
Concevoir un jeu vidéo Marc Albinet - 2010

Game Design (design)

Concevoir un jeu vidéo

Author(s) : Marc Albinet
Editor : FYP Editions
Publication date : 05-20-2010
Language : french French

An introductory book to Game Design. It's written by Marc Albinet, a videogame industry veteran. He shares his global view of the key points to design games : gameplay loops, feedbacks, rewards... While the book is very easy to read and is backed by many examples, it doesn't go into the details of these key points, on purpose: the book, weighting 200 pages "only", is first and foremost suited to beginners. This book will provide them with an excellent door to the world of Game Design, way easier to understand than the "thick expert books" that are usually written on Game Design.

Keywords : game design, introduction, general view, simple