
Serious Games: Games That Educate, Train, And Inform David Michael, Sande Chen - 2005

Serious Games

Serious Games: Games That Educate, Train, And Inform

Author(s) : David Michael, Sande Chen
Editor : Course Technology Inc
Publication date : 11-09-2005
Language : english English

One of the flagship book of the current wave of Serious Games, focused on videogames. This 350 pages book start with a definition of Serious Games, through a comparative analysis with entertainment videogames. It then features a lot of games examples for each of the main Serious Games application domains in 2005: defense, government, corporate, education, healthcare, politics, religion and art.  This book also gives some Serious Games design advices related to each of these domains. This book presents an easy to understand idea of what Serious Games are. It's written in a clear language, because it mainly targets game studios and their potential clients. This book is recommended for anyone discovering the topic.


Keywords : serious game, definition, examples