Gary Ushaw1, Janet Eyre2, Graham Morgan1
"A Paradigm for the Development of Serious Games for Health as Benefit Delivery Systems"
SEGAH 2017, 2017.
Lire l'article
- Stephanie de Smale
"Level Up A Media-Archaeological Study on the Rhetoric of Progress about Serious Health Games"
Utrecht University, Faculty of Humanities, 2015.
- Julian Alvarez
"Retrogaming #2 : La Vectrex"
Serre Numérique, Valenciennes, 2016.
Annonce de l'atelier
- Damien Djaouti, Régis Monterrin, Collectif
"PlayStation VS Saturn : La guerre des 32 bits"
Editions Pix'n Love, 2016.
Acheter le livre (
- Damien Djaouti
"X-PO 2089 Cyber Revolution"
Pix'n Love #28, Editions Pix'n Love, 2015.
- Damien Djaouti
"Carmageddon TV"
Pix'n Love #27, Editions Pix'n Love, 2015.
- Damien Djaouti
Pix'n Love #26, Editions Pix'n Love, 2014.
- Damien Djaouti
"Duke Nukem 3D : part 2"
Pix N'Love #15, éditions Pix N'Love, 2010.
- Damien Djaouti
"Les pionniers du jeu vidéo : Spacewar!"
Pix'N Love #12, éditions Pix'N Love, 2010.
- Damien Djaouti
"Les pionniers du jeu vidéo"
Pix'N Love #11, éditions Pix'N Love, 2010.
- Damien Djaouti
"Comix Zone"
Editions Pix'n Love, Pix'n Love N°8, 2009.
- Damien Djaouti
"Les "Serious Games" : diffuser des messages par le jeu vidéo ?"
Climate Game Jam 2016, association Hakatah, 19 mars, 2016.
Programme de la conférence et de la Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"L'appellation "Serious Game" : une stratégie d'extention du champ d'application des jeux vidéo ?"
Colloque "L'Homo Ludens du XXI siècle", université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, 2015.
Programme de la conférence (Université Paul Valéry)
- Julian Alvarez
"Typology of therapeutic games and guidelines for their development in prevention, functional re-education and rehabilitation "
ESPRM-SOFMER Marseille 2014 - Patrick et Alexandre Abellard, 2014.
Download / Télécharger - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Autour des jeux sérieux (serious games) : Histoire du Serious Game"
BNF : Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 2014.
Télécharger la présentation / Download the presentation - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti
"Préhistoire du jeu vidéo"
Editions Pix'N Love, 2019.
Acheter l'ouvrage (Editions Pix'N Love)
- Damien Djaouti
"De l'utilité de l'appellation « Serious Game ». Le jeu est-il l'apanage du divertissement ? "
Interfaces Numériques, pp.409-429, Vol 3/3, 2014.
Lire l'article en ligne (Site officiel de la revue)
- Damien Djaouti
"Influence du libre dans l'histoire du jeu vidéo"
dans Camille Paloque-Berges, Christophe Masutti (eds),"Histoires et cultures du Libre. Des logiciels partagés aux licences échangées", Framabook, pp.197-227, 2013.
Télécharger l'ouvrage (PDF - 14mo)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Olivier Rampnoux
"Origins of Serious Games"
Minhua Ma, Andrea Oikonomou, Lakhmi C. Jain (eds.), « Serious Games and Edutainment Applications », Springer, pp.25-43, 2011.
Download book chapter (PDF - 140ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Véronique Alvarez
"Serious Games market: Some key figures (from 1950's to 2000's)"
LudoScience & IDATE, 2011.
Download report (PDF - 1.5mo)
- Lisa E. Fischer
""RevQuest: The Black Chambers": Bringing together technology and gaming at a historical site"
Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage), 2013, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Antoine Chollet, Isabelle Bourdon, Florence Rodhain
"État de l'art du jeu vidéo : histoire et usages"
17ème Congrès de l'AIM 2012 : Association Information et Management, May 2012, Bordeaux, France. pp.100-119, 2012, 2012.
Lien / Link
Human performance assessment
- Christian Sebastian Loh (Southern Illinois University), Yanyan Sheng (Southern Illinois University), Dirk Ifenthaler (University of Mannheim)
In C. S. Loh, Y. Sheng, & D. Ifenthaler (Eds). Serious Games Analytics: Methodologies for Performance Measurement, Assessment, and Improvement. New York, NY: Springer. [Chapter 1], 2015.
Human-computer interaction
Image processing and computer vision
- Julian Alvarez
" AR / VR / XR: Approaches and Experiments"
Séminaire « Visibilité de l'entreprise sur le Web et nouvelles technologies », CMQ Relation Client 3.0. / CMQ Tourisme / GRETA Lille Métropole, 2024.
Support de présentation
- Julian Alvarez
""Realities", digital games and learning"
Groupe GT7 Immersion, Canopé, Ministère de l'Education, 2017.
Enregistrement de la conférence
- Jean-Pierre Jessel, Julian Alvarez
"Imagination and virtual environment: an approach to the notion of immersion in the context of Serious Gaming"
Dans l'Atelier de l'Art sous la direction de Mario Borillo, Champ Vallon, ISBN (papier) 978-2-87673-507-1, ISBN (epub) 978-2-87673-667-2, 2010.
Link / Lien
- Samuel Gallastegui González
"De lo virtual a lo físico: expandiendo las fronteras entre arte y vida a través de los juegos digitales emersivos"
Departamento de Arte y Tecnología - Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2016.
- C. Lorenzini, M. Carrozzino, C. Evangelista, F. Tecchia, M. Bergamasco, A. Angeletaki
"A Virtual Laboratory An immersive VR experience to spread ancient libraries heritage"
Digital Heritage, 2015, 2015.
- Cristian Lorenzini, Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco, Alexandra Angeletaki
"Serious games for disseminating the knowledge of ancient manuscripts: a case study"
SCIRES-IT SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Vol 3, Issue 2 (2013), 135-142 , 2013.
- Valérie Maffiolo et Julian Alvarez
"Les Serious Games, leurs évaluations, leurs impacts"
e-virtuoses, 2009.
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Games and Customer Relationship"
Orange Labs / France Télécom, 2009.
- Eric Fourcaud
"The keys to a successful Serious Game by Julian Alvarez"
Ludovia Magazine, 2012.
Lien vidéo
- Damien Djaouti
"De l'utilité de l'appellation « Serious Game ». Le jeu est-il l'apanage du divertissement ? "
Interfaces Numériques, pp.409-429, Vol 3/3, 2014.
Lire l'article en ligne (Site officiel de la revue)
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 1st approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 68, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 250ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 2nd approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 75, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 300ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 3rd approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 85, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 300ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Thomas Gorriz
"E3 2016 : les nouveautés les plus attendues au plus grand salon mondial du jeu vidéo"
Atlantico, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Rosa Garcia-Sanchez, Damien Djaouti, Angelo Marco Luccini, Kam Star, Giusy Fiucci, Igor Mayer
"Core: Business of Serious Games"
2nd GALA Alignment School, Carcavelos, Portugal, 2012.
Games And Learning Alliance website
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Design Tools for Collaboration"
Gamasutra, 2013.
Read online (Gamasutra)
- Duin, H., Hauge, J. B., Hunecker, F., & Thoben, K.
"Application of Serious Games in Industrial Contexts"
Industrial Contexts. In M. Cruz-Cunha, V. Varvalho, & P. Tavares (Eds.) Business, Technological, and Social Dimensions of Computer Games: Multidisciplinary Developments (pp. 331-347). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. doi:10.4018/978-1- 60960-567-4.ch020 Application of Serious Games in , 2011.
Lien / Link
- Stéphane Goria
"Methods and Tools for Creative Competitive Intelligence"
John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious game: human or animal invention?"
Technologie et innovation, 2024.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
" Retrogaming and innovation"
Lectures.Cultures, n°10, Novembre-Décembre 2018, BRUXELLES, (BELGIQUE), pp.26-28, 2018.
PDF de l'article - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Communiquer par le jeu vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 1.2mo) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"New Advertising Tools for School Guidance"
Actes du colloque "Edutainment 2006", Hangzou, Chine, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"EduMarket Game: Technocity"
Actes du colloque "Narrative AI and Games symposium (AISB 2006)", Bristol, Royaume-Uni, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"New advertising tools: Edumarket game"
Actes du colloque "Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2006)", Copenhague, Danemark, Copenhagen Business School, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 1mo) - [mirror link]
- Stéphane Goria
"Methods and Tools for Creative Competitive Intelligence"
John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Laureline Chiapello
"A model of game design activity: new perspectives on creativity and innovation"
CHI PLAY '14 Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play Pages 287-290 , 2014.
