A "quick" presentation of the overall history of videogames, from 1952 to 2013.This course revolves around a Serious Game about the history of video games, that you can play below. -= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the left or right side of the window to browse through the slides) -= Vintage Game Shop : Student Edition =- (Flash file) Click here to download the "offline" version of the game (Windows EXE, 9mo)
Keywords : history, video games, vintage game shop
An overall presentation of the various jobs related to videogames:Journalist / YoutuberSalesmanProfessionnal player (pro-gamer) Events organizer -= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the left or right side of the window to browse through the slides)
Keywords : game design, indudtry, video games
Development of a game in the form of software for game-based learning poses significant technical challenges for educators, researchers, game designers, and software engineers. The game development consists of a set of complex processes requiring multi-faceted knowledge in multiple disciplines such as digital graphic design, education, gaming, instructional design, modeling and simulation, psychology, software engineering, visual arts, and the learning subject area. Planning and managing such a
Keywords : Digital game development, Educational game development, Game development life cycle, Game development methodology, Game development processes, Game development workflows, Game software quality evaluation, Game-based learning
A "quick" presentation of the overall history of videogames, from 1952 to 2013.This course revolves around a Serious Game about the history of video games, that you can play below. -= Presentation slides (in french) =- (Flash file - click inside the left or right side of the window to browse through the slides) -= Vintage Game Shop : Student Edition =- (Flash file) Click here to download the "offline" version of the game (Windows EXE, 9mo)
Keywords : history, video games, vintage game shop, serious game
Abstract. This paper presents the findings from a study aimed at understanding whether video games (or serious games) can be effective in enhancing volcanic hazard education and communication. Using the eastern Caribbean island of St. Vincent, we have developed a video game – St. Vincent’s Volcano – for use in existing volcano education and outreach sessions. Its twin aims are to improve residents’ knowledge of potential future eruptive hazards (ash fall, pyroclastic
Keywords : Volcanic, Serious game, Videogames
AbstractInnovations being achieved with interactive devices (screens, sensors etc.) allow the development of new forms of interaction for many applications. Videogames played with these devices are completely changing how we use them and taking advantage of intuitive interfaces. Based on that, we ask “What aspects of playability are affected using different input devices for a certain gaming task and how is gaming performance affected?”. Our contribution is to present a practical eva
Keywords : Emotions in HCI, Entertainment systems, Evaluation methods and techniques, User Experience, Input devices
(Broacasting our studies)
Retrogaming #2 : La Vectrex Cette 2eme session Rétrogaming se propose de (re)découvrir la console de jeu Vectrex (MB, 1982). Sur un plan pratique cet atelier se propose de présenter la machine et de la tester.Les différents jeux et accessoires proposées pour cette machine seront également évoqués.Enfin, une séance d'échanges autour de la Vectrex sera proposée au public.Quand ? : mercredi 8 juin de
Keywords : Retrogaming, History, Videogames, Vectrex
(Broacasting our studies)
Retrogaming #2 : La Vectrex Cette 2eme session Rétrogaming se propose de (re)découvrir la console de jeu Vectrex (MB, 1982). Sur un plan pratique cet atelier se propose de présenter la machine et de la tester.Les différents jeux et accessoires proposées pour cette machine seront également évoqués.Enfin, une séance d'échanges autour de la Vectrex sera proposée au public.Quand ? : mercredi 8 juin de
Keywords : Retrogaming, History, Videogames, Vectrex
(Broacasting our studies)
Retrogaming #2 : La Vectrex Cette 2eme session Rétrogaming se propose de (re)découvrir la console de jeu Vectrex (MB, 1982). Sur un plan pratique cet atelier se propose de présenter la machine et de la tester.Les différents jeux et accessoires proposées pour cette machine seront également évoqués.Enfin, une séance d'échanges autour de la Vectrex sera proposée au public.Quand ? : mercredi 8 juin de
Keywords : Retrogaming, History, Videogames, Vectrex
Retrogaming #2 : La Vectrex Date, heure et lieu de l'événement :Mercredi 8 juin 2016 de 13:00 à 14:00 (heure avancée d’Europe centrale Heure : France)Serre Numérique2 rue Péclet59300 ValenciennesFrance Assister à l'Evénement Cette 2eme session Rétrogaming se propose de (re)découvrir la console de jeu Vectrex (MB, 1982). Sur un plan pratique cet atelier se p
Keywords : Retrogaming, History, Videogames, Vectrex