
Digital Play : The Interaction of Technology, Culture and Marketing Stephen Kline, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Greig de Peuter - 2003

Studies & Analysis (videogames)

Digital Play : The Interaction of Technology, Culture and Marketing

Author(s) : Stephen Kline, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Greig de Peuter
Editor : MsGill-Queen's University Press (2nd edition)
Publication date : 07-31-2003
Language : english English

This essay attempt to analyze the history of videogames through a critical lens in order to highlight the marketing, industrial and cultural strategies that drives the "videogames revolution."  An interesting book which succeed to go behind the usual "success stories" to make the reader think about the stakes at play in this cultural evolution.

Keywords : history, critic, marketing, industry, culture