Lien / Link
- Antoine Chollet, Isabelle Bourdon, Florence Rodhain
"État de l'art du jeu vidéo : histoire et usages"
17ème Congrès de l'AIM 2012 : Association Information et Management, May 2012, Bordeaux, France. pp.100-119, 2012, 2012.
Lien / Link
Instructional design and model
Instructional game design
Intellectual disabilities
Intelligent tutoring system
Intelligent tutoring systems
"The tablet in the museum versus the museum in the tablet: virtual walk, augmented visit or serious heritage game?"
Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM), Vol 20 - N°1/ 2019, 2020.
Fichier PDF - [mirror link]
- Abed Hamza, Philippe Pernelle, Thibault Carron, Chokri Benamar, Patrick Baert, Marwene Kechiche,
"Serious game framework confronted with specificities of industrial training: application to steel industry"
The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2015, Steinkjer, Norway, 2015.
Lien / Link
- C. Lorenzini, M. Carrozzino, C. Evangelista, F. Tecchia, M. Bergamasco, A. Angeletaki
"A Virtual Laboratory An immersive VR experience to spread ancient libraries heritage"
Digital Heritage, 2015, 2015.
- Laurence Schmoll, Manuel Veit, Mickaël Roy, Antonio Capobianco
"Serious game et apprentissage en réalité virtuelle: résultats d'une étude préliminaire sur la mémorisation en langue étrangère"
: Synergies de pays germanophones 7/2014, 2014.
- Cristian Lorenzini, Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco, Alexandra Angeletaki
"Serious games for disseminating the knowledge of ancient manuscripts: a case study"
SCIRES-IT SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Vol 3, Issue 2 (2013), 135-142 , 2013.
- Roncancio R., Juan C.
"Le rôle des interfaces dans l?expérience de jeu vidéo : le jeu du ping-pong et son adaptation sur des plateformes numériques"
Thèse, Université de Montréal, 2010.
Lien / Link
Interactive cultural exhibition
- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, Stella Markantonatou, George Pavlidis
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 16, No 5,(2016), pp. 1-9, Greece, 2016.
Lien / Link
Interactive learning environments
- Juan Antonio Caballero Hernández, Manuel Palomo Duarte, Juan Manuel Dodero Beardo
"Skill assessment in learning experiences based on serious games: A systematic mapping study"
Computers & Education, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Meng-Tzu Cheng, Yu-Wen Lin, Hsiao-Ching She
"Learning through playing Virtual Age: Exploring the interactions among student concept learning, gaming performance, in-game behaviors, and the use of"
Computers & Education, Volume 86, August 2015, Pages 18?29, 2015.
Interactive storytelling
- Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Interactivity: Storytelling or Storywriting? A closer look on videogames and narratives"
Actes du colloque "Learning with games 2007", Sophia Antipolis, ISBN : 978-88-901168-0-3, 2007.
Download Paper (PDF - 80 ko)
- Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"Jeux vidéo et convivialité narrative"
Actes du colloque "Ludovia 2007" , Ax-les-Thermes, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Damien Djaouti
"Narration et Interaction : relations en milieu vidéoludique"
Mémoire de Master 2 Recherche, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 2007.
Télécharger le mémoire (PDF - 4.5mo)
- Jean Heutte, Michel Galaup, Catherine Lelardeux, Pierre Lagarrigue, Fabien Fenouillet
"Etude des déterminants psychologiques de la persistance dans l'usage d'un jeu sérieux : évaluation de l'environnement optimal d'apprentissage avec Mec"
STICEF, ATIEF, 2014, Evaluation dans les jeux sérieux, 21, pp.ISSN : 1764-7223,, 2014.
Interprofessional collaboration
Intrinsic motivation
- Houda Mouaheb, Ahmed Fahli, Mohammed Moussetad, Said Eljamali
"The Serious Game: What Educational Benefits?"
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 46, 2012, Pages 5502-5508 4th WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) 02-05 February 2012 Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
Knowledge engineering
- Nour El Mawas, Jean-Pierre Cahier, Aurélien Bénel
"Serious games for expertise training: Rules in questions"
Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Nour El Mawas, Jean-Pierre Cahier
"Towards Participative and Knowledge-Intensive Serious Games"
Ma M., Oliveira M.F., Hauge J.B., Duin H., Thoben KD. (eds) Serious Games Development and Applications. SGDA 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7528. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
Lien / Link
Last section of kindergarten
"Introducing pupils to robotics & computer science: when mediating materials impact the teaching action's grammar"
STICEF, Volume 28, 2021 Article de recherche, 2022.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Julian Alvarez
"S'initier à la robotique/informatique en classe de grande section de maternelle. Une expérimentation autour de l?utilisation du robot Blue Bot comme "
Re S M ICT E | ISSN: 1792-3999 (electronic), 1791-261X (print) | Laboratory of Didactics of Sciences, Mathematics and ICT, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras., 2019.
document.pdf - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Playstation VR review: the body comes back in force!"
Ludoscience, 2017.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
38e congrès de APLIUT, Lyon, 2016.
Download / Télécharger
- Julian Alvarez
"Présentation des serious game dans le domaine de la santé"
"Table ronde : Quels jeux pour quels publics ?", Les journées JIES Paris 2012, Groupe Traces, 2012.
Download / Télécharger Presentation - [mirror link]
- Hélène Denis, Romuald Delattre et Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: When playing allows you to learn"
Ota Mag' "Jouer pour apprendre : Un levier pour entrer dans les apprentissages" , 2020.
Lien vers l'interview - [mirror link]
- Nathalie Brafman
"Les vertus pédagogiques des « serious games »"
Le Monde, 2014.
Télécharger l'article / Download the paper
- Céline Authemayou
"Julian Alvarez (Play research lab) : "Les serious games permettent de contextualiser les enseignements théoriques avec des cas concrets"" /, 2013.
Lire l'article
- Béatrice Catanese
"Comment se former en jouant aux « serious games » ? (How to learn by playing "Serious Games"?)"
Le Monde, 2009.
- Denis Sestier
"Les CEMEA et le serious game", 2008.
Lire l'article (Réseau Ludus)
- Sophie Madoun
"Les logiciels ludo-éducatifs sont-ils efficaces ?"
Micro Hebdo (n°554 - p.18 & 19), 2008.
Les-logiciels-ludo-e769ducati.pdf - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Jean-Yves Plantec, Mathieu Vermeulen, Christophe Kolski
"RDU Model dedicated to evaluate needed counsels for Serious Game projects"
Computers & Education Volume 114, November 2017, Pages 38-56, mis en ligne le 15/06/2017, 2017.
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Sandy Louchart
"A Pedagogical Experiment Involving Game Design Students in Producing Non-Violence Serious Games"
ECGBL, 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning 6 - 7 October 2016, Paisley, Scotland, 2016.
Download PPT Presentation ECGBL 2016 - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Jean-Yves Plantec, Mathieu Vermeulen
"Quels accompagnements associer au Serious game ?"
Dans Tice 2012, Intégration Technologique et Nouvelles Perspectives d'Usage, R. Nkambou, , C. Narce, , S.A. Cerri, , P. Boiron, , C. Paliard (Dir.), Université de Lyon 1 , 2012.
Lire l'article en ligne - [mirror link]
- Loubna El Azizi, Aziz Arbai
"Serious Games for the Development of Learning"
Transactions on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; ISSN (online) 2169-4726, Vol 5, No 4 (2017), 2017.
Lien / Link
- M.L. Ndao, D. Gilibert, J. Dinet
"The serious game in work integration: A comparative study between conventional method and edutainment method"
Psychologie du travail et des organisations (2017), ScienceDirect, 2017.
Lien vers l'article
- Beatriz Legerén Lago
, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Maira Brandao Carvalho
"Serious Games for Learning : a model and a reference architecture for efficient game development"
Lien / Link
- Tancicleide C S Gomes, Jeane C B De Melo, Patricia C. de A. R. Tedesco
"Jogos no Design de Experiências de Aprendizagem de Programação Engajadoras"
In book: Anais da V Jornada de Atualização em Informática na Educação, Edition: 1, Chapter: Jogos no Design de Experiências de Aprendizagem de Programação Engajadoras, Editors: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, pp.39, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Abdelali, Slimani; Mateu, Sbert; Imma, Boada; Fatiha, Elouaai; Mohammed, bouhorma.
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology . 10/15/2016, Vol. 92 Issue 1, p130-143. 14p., 2016.
Lien / Link
- Stephanie Heintz, Effie Lai-Chong Law
" The Game Genre Map: A Revised Game Classification"
CHI PLAY '15 Proceedings of the 2015 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Pages 175-184 , London, 2015.
