
Entraves à l'attitude ludique avec un jeu sérieux intégré dans une formation managériale : un exercice plus qu'un jeu  ? Lydia Martin - 2017


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Lydia Martin
Editor : Sciences du jeu, 7 | 2017 : Les marges du jeu
Date : 2017
Lang : Lang


This article explores the boundary between the world of simulation games (referred to as « serious games »), and work. Our interest was in examining a helicopter simulator integrated game used to train 350 managers per year. This qualitative research, based on the theoretical and methodological framework of the psychosociology of work, aims at understanding the perception which professionals, namely managers, have, of the device and its environment, as well as the way they behave and act. We met 44 voluntary managers of a big industrial group, all having completed this managerial training course. The qualitative data, in essence, complex and open, was collected via three methods: situational observations during the activity in the virtual world, individual interviews in the workplace before and one month after the experiment. We question here the borders of the game when it becomes a practice prescribed in managerial trainings.


References (4) :


ALVAREZ, J. (2007), Du jeu vidéo au serious game : approches culturelