The aim of this chapter is to determine whether the Serious Game is a human invention. To answer this question, we propose to check whether both Serious Game and Serious Play can be found in the animal kingdom. If such a census proves negative, then we can conclude that the Serious Game could indeed correspond to a human invention. If this were not the case, then Serious Play would be better regarded as inter-species activities. This would then lead us to study whether it is possible to identify
Keywords : Serious Game, Serious Play, Social Play, Play object, Solo Play, Animal behavior, Invention, Innovation
This chapter presents two socio-technical systems that combine the use of serious games, especially digital ones, with design thinking. The aim of this approach is to test whether such a combination is possible. To this end, we conduct a comparative study of two serious games in which we were involved. Through a reflexive approach and by mobilizing surveys and field studies, the approach is not only feasible, but also allows for a good complementarity between game phases and design thinking. How
Keywords : Serious games, Serious Play, Design Thinking, Edutainment, Video games, Activities, Game Design
The aim of this chapter is to present a range of terms and concepts: “Ludopedagogy”, “Serious Game”, “Gamification”, “Ludification”, “Ludicisation”, “Serious Toy”, “Serious Gaming”, “Degamification” and “Toyification”. They are all related to “ludopedagogy”. To contextualize what we're saying, we'll use an artifact - a sponge - as a support. The aim of this approach is to show
Keywords : Ludopedagogy, Serious game, Gamification, Serious Gaming, ,Gamification
This chapter describes the CEPAJe model, which is used to design and evaluate an edutainment sequence. In concrete terms, it presents the CEPAJe model, and illustrates with examples of the use of serious games how it can be used to prepare, upstream, an educational sequence. How it can be used to prepare an edutainment session upstream, and then to evaluate the session downstream, so that the activity can be the activity for the next time.
Keywords : Serious game, Play based learning, Evaluation, CEPAJe
In this book, Julian Alvarez studies the phenomenon of work's gamification, providing readers with the keys to navigating a world steeped in video game culture. He goes even further by opening up a reflection on the constraints opposed to the freedom to play.Thibault Brunet's photography, which questions our relationship to virtuality, accompanies and brings light to this research. Available on éditions Loco
Keywords : Book, Serious Game, Serious Gaming, Gamification, Work
This Mind Map presents all Julian Alvarez's work since 1991 in the fields of serious games, edutainment, video games, robot pedagogy... In concrete terms, you'll find writings, applications, videos, podcasts... The idea is to offer you a different way of browsing the various resources.We welcome your feedback!
This mind map presents all Julian Alvarez's work since 1991 in the fields of serious games, edutainment, video games, robot pedagogy... In concrete terms, you'll find writings, applications, videos, podcasts... The idea is to offer you a different way of browsing the various resources. We welcome your feedback!
Keywords : Mind Map, Ressources
Lecture given as part of FIJLoC (Festival International du Jeu et Loisirs des Caraïbes). This conference addresses the issues surrounding the video game industry on an international level, as well as questions surrounding the Soft Power operated via video games. Link to the video
Keywords : Soft Power, Video game industry, Ethics, Editions
Lecture given as part of the FIJLoC (Festival International du Jeu et Loisirs des Caraïbes). This conference offers an introduction to edutainment. Link to the movie
Keywords : Edutainment, Game, Video game, Play, Serious Game, Serious Play, Pedagogy
The main objective of this study is to assess the reliability of the Blue Bot experiment by statistical means. This experiment was carried out in 2017 in France and was based on the reported performances of 230 pupils in 28 Year-1 1 classes for coding, decoding and programming. 35 teachers were involved in the Blue Bot project. This study aims at replying the following issue: Out of the various available modalities (body, robot and tablet), what types of performances were identified when five-ye
Keywords : Robot-based pedagogy, Coding / decoding, Modalities, Comparative study, Programming design, Evaluation research, Serious games, Year 1 pupils