Lien / Link
- C. Lorenzini, M. Carrozzino, C. Evangelista, F. Tecchia, M. Bergamasco, A. Angeletaki
"A Virtual Laboratory An immersive VR experience to spread ancient libraries heritage"
Digital Heritage, 2015, 2015.
- Laurence Schmoll, Manuel Veit, Mickaël Roy, Antonio Capobianco
"Serious game et apprentissage en réalité virtuelle: résultats d'une étude préliminaire sur la mémorisation en langue étrangère"
: Synergies de pays germanophones 7/2014, 2014.
- Øyvin Richardsen
"Learning Modeling Languages Using Strategies from Gaming"
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2014.
- Nikolaos Partarakis, Margherita Antona, Constantine Stephanidis
"Paint-It: A Children?s Habit Revised"
Conference: Second International Conference, DAPI 2014, Held as Part of HCI Interational 2014, At Heraklion, Crete, Greece, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07788-8_16, 2014.
Lien / Link
- Stefania Aceto, Spiros Borotis, Jim Devine, Thomas Fischer
"Mapping and Analysing Prospective learning for technologies: Results from a consultation with European stakeholders and roadmaps for policy action"
Panagiotis Kampylis & Yves Punie, European Commission: JRC Scientific and Policy Reports, Joint Research Centre, 2014.
- Milena Trenta
- Nuno Filipe Viveiros Ponte
"Um jogo sério sobre realidade económica/financeira de Portugal"
Técnico Lisboa, 2013.
- Virgil-Alexandru Tănase
"Using Digital Prototypes in Developing for Learning Purposes"
Master of Science in Games at the IT University Copenhagen, June 2013, 2013.
- Chong-San Kwon, Tack Woo
"A Research on Gamification Methodology for Korean Language Education"
Journal of Korea Game Society, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2013, pp.61-74, DOI : 10.7583/JKGS.2013.13.1.61, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Diego Buchinger, Marcelo da Silva Hounsell
"Jogos sérios competitivo-colaborativos: um mapeamento sistemático da literatura"
II Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (CBIE 2013), XXIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE 2013), 2013.
Lien / Link
- Cristian Lorenzini, Marcello Carrozzino, Chiara Evangelista, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco, Alexandra Angeletaki
"Serious games for disseminating the knowledge of ancient manuscripts: a case study"
SCIRES-IT SCIentific RESearch and Information Technology Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologie dell'Informazione Vol 3, Issue 2 (2013), 135-142 , 2013.
- Lucia Pannese, Michael Prilla, A Ascolese, D Morosini
"Serious Games for Reflective Learning? experiences from the MIRROR project"
In book: Cases on Digital Game-Based Learning: Methods, Models and Strategies, Editors: Baek, Y. and Whitton, N, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2848-9.ch023, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Kim J. Hyatt, Jessica L. Barron, Michaela A. Noakes
"Video Gaming for STEM Education"
Cases on E-Learning Management: Development and Implementation: Development and Implementation, 103., 2012.
Lien / Link
- Duarte Sousa Ferreira Gomes
"Jogos Sérios para Lean Manufacturing:?Jogo: Método 5S?"
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, 2011.
Lien / Link
- Johannes Breuer, Gary Bente
"Why So Serious? On the Relation of Serious Games and Learning"
Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture. 2010; 4 (1), p. 7-24, 2010.
Lien / Link
- Zeynep Ahmet
"Colors, Faces and Illustrations New concepts for tools for reporting emotion and activity in a pervasive game"
University of Linköpings, The Institution of Economics and Industrial Development, 2009.
Lien / Link
Learning analytics
- Manuel Freire, Ángel Serrano-Laguna, Borja Manero Iglesias, Iván Martínez-Ortiz, Pablo Moreno-Ger, Baltasar Fernández-Manjón
"Game Learning Analytics: Learning Analytics for Serious Games"
Living Reference Work Entry Learning, Design, and Technology pp 1-29, Springer, 2016.
- Christian Sebastian Loh (Southern Illinois University), Yanyan Sheng (Southern Illinois University), Dirk Ifenthaler (University of Mannheim)
In C. S. Loh, Y. Sheng, & D. Ifenthaler (Eds). Serious Games Analytics: Methodologies for Performance Measurement, Assessment, and Improvement. New York, NY: Springer. [Chapter 1], 2015.
Learning effect
- Esther Kuindersma, Jelke van der Pal, Jaap van den Herik, Aske Plaat
"Comparing Voluntary and Mandatory Gameplay"
International Journal of Serious Games, Volume 3, Issue 3, September 2016, 2016.
- Esther Kuindersma , Jelke van der Pal, Jaap van den Herik, Aske Plaat
"Voluntary Play in Serious Games"
Games and Learning Alliance Volume 9599 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 131-140, Springer, 2016.
Learning game
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Pons Lelardeux, David Panzoli, Vincent Lubrano, Vincent Minville, Pierre Lagarrigue, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Communication system and team situation awareness in a multiplayer real-time learning environment: application to a virtual operating room"
The Visual Computer April 2017, Volume 33, Issue 4, pp 489?515, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George
"Learning game 2.0: support à l'apprentissage collaboratif par la modification de jeux vidéo"
Conférence TICE 2012, Dec 2012, Lyon, France. pp.98-109, 2012, 2017.
Lien / Link
Learning game 2.0
- Sébastien George, Élise Lavoué, Baptiste Monterrat
"Linking normative and descriptive research with serious gaming"
8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013), Sep 2013, Paphos, Cyprus. Springer, pp.111-124, 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8095., 2017.
Lien / Link
- Sébastien George, Élise Lavoué, Baptiste Monterrat
"An Environment to Support Collaborative Learning by Modding"
In: Hernández-Leo D., Ley T., Klamma R., Harrer A. (eds) Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact. EC-TEL 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8095. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George
"Learning Game 2.0: support for game modding as a learning activity"
6th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2012), Oct 2012, Cork, Ireland. pp.340-347, 2012, 2012.
Lien / Link
Learning games
- Laurence Schmoll
"L'emploi des jeux dans l'enseignement des langues étrangères : Du traditionnel au numérique"
Sciences du jeu, 5 | 2016 : Jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques : filiations, croisements, recompositions, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Marfisi-Schottman, I., George, S., Tarpin-Bernard, F., & Prévot, P.
"Comment évaluer la qualité d?un Learning Game pendant sa conception ? "
Conférence Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, TICE'2012 (pp. 80-90)., 2012.
Lire l'article
Learning process
- Ibtissem Daoudi, Raoudha Chebil, Wided Lejouad Chaari
"A Multi-Agent Simulation of Serious Games to Predict Their Impact on E-Learning Processes"
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol:11, No:2, 2017 , 2017.
Read paper
- Rachid Lamrani , El Hassan Abdelwahed, Souad Chraibi, Sara Qassimi, Meriem Hafidi, Abdelaziz El Amrani
"Serious Game to Enhance and Promote Youth Entrepreneurship"
Europe and MENA Cooperation Advances in Information and Communication Technologies Volume 520 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 77-85, Springer, 2016.
Level design
- Julian Alvarez
" Le Serious game : marché en déclin ou en pleine mutation ?"
ElearningLetter, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"Can "Gaming 2.0" Help Design "Serious Games"? A Comparative Study"
Actes du colloque "SIGGRAPH 2010", Los Angeles, USA, 2010.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Place your bets! Thoughts on the scope of video game creation tools"
Actes du colloque "Ludovia 2008" , Ax-les-Thermes, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400 ko)
Logistic regression model
- Julian Alvarez
"Journée partenaires ESPE de Lille"
ESPE de Lille, 2016.
Programme de la journée
- Suzon Beaussant, Julian Alvarez
"Crossed perspectives on Educational Escape Games"
Mag RH n°18 (pp.47-50), 2022.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"The value of play in learning"
Learning HUB, ENAC, 2022.
Télécharger l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludo Pedagogy - Why use it?"
Immersive Factory, 2020.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
" Discussions on the exploitation of video games"
IHEST, Etienne-Armand Amato, 2024.
- Julian Alvarez
"Instrumentalizing video games: precautions to take and pitfalls to avoid"
Nicolas Esposito, Séminaire de recherche du Laboratoire ErgoDesign Lutin-Gobelins, 2024.
Programme du séminaire - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Suzon Beaussant, Vincent Berry et Julien Démaret
"Training in the use of games in a professional environment, what paths?"
Ludinord Pro, 2024.
Programme de la table ronde - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious game, a ?Ludic Constraint?? Discussion around interpretive and ethical gaps in edutainment teachings"
CHU de Nantes, Roselyne Clouet, 2023.
