
The European Serious Games Awards Damien Djaouti - 2012-2012


The European Serious Games Awards aims to celebrate the best works on games for learning in Europe. Organized by GALA (an European Network of Excellence dedicated to research on Serious Games), these awards are quite different from other awards. Instead of relying on the sole advice of a few experts, the European Serious Games Awards are based on a scientific analysis of the games. The Awards ceremony took place during the VS-Games 2012 conference. Organized in Genoa (Italy) from 29 to 31 October 2012, a total of 4 awards were given: 2 Best Learning Game Awards (1st and 2nd place), 1 Best Learning Game Evaluation Award and 1 Best Student Academic Paper award.


The European Serious Games Awards


Keywords : serious games, awards, europa, academia