Flyer de la conférence
- Julian Alvarez
"Introduction to ludopedagogy and Serious game"
Formation organisée par le Centre d'Etudes Pédagogiques ignatien (CEPi), France et par la coordination des écoles jésuites (COCIJE), Belgique, 2016.
Lien vers la présentation des journées d'études
- Julian Alvarez
"Misconception 4: Video games have no place in the classroom with Julian Alvarez"
DAPI / Université de Lille, 2024.
- Manon Consul / Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: what if we used games to develop soft skills? Interview with Julian Alvarez"
Lefebvre Dalloz Compétences, 2024.
Lire la suite... - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: instructions for use in professional training"
C2RP / Atelier du Formateur, 2023.
Accès au podcast
- Hélène Denis, Romuald Delattre et Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: When playing allows you to learn"
Ota Mag' "Jouer pour apprendre : Un levier pour entrer dans les apprentissages" , 2020.
Lien vers l'interview - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy told by a sponge"
ISTE / 8ème Colloque International Game Evolution (CIGE), 2024.
Paper / Article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Games : "A Ludic Constraint" ? Video games, work and instrumentalizations"
Editions Loco, 2023.
Présentation de l'ouvrage - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez & Eric Delamotte
"Digital games and Ludopedagogy: Introduction to a special issue"
Revue EducationS / ISTE OpenScience - 2022 - Vol. 6 - n°1 , 2022.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Evaluation of serious play and serious play design"
RHIM Vol 20 - N°2 / 2019, 2020.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Design of serious gaming devices and experiences"
Mémoire HDR - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, 2019, 2019.
Télécharger mémoire / Download thesis
- Julian Alvarez
Lectures.Cultures, n°10, Novembre-Décembre 2018, BRUXELLES, (BELGIQUE), pp.29-31, 2018.
PDF de l'article - [mirror link]
- Lydia Martin, Julian Alvarez
"Serious gaming activity in team management training : reflections on emotions and debriefing"
RIHM : Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées. 19(1):29-46. ISSN 1289-2963, 2018.
Link / Lien
- Samra Bonvoisin
"?Serious games?: Play to understand?"
Le Café Pédagogique, 2014.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Caporal Casse-Pompons
"Un marché très sérieux (A very serious market)"
IG Magazine #8 - Ankama Presse, 2010.
Obtenir IG Magazine #8
- Cédric Ingrand, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Claude La Rue, Sébastien Beck
"LCI, Plein Ecran of january the 31th of 2009: The video game is serious."
LCI, 2009.
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games : Enjeux, offre et marché - Enseignement - Formation - Santé Information & Communication - Défense (3e e.)"
IDATE, 2012.
Download - [mirror link]
- Laurent Michaud, Julian Alvarez, Véronique Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Serious Games: Issues, offer and market Education - Training - Health Care Information & Communication - Defence (3rd Edition)"
IDATE, 2012.
M11213__Report.pdf - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Olivier Rampnoux, Véronique Alvarez
"Serious Games market: Some key figures (from 1950's to 2000's)"
LudoScience & IDATE, 2011.
Download report (PDF - 1.5mo)
- Olivier Rampnoux
"A cultural review of the use of Serious Games"
HPC Projet - Eurosatory 2008, Paris, 2008.
Programme de la conférence (Eurosatory 2008)
- Ludomag
"Ludopedagogy: Does video game escape the question of gender?"
Ludomag, 2023.
Accès au post de Ludomag - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Communiquer par le jeu vidéo"
Acte du colloque Ludovia 2006, [CD-ROM], ISBN : 978-2-9527377-0-8, St-Lizier, 5-7 Juillet, 2006.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 1.2mo) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"New Advertising Tools for School Guidance"
Actes du colloque "Edutainment 2006", Hangzou, Chine, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"EduMarket Game: Technocity"
Actes du colloque "Narrative AI and Games symposium (AISB 2006)", Bristol, Royaume-Uni, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"New advertising tools: Edumarket game"
Actes du colloque "Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2006)", Copenhague, Danemark, Copenhagen Business School, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 1mo) - [mirror link]
Material discourse analysis
Medical and surgical simulations
Medical ethics
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"VR-based serious game designed for medical ethics training"
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Second International Conference, AVR 2015, Lecce, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2015, Proceedings, Springer, 2015.
Medical training
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Michele Barsotti, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"ADITHO - a Serious Game for Training and Evaluating Medical Ethics Skills"
Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2015 Volume 9353 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 59-71, Springer, 2015.
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"VR-based serious game designed for medical ethics training"
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Second International Conference, AVR 2015, Lecce, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2015, Proceedings, Springer, 2015.
Medical treatment
- Loannis Paraskevopoulos, Emmanuel Tsekleves, Alyson Warland, Cherry Kilbride
"Virtual Reality-Based Holistic Framework: A Tool for Participatory Development of Customised Playful Therapy Sessions for Motor Rehabilitation"
Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-Games), 2016 8th International Conference on, 2016.
- Andreja Samčović, Antoni Jaume-i-Capo
"Serious games in health care based on multimedia technologies"
Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 2013 21st, 2013.
Lien / Link
- Carlos Delgado-Mata, Ricardo Ruvalcaba-Manzano, Oscar Quezada-Patino, Jesus Ibanez-Martinez
"Low cost video game technology to measure and improve motor skills in children"
Conference: AFRICON, 2009. AFRICON '09., DOI: 10.1109/AFRCON.2009.5308189 · Source: IEEE Xplore, 2009.
Lien / Link
- Catherine Lelardeux, Julian Alvarez, Thierry Montaut, Michel Galaup, Pierre Lagarrigue
"Healthcare Games and the Metaphoric Approach"
In Sylvester Arnab, Ian Dunwell, Kurt Debattista, "Serious Games for Healthcare: Applications and Implications", pp.23-49, IGI Global, 2012.
Read the preprint paper - [mirror link]
- Calvillo Gamez
"On the core elements of the experience of playing video games"
University College London, UCL Interaction Centre Department of Computer Science, 2009.
Lien / Link
Method to evaluate gameplay
- Julian Alvarez
"Crowdsourcing Métriques & Traces"
IDEMM'16, 2016.
Télécharger la présentation / Download presentation
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagame: Crowdsourcing, Metrics & Traces"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Studies Pages 72-76, Paris, France, October 03 - 05, 2018 ACM New York, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6438-6, doi>10.1145/3240431.3240445, 2018.
Link / Lien
Mild cognitive impairment
Minimally invasive surgery
Mmog-s (massively multiplayer on-line games)
- Jaak Henno
"On structure of games"
Proceedings of the 2010 conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXI, 2010, vol. 206, p. 344., 2010.
Lien / Link
Mobile learning
- Sylvie Barma, Sylvie Daniel
"Designing Enhanced Learning Environments in Physics: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approach Producing an Instrument for School Success"
Game-Based Learning Across the Lifespan Part of the series Advances in Game-Based Learning pp 91-113, Springer, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Ryo Sugimura, Hiroki Tamari, Hiromi Kitaguchi, Sotaro Kawatsu, Kaiki Oya, Yuya Ono, Kosuke Kaneko, Saki Nakazono, Yoshihiro Okada, Motofumi Yoshida, Yukiko Kono
"Serious Games for Education and Their Effectiveness for Higher Education Medical Students and for Junior High School Students"
International Journal of Information Technology & Computer Science ( IJITCS ) ( ) (ISSN : 2091-1610 ) on volume No : 19 , Issue No : 1 , 2015.
- Sylvie Barma, Sylvie Daniel, Nathalie Bacon, Marie-Andrée Gingras, Mathieu Fortin
International Journal of Serious Games Vol 2, No 2 (2015) , 2015.
Lien / Link
- Sugimura, Ryo; Kawazu, Sotaro; Tamari, Hiroki; Watanabe, Kodai; Nishimura, Yohei; Oguma, Toshiki; Watanabe, Katsushiro; Kaneko, Kosuke; Okada, Yoshihiro; Yoshida, Motofumi; Takano, Shigeru; Inoue, Hitoshi
"Mobile Game for Learning Bacteriology"
International Association for Development of the Information Society, Paper presented at the International Conference on Mobile Learning 2014 (10th, Madrid, Spain, Feb 28-Mar 2, 2014), 2014.
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Game Design - Theoretical and technical study of the creation of games aimed to serve serious purposes"
Thèse de doctorat en informatique, Université de Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, 2011.
Télécharger la thèse (PDF - 11 Mo)
- Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George
"Learning game 2.0: support à l'apprentissage collaboratif par la modification de jeux vidéo"
Conférence TICE 2012, Dec 2012, Lyon, France. pp.98-109, 2012, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Sébastien George, Élise Lavoué, Baptiste Monterrat
"Linking normative and descriptive research with serious gaming"
8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2013), Sep 2013, Paphos, Cyprus. Springer, pp.111-124, 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8095., 2017.
Lien / Link
- Baptiste Monterrat, Elise Lavoué, Sébastien George
"Learning Game 2.0: support for game modding as a learning activity"
6th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2012), Oct 2012, Cork, Ireland. pp.340-347, 2012, 2012.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious entertaining and serious modding: concepts and appropriations in the fields of education and health"
38e congrès de APLIUT, Lyon, 2016.
Download / Télécharger
- Julian Alvarez, Laurent Auneau, Sam Damani, Clément Muletier (El Gamificator)
Game All Over#1 - Plaine Image / Imaginarium - Laurent Tricart, 2016.
Programme du colloque - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Presentation of the CEPAJe Model "
Why so serious ? "Learning Games & Gamification", 2015.
Lien vers la présentation de la journée d'étude
- Julian Alvarez
"Evaluation of serious play and serious play design"
RHIM Vol 20 - N°2 / 2019, 2020.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Pascal Chaumette
"Presentation of a Model Dedicated to Assessing Ludo-pedagogical Activities, and Feedback"
Recherche et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité [En ligne], Vol.36 N°2 | 2017, mis en ligne le 30 juin 2017, 2017.
Lien / Link - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Jean-Yves Plantec, Mathieu Vermeulen, Christophe Kolski
"RDU Model dedicated to evaluate needed counsels for Serious Game projects"
Computers & Education Volume 114, November 2017, Pages 38-56, mis en ligne le 15/06/2017, 2017.
- Julian Alvarez
"Enrichissement d'un modèle évaluatif pour assurer une formation avec le jeu comme médiation"
Journée AIM Serious Games et Co-design, GEM, 2015.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Stéphanie Mader, Stéphane Natkin, Guillaume Levieux
"How to Analyse Therapeutic Games: The Player / Game / Therapy Model"
In: Herrlich M., Malaka R., Masuch M. (eds) Entertainment Computing - ICEC 2012. ICEC 2012. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7522. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
Lien / Link
Model-based collaborative governance
- David Osimo, Katarzyna Szkuta, Stefano Armenia, Fenareti Lampathaki, Sotiris Koussouris, Spiros Mouzakitis, Yannis Charalabidis, Dimitris Askounis, Melanie Bicking, Gianluca Misuraca, Roberto Pizzicannella
"CROSSROAD project"
ICT-2009.7.3 ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling FP7-ICT-2009-4 Support Action (SA) Project, 2010.
Lien / Link
Model-driven authoring
- Sofie Van Hoecke, Koen Samyn, Gaétan Deglorie, Olivier Janssens, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle
"Enabling Control of 3D Visuals, Scenarios and Non-linear Gameplay in Serious Game Development Through Model-Driven Authoring"
5th International Conference, SGAMES 2015 Novedrate, Italy, September 16?18, 2015, Springer, 2015.
- Olga De Troyer , Frederik Van Broeckhoven, Joachim Vlieghe
"Creating Story-Based Serious Games Using a Controlled Natural Language Domain Specific Modeling Language"
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications, volume II, Part IX, pp 567-603, Computer Science, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Øyvin Richardsen
"Learning Modeling Languages Using Strategies from Gaming"
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Computer and Information Science, 2014.
- Marco Santorum
"A serious game based method for business process management"
Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), 2011 Fifth International Conference on, 2011.
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2016 - président du jury"
Game Pratic' 2016, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2016.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2015 - jury member"
Game Pratic' 2015, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2015.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' - jury member"
Game Pratic', game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2014.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Atelier "Les Jeux Sérieux""
3e séminaire académique sur le numérique éducatif, Rectorat de l'Académie de Montpellier, Canopé Montpellier, 7 avril, 2016.
Voir un reportage vidéo suite à cette conférence (Ludomag)
- Aurélie Julien
"Les Serious Games, plaisir de jeu et/ou plaisir d'apprendre ?"
Ludomag, 2016.
Lire l'article (
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Morphological study of the video games"
Actes du colloque "CGIE 2006", Perth, Australie, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 600ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"A classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach"
Actes du colloque "Enactive / 06 : Enaction & Complexity", Montpellier, ENACTIVE, pp.99-100, 2006.
Download poster (PDF - 150ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"V.E.Ga.S.: A tool to study morphology of the video games"
Actes du colloque "International Digital Games Conference (GAMES 2006)", Portalegre, Portugal, APROJE, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 150ko)
- Gaëlle Guigon, Jérémie Humeau, Mathieu Vermeulen
"Escape Classroom : un escape game pour l'enseignement"
QPES 2017, Grenoble, 2017.
Lien / Link
- M.L. Ndao, D. Gilibert, J. Dinet
"The serious game in work integration: A comparative study between conventional method and edutainment method"
Psychologie du travail et des organisations (2017), ScienceDirect, 2017.
Lien vers l'article
- Christelle Mariais
"Models for designing Learning Role-Playing Games for professional training"
École doctorale ingénierie pour la santé, la cognition, l'environnement (Grenoble), 2012.
Motivational climate
- Jean Heutte, Michel Galaup, Catherine Lelardeux, Pierre Lagarrigue, Fabien Fenouillet
"Etude des déterminants psychologiques de la persistance dans l'usage d'un jeu sérieux : évaluation de l'environnement optimal d'apprentissage avec Mec"
STICEF, ATIEF, 2014, Evaluation dans les jeux sérieux, 21, pp.ISSN : 1764-7223,, 2014.
Multi-agent simulation
- Ibtissem Daoudi, Raoudha Chebil, Wided Lejouad Chaari
"A Multi-Agent Simulation of Serious Games to Predict Their Impact on E-Learning Processes"
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol:11, No:2, 2017 , 2017.
Read paper
Multiagent integration architecture
Multimodal metaphorical scenario chain reaction
"The tablet in the museum versus the museum in the tablet: virtual walk, augmented visit or serious heritage game?"
Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM), Vol 20 - N°1/ 2019, 2020.
Fichier PDF - [mirror link]
- Danuta Smołucha
"Muzeum w XXI wieku. Między rzeczywistością a wirtualnym światem (Museum of the XXI century. Between virtual world and reality)"
Perspektywy Kultury, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Tanguy Coenen, Lien Mostmans, Kris Naessens
"MuseUs: Case study of a pervasive cultural heritage serious game"
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) - Special issue on serious games for cultural heritage JOCCH Homepage archive Volume 6 Issue 2, May 2013 , 2013.
Lien / Link
- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, Fotis Arnaoutoglou, Georgia Petsa, Stella Markantonatou, George Pavlidis
"A dynamic web-based 3D virtual museum framework based on open data"
Digital Heritage, 2015, IEEE, 2015.
Lien / Link
- Christopher Carter, Qasim Mehdi, Thomas Hartley
"Navigational techniques to improve usability and user experience in RPG games"
Computer Games (CGAMES), 2012 17th International Conference on, 2012.
Lien / Link
Neurodegenerative disorders
Non-linear gameplay
- Sofie Van Hoecke, Koen Samyn, Gaétan Deglorie, Olivier Janssens, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle
"Enabling Control of 3D Visuals, Scenarios and Non-linear Gameplay in Serious Game Development Through Model-Driven Authoring"
5th International Conference, SGAMES 2015 Novedrate, Italy, September 16?18, 2015, Springer, 2015.
- Daniel Novák, Bengisu Tulu, Håvar Brendryen
"Interactive Digital Mobile Gaming as a Strategic Tool in the Fight against Childhood Obesity"
In book: Handbook of Research on Holistic Perspectives in Gamification for Clinical Practice, Edition: 1, Chapter: 21, Publisher: IGI GLobal, Editors: Daniel Novák, Bengisu Tulu, Håvar Brendryen, pp.475, 495, 2016.
Lien / Link
On-line social
- Jaak Henno
"On structure of games"
Proceedings of the 2010 conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge, Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXI, 2010, vol. 206, p. 344., 2010.
Lien / Link
Online games
- Luís Filipe da Silva Rodrigues
"A adoção de aplicações informáticas com características de jogos online: Uma perspetiva no setor do e-banking em Portugal"
Lisboa University, Departamento de Ciências e Tecnologias da Informação, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Thierry Robert, Claude Ayerdi-Martin
"The Gamification of Numeric Médiat The Development of Specialised Online Games for Libraries "
Documentation et bibliothèques, Volume 58, numéro 2, Avril/Juin 2012, Association pour l'avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation (ASTED) ISSN 0315-2340 (imprimé) 2291-8949 (numérique), 2012.
Lien / Link
- Vincent Berry
"Playing to Learn: Are you Serious? A Theoretical Discussion of the Relationship Between (Video) Games and Learning"
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l?apprentissage et de la technologie, Vol 37, No 2 (2011), 2011.
Lien / Link
Online programming platform
Open link data
- Chairi Kiourt, Anestis Koutsoudis, Stella Markantonatou, George Pavlidis
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 16, No 5,(2016), pp. 1-9, Greece, 2016.
Lien / Link
- Nikolaos Partarakis, Margherita Antona, Constantine Stephanidis
"Paint-It: A Children?s Habit Revised"
Conference: Second International Conference, DAPI 2014, Held as Part of HCI Interational 2014, At Heraklion, Crete, Greece, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07788-8_16, 2014.
Lien / Link
Participation architecture
- Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"PBL and Serious Games"
Actes du colloque "7th ALE International Workshop: Experience and Reflection on Active Learning in Engineering Education", Toulouse, Geneviève Moore, Anne Hernandez, ISBN : 978-2-87649-051-2, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 150ko)
- Suzon Beaussant, Julian Alvarez
"Crossed perspectives on Educational Escape Games"
Mag RH n°18 (pp.47-50), 2022.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Introduction to edutainment"
FIJLoC (Festival International du Jeu et Loisirs des Caraïbes), 2023.
Download / Télécharger plaquette
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious Game: a concept for higher education?"
Université Vivialdi - Colloque TICE : Université de Strasbourg, 2010.
Vidéo de la conférence
- François Jarraud, Julian Alvarez, Tony Fortin, Julien Llanas, Damian Nolan
"Les jeux sérieux : un nouvel outil pour l'école ?"
Educatice, 2009.
- Julian Alvarez
"Simulateurs, virtualisation et jeux sérieux"
Université Vivialdi : IAE Lille : "Le numérique, catalyseur de nouvelles pédagogies", 2009.
Video of the conference
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious games and pedagogy"
Journées Lyonnaises du E-learning - 3ème Edition, 2008.
- Samra Bonvoisin
"?Serious games?: Play to understand?"
Le Café Pédagogique, 2014.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Karen Chabriac
"Le dossier du mois : les jeux sérieux"
CNDP / Savoirs CDI, 2013.
Consulter le dossier (CNDP / Savoirs CDI)
- France Télévisions / Cemea / Ligue de l?enseignement / Tralalère / Julian Alvarez
"The educational contribution of serious games"
Curiosphè / France 5, 2010.
- Sylvie Hoguelin
"Les jeux sérieux entrent à l'école (The Serious games are coming at school)"
Enseignement catholique actualités - ECA 336 avril - mai 2010, 2010.
Obtenir ECA 336 avril - mai 2010
"L'étude des Serious Games (The Study of Serious Games)", 2010.
Lire le billet
- Julian Alvarez, Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Vincent Hurez, Jean-Jacques Flahaut et Thierry Lafouge
""Distance" Hypothesis applied to robot-pedagogy for children in kindergarten"
EIAH 2021 / APIMU - Atelier "Apprentissage de la pensée informatique de la maternelle à l'Université : retours d'expériences et passage à l'échelle", Fribourg, Suisse, 2021.
Link / Lien
- Julian Alvarez
Lectures.Cultures, n°10, Novembre-Décembre 2018, BRUXELLES, (BELGIQUE), pp.29-31, 2018.
PDF de l'article - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti
"Serious Game Design - Theoretical and technical study of the creation of games aimed to serve serious purposes"
Thèse de doctorat en informatique, Université de Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, 2011.
Télécharger la thèse (PDF - 11 Mo)
- Damien Djaouti
"Créer des jeux vidéo en classe : des outils simples d'accès"
Revue "l'école numérique", n°7, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, 2011.
Sommaire de la revue (
- Julian Alvarez
"To organize a debate with a serious game"
Revue "l'école numérique", n°7, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, 2011.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Valoriser via le jeu vidéo"
Revue Entrelacs, Actes du colloque "Ludovia 2005", St-Lizier, Mêlée Numérique « e-education », 2005.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 2.3mo) - [mirror link]
- Olga De Troyer , Frederik Van Broeckhoven, Joachim Vlieghe
"Creating Story-Based Serious Games Using a Controlled Natural Language Domain Specific Modeling Language"
Serious Games and Edutainment Applications, volume II, Part IX, pp 567-603, Computer Science, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Damien Huffer, Marc Oxenham
"How Much Life do I Lose from the Plague? Educational Board Games as Teaching Tools in Archaeology and Ancient History Courses"
Public Archaeology, 14:2, 81-91, 2015.
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 1st approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 68, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 250ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Valérie Maffiolo
"Study of the impact of electronic communications based on Serious game - 3rd approach"
SEE / Revue REE, ISSN 1265-6534, n°4, 2011, p. 85, 2011.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 300ko)
Pharmacy practice education
Pharmacy-related serious game
Physician-patient relationship
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"VR-based serious game designed for medical ethics training"
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Second International Conference, AVR 2015, Lecce, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2015, Proceedings, Springer, 2015.
- Julian Alvarez
"Introduction to edutainment"
FIJLoC (Festival International du Jeu et Loisirs des Caraïbes), 2023.
Download / Télécharger plaquette
- Julian ALVAREZ & Mathilde PRIALNIC
"Game & Serious (or rather Serious Game) - Interview with Julian Alvarez"
Nananère ! #3 - Mathilde PRIALNIC - WDK Groupe Partner, 2024.
Lien vers le podcast
- Hélène Denis, Romuald Delattre et Julian Alvarez
"Ludopedagogy: When playing allows you to learn"
Ota Mag' "Jouer pour apprendre : Un levier pour entrer dans les apprentissages" , 2020.
Lien vers l'interview - [mirror link]
- Eric Fourcaud
"Le Play Research Lab de Valenciennes présenté par Julian Alvarez"
Ludovia Magazine, 2013.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez
"Understanding the Language of Game Studies: Beyond the Dichotomy of "game" and "play""
Etudes de communication, 2021.
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"The nature of Gameplay: a videogame classification"
Actes du colloque "Cybergames 2007", Manchester, Angleterre, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 1.2mo)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Rashid Ghassempouri, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"A classification of video games deduced by a pragmatic approach"
Actes du colloque "Enactive / 06 : Enaction & Complexity", Montpellier, ENACTIVE, pp.99-100, 2006.
Download poster (PDF - 150ko) - [mirror link]
- Phil Wilkinson
"A Brief History of Serious Games"
Entertainment Computing and Serious Games Volume 9970 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 17-41, 2016.
- Delphine Buzy-Christmann, Laurent Di Filippo, Stéphane Goria et Pauline Thévenot
"Correspondances et contrastes entre jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques"
Sciences du jeu, 4 | 5 | 2016 : Jeux traditionnels et jeux numériques : filiations, croisements, recompositions, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez & Thierry Lafouge
"Player Personality Profile Grid (PPP Grid)"
ISAGA 2023 / Immersive Factory / University of Lille / Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, 2023.
Paper / Article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Datagame: Crowdsourcing, Metrics & Traces"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Web Studies Pages 72-76, Paris, France, October 03 - 05, 2018 ACM New York, NY, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-6438-6, doi>10.1145/3240431.3240445, 2018.
Link / Lien
Political sciences digital games
Problem based learning
- Cristian Lorenzini, Claudia Faita, Marcello Carrozzino, Franco Tecchia, Massimo Bergamasco
"VR-based serious game designed for medical ethics training"
Augmented and Virtual Reality, Second International Conference, AVR 2015, Lecce, Italy, August 31 - September 3, 2015, Proceedings, Springer, 2015.
Problem-based learning
- Andrej Jerman Bla?ič, Franc Novak
"Challenges of Business Simulation Games?A New Approach of Teaching Business"
Computer and Information Science » Information and Knowledge Engineering » "E-Learning - Instructional Design, Organizational Strategy and Management", book edited by Boyka Gradinarova, ISBN 978-953-51-2188-6, Published: October 21, 2015 , 2015.
Lien / Link
- Min Liu, Jina Kang, Jaejin Lee, Elena Winzeler, Sa Liu
"Examining Through Visualization What Tools Learners Access as They Play a Serious Game for Middle School Science"
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 181 C.S. Loh et al. (eds.), Serious Games Analytics, Advances in Game-Based Learning, 2015.
Professional gestures and postures
Professionnal training
- Damien Djaouti, Emmanuel Dubois, Minica Houry-Panchetti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Marwene Kechiche, Patrice Torguet, Rémi Cabanac, Francis Lacassagne
"TBL3D: Towards Serious Applications for Telescope Maintenance and Control"
Poster presented at the "VS-Games 2012" conference, Genoa, Italy, 2012.
Download poster (PNG - 1.3mo)
Programming design
- Julian ALVAREZ, Katell BELLEGARDE, Julie BOYAVAL, Vincent HUREZ, Jean-Jacques FLAHAUT, Thierry LAFOUGE
"An educational robotics experiment conducted with five-year old pupils to learn coding / decoding / design: Statistical results and interpretations "
Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées, Vol 22 - N°2/ 2021, 2023.
Download / Télécharger article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Vincent Hurez, Jean-Jacques Flahaut et Thierry Lafouge
""Distance" Hypothesis applied to robot-pedagogy for children in kindergarten"
EIAH 2021 / APIMU - Atelier "Apprentissage de la pensée informatique de la maternelle à l'Université : retours d'expériences et passage à l'échelle", Fribourg, Suisse, 2021.
Link / Lien
Project based learning
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
"La création de Serious Games avec des étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur : retour d'expériences"
Conférence "PédagoTICE 2013", Toulouse, 13 juin, 2013.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 300ko)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez
"La création de Newsgames pour développer l'esprit critique d'élèves-ingénieurs : une expérimentation empirique"
Atelier "Serious Games, jeux épistémiques numériques", conférence "EIAH 2013", Toulouse, 28-31 mai, 2013.
Actes de l'atelier (EIAH 2013) - [mirror link]
- Sarah Gentry, Beatrice L'Estrade Ehrstrom, Andrea Gauthier, Julian Alvarez, David Wortley, Jurriaan van Rijswijk, Josip Car, Anneliese Lilienthal, Lorainne Tudor Car, Charoula K Nikolaou, Nabil Zary
"Serious Gaming and Gamification interventions for health professional education (Protocol)"
Cochrane Library / Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, 2016.
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Psychiatric disorder
- T. Fovet,∗, J.-A. Micoulaud-Franchi, G. Vaivaa, P. Thomas, R. Jardri, A. Amad
"Serious game as a therapeutic tool in psychiatry: A systematic review"
L?Encéphale, Paris, Volume 42, Issue 5, October 2016, Pages 463?469, 2016.
- T. Fovet,∗, J.-A. Micoulaud-Franchi, G. Vaivaa, P. Thomas, R. Jardri, A. Amad
"Serious game as a therapeutic tool in psychiatry: A systematic review"
L?Encéphale, Paris, Volume 42, Issue 5, October 2016, Pages 463?469, 2016.
- T. Fovet,∗, J.-A. Micoulaud-Franchi, G. Vaivaa, P. Thomas, R. Jardri, A. Amad
"Serious game as a therapeutic tool in psychiatry: A systematic review"
L?Encéphale, Paris, Volume 42, Issue 5, October 2016, Pages 463?469, 2016.
Public transportation requirement
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"New Advertising Tools for School Guidance"
Actes du colloque "Edutainment 2006", Hangzou, Chine, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux, Jean-Pierre Jessel
"EduMarket Game: Technocity"
Actes du colloque "Narrative AI and Games symposium (AISB 2006)", Bristol, Royaume-Uni, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 200ko) - [mirror link]
- Olivier Rampnoux, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"New advertising tools: Edumarket game"
Actes du colloque "Child and Teen Consumption (CTC 2006)", Copenhague, Danemark, Copenhagen Business School, 2006.
Download paper (PDF - 1mo) - [mirror link]
Representation of history
Research challenges
- David Osimo, Katarzyna Szkuta, Stefano Armenia, Fenareti Lampathaki, Sotiris Koussouris, Spiros Mouzakitis, Yannis Charalabidis, Dimitris Askounis, Melanie Bicking, Gianluca Misuraca, Roberto Pizzicannella
"CROSSROAD project"
ICT-2009.7.3 ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling FP7-ICT-2009-4 Support Action (SA) Project, 2010.
Lien / Link
Retro serious game
- Damien Djaouti
"X-PO 2089 Cyber Revolution"
Pix'n Love #28, Editions Pix'n Love, 2015.
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Taxonomy of Serious Games dedicated to Healthcare"
SEE, Revue REE N°11, Décembre 2008, p. 91-102, 2008.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 1mo)
- Bryan W. Carter
"Digital Humanities: Current Perspective, Practices, and Research"
Emerald, 2013.
Retro serious games
- Julian Alvarez
"Origin of serious video games"
Les petits cahiers Ludens n°6, Team Ludens / Semper Ludens, 2022.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Emmanuel Forsans, pionnier du Serious Gaming"
Editions Pix'n Love, Pix'n Love N°9, 2009.
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Rétro SG : Consoles et Serious Games"
Editions Pix'n Love, Pix'n Love N°7, 2009.
- Julian Alvarez
"Simulateurs, virtualisation et jeux sérieux"
Université Vivialdi : IAE Lille : "Le numérique, catalyseur de nouvelles pédagogies", 2009.
Video of the conference
- Julian Alvarez
"Simulateurs, virtualisation et jeux sérieux"
Université Vivialdi : IAE Lille : "Le numérique, catalyseur de nouvelles pédagogies", 2009.
Video of the conference
"L'étude des Serious Games (The Study of Serious Games)", 2010.
Lire le billet
Retro sg
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Emmanuel Forsans, pionnier du Serious Gaming"
Editions Pix'n Love, Pix'n Love N°9, 2009.
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti
"Rétro SG : Consoles et Serious Games"
Editions Pix'n Love, Pix'n Love N°7, 2009.
- Julian Alvarez
"Simulateurs, virtualisation et jeux sérieux"
Université Vivialdi : IAE Lille : "Le numérique, catalyseur de nouvelles pédagogies", 2009.
Video of the conference
- Julian Alvarez
"Retrogaming #2 : La Vectrex"
Serre Numérique, Valenciennes, 2016.
Annonce de l'atelier
- Julian Alvarez
"Retrogaming #1 : Introduction"
Serre Numérique, Valenciennes, 2016.
- Julian Alvarez
"Origin of serious video games"
Les petits cahiers Ludens n°6, Team Ludens / Semper Ludens, 2022.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez & Quentin Alvarez
"What is the Prehistory of Video Games? (Part 2)"
INSPE Lille / Ludoscience, 2020.
Lien vers la vidéo
- Julian Alvarez & Quentin Alvarez
"What is the Prehistory of Video Games? (Part 1)"
INSPE Lille Hauts-de-France / Ludoscience, 2020.
Lien vers la vidéo
- Julian Alvarez
"Video game & video mapping"
IBSIC - Image Beyond the Screen International Conference / 2e Festival du Video Mapping, 2019.
Lien vers le programme
- Julian Alvarez
"Typology of therapeutic games and guidelines for their development in prevention, functional re-education and rehabilitation "
ESPRM-SOFMER Marseille 2014 - Patrick et Alexandre Abellard, 2014.
Download / Télécharger - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Projection Mapping Gaming"
in SCHMITT, D., THEBAULT, M., & BURCZYKOWSKI, L. (2019). L'image au-delà de l'écran : le video mapping, ISTE Editions, LONDRES, (ROYAUME-UNI),, 2019.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
" Retrogaming and innovation"
Lectures.Cultures, n°10, Novembre-Décembre 2018, BRUXELLES, (BELGIQUE), pp.26-28, 2018.
PDF de l'article - [mirror link]
- David Osimo, Katarzyna Szkuta, Stefano Armenia, Fenareti Lampathaki, Sotiris Koussouris, Spiros Mouzakitis, Yannis Charalabidis, Dimitris Askounis, Melanie Bicking, Gianluca Misuraca, Roberto Pizzicannella
"CROSSROAD project"
ICT-2009.7.3 ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling FP7-ICT-2009-4 Support Action (SA) Project, 2010.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez, Katell Bellegarde, Julie Boyaval, Vincent Hurez, Jean-Jacques Flahaut et Thierry Lafouge
""Distance" Hypothesis applied to robot-pedagogy for children in kindergarten"
EIAH 2021 / APIMU - Atelier "Apprentissage de la pensée informatique de la maternelle à l'Université : retours d'expériences et passage à l'échelle", Fribourg, Suisse, 2021.
Link / Lien
- Julian Alvarez, Katell Bellegarde, Jean-Jacques Flahaut, Thierry Lafouge
"Blue Bot Project experiment: First statistical results of the performance of 5-year-olds pupils on their ability to program"
International Toy Research Association, 8th World Conference, TOYS AND MATERIAL CULTURE: Hybridisation, Design and Consumption, Paris 13, 2018.
Proceedings / Actes - [mirror link]
Round table
- Damien Djaouti
"Round Table: R&D au service des Serious Games : Evaluation / Assessment"
e.virtuoses, Lille, 2011.
Programme de la conférence
- Damien Djaouti, Salim Zein, Max Lévita, Michèle Bartolini, Christophe Héral, David Mekersa
"PixMeeting : Jeu Vidéo & Education (round table)"
PixLR / Montpellier In Game, Montpellier, 20 novembre, 2014.
Programme de la table ronde (PixLR)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Play, Game, World : Anatomy of a Videogame"
International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation, Volume 5 - Number 1, ISSN 1477-2043, 2008.
Download paper (PDF - 400ko) - [mirror link]
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Play, Game, World: Anatomy of a videogame"
Actes du colloque "International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational & Serious Games (Cgames 2007)", La Rochelle, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"Morphologie des jeux vidéo"
Actes du colloque "H2PTM'07 (Collaborer, Echanger, Inventer : Expériences de réseaux)", Hammamet, Tunisie, Hermes science, ISBN : 978-2-7462-1891-8, Lavoisier, 2007.
Télécharger l'article (PDF - 400ko)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel, Pierre Molinier
"The nature of Gameplay: a videogame classification"
Actes du colloque "Cybergames 2007", Manchester, Angleterre, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 1.2mo)
- Damien Djaouti
"Narration et Interaction : relations en milieu vidéoludique"
Mémoire de Master 2 Recherche, Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail, 2007.
Télécharger le mémoire (PDF - 4.5mo)
- Damien Djaouti, Julian Alvarez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Gilles Methel
"Towards a classification of Video Games"
Actes du colloque "Artificial and Ambient Intelligence convention (Artificial Societies for Ambient Intelligence) (AISB (ASAMi) 2007)", Newcastle upon Tyne, Royaume-Uni, The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, 2007.
Download paper (PDF - 500ko) - [mirror link]
- Sofie Van Hoecke, Koen Samyn, Gaétan Deglorie, Olivier Janssens, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle
"Enabling Control of 3D Visuals, Scenarios and Non-linear Gameplay in Serious Game Development Through Model-Driven Authoring"
5th International Conference, SGAMES 2015 Novedrate, Italy, September 16?18, 2015, Springer, 2015.
Scenario generation
- Sofie Van Hoecke, Koen Samyn, Gaétan Deglorie, Olivier Janssens, Peter Lambert, Rik Van de Walle
"Enabling Control of 3D Visuals, Scenarios and Non-linear Gameplay in Serious Game Development Through Model-Driven Authoring"
5th International Conference, SGAMES 2015 Novedrate, Italy, September 16?18, 2015, Springer, 2015.
- Damien Djaouti
"Atelier "Les Jeux Sérieux""
3e séminaire académique sur le numérique éducatif, Rectorat de l'Académie de Montpellier, Canopé Montpellier, 7 avril, 2016.
Voir un reportage vidéo suite à cette conférence (Ludomag)
- Aurélie Julien
"Les Serious Games, plaisir de jeu et/ou plaisir d'apprendre ?"
Ludomag, 2016.
Lire l'article (
- Sylvie Hoguelin
"Les jeux sérieux entrent à l'école (The Serious games are coming at school)"
Enseignement catholique actualités - ECA 336 avril - mai 2010, 2010.
Obtenir ECA 336 avril - mai 2010
- Julian Alvarez
"RDU accompaniment model applyed to serious game : confrontation with the ecosystem of secondary education"
Dans Numérique & éducation Dispositifs, jeux, enjeux, hors jeux sous la direction de Philippe Bonfils, Philippe Dumas et Luc Massou, Questions de communication, série actes 34 / 2016, PUN - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, p.83-93, 2017.
Lien vers le site de l'éditeur
- Damien Djaouti
"Créer des jeux vidéo en classe : des outils simples d'accès"
Revue "l'école numérique", n°7, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, 2011.
Sommaire de la revue (
- Julian Alvarez
"To organize a debate with a serious game"
Revue "l'école numérique", n°7, Centre National de Documentation Pédagogique, 2011.
Lien / Link
- Beatriz Legerén Lago
, 2017.
Lien / Link
- Julian Alvarez
"Video game & video mapping"
IBSIC - Image Beyond the Screen International Conference / 2e Festival du Video Mapping, 2019.
Lien vers le programme
- Julian Alvarez
"Projection Mapping Gaming"
in SCHMITT, D., THEBAULT, M., & BURCZYKOWSKI, L. (2019). L'image au-delà de l'écran : le video mapping, ISTE Editions, LONDRES, (ROYAUME-UNI),, 2019.
Lien / Link
Screens, devices
- Julian Alvarez, Sylvain Haudegond, Clémentine Havrez, Christophe Kolski, Yoann Lebrun, Sophie Lepreux, Aurélien Libessart
"From Screens to Devices and Tangible Objects: A Framework Applied to Serious Games Characterization"
In Interacting with games part, HCI International 2014, Springer, p.559 - 570, 2014.
Read paper - [mirror link]
- Jean Heutte, Michel Galaup, Catherine Lelardeux, Pierre Lagarrigue, Fabien Fenouillet
"Etude des déterminants psychologiques de la persistance dans l'usage d'un jeu sérieux : évaluation de l'environnement optimal d'apprentissage avec Mec"
STICEF, ATIEF, 2014, Evaluation dans les jeux sérieux, 21, pp.ISSN : 1764-7223,, 2014.
Serious diverting
- Julian Alvarez
" Le Serious game : marché en déclin ou en pleine mutation ?"
ElearningLetter, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez
"From Videogame to Serious Game: the concept of Serious diverting and Serious Modding"
Tallinn University / GameDev Days 2015, 2015.
Download presentation slides - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez, Damien Djaouti, Sandy Louchart
"A Pedagogical Experiment Involving Game Design Students in Producing Non-Violence Serious Games"
ECGBL, 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning 6 - 7 October 2016, Paisley, Scotland, 2016.
Download PPT Presentation ECGBL 2016 - [mirror link]
- Catherine Bouko, Julian Alvarez
"Serious Gaming, Serious Modding and Serious Diverting? Are You Serious?!"
in Mapping the Digital: Cultures and Territories of Play, Lindsey Joyce and Brian Quinn, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxfordshire, UK / /, 2016.
Télécharger article / Download paper - [mirror link]
Serious game
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2016 - président du jury"
Game Pratic' 2016, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2016.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Julian Alvarez
"Journée partenaires ESPE de Lille"
ESPE de Lille, 2016.
Programme de la journée
- Julian Alvarez
"NL & Fr Meeting around Serious Game and opportunities"
Ambassade des Pays-Bas - Cité de la Mode et du Design Paris, 2016.
Post de la manifestation
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' 2015 - jury member"
Game Pratic' 2015, game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2015.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Game Pratic' - jury member"
Game Pratic', game jam sur le patrimoine culturel régional, collectif Antithèse, Montpellier, 2014.
Site officiel de la Game Jam
- Damien Djaouti
"Workshop : Design"
e-virtuoses 2013, 2013.
Programme de la conférence (e-virtuoses 2013)
- Neil Suttie, Leonardo Ronald Satria, Damien Djaouti
"Hands-On: Serious Game Design"
2nd GALA Alignment School, Carcavelos, Portugal, 2012.
Games And Learning Alliance website
- Damien Djaouti
"Round Table: R&D au service des Serious Games : Evaluation / Assessment"
e.virtuoses, Lille, 2011.
Programme de la conférence
- Suzon Beaussant, Julian Alvarez
"Crossed perspectives on Educational Escape Games"
Mag RH n°18 (pp.47-50), 2022.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"The value of play in learning"
Learning HUB, ENAC, 2022.
Télécharger l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"BIP Editorial - special issue dedicated to Edutainment"
BIP n°4 / INSPE Lille Nord de France, 2022.
Télécharger l'éditorial - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez (pp.6-7 & pp.188-190)
"Preface of the book ?The Gamification Toolbox?"
Dunod, 2021.
Extrait de l'ouvrage comprenant la préface - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Ludo Pedagogy - Why use it?"
Immersive Factory, 2020.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Playstation VR review: the body comes back in force!"
Ludoscience, 2017.
Link / Lien - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
" Le Serious game : marché en déclin ou en pleine mutation ?"
ElearningLetter, 2016.
Lire l'article
- Julian Alvarez, Olivier Rampnoux
"A serious game approach"
Ludovia magazine, n°4, Avril/Mai/Juin, p.6 à 8, 2008.
Lire l'article - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
" Discussions on the exploitation of video games"
IHEST, Etienne-Armand Amato, 2024.
- Julian Alvarez
"Instrumentalizing video games: precautions to take and pitfalls to avoid"
Nicolas Esposito, Séminaire de recherche du Laboratoire ErgoDesign Lutin-Gobelins, 2024.
Programme du séminaire - [mirror link]
- Julian Alvarez
"Serious games: practices and effects in the world of work"
Ludinord Pro 2024, 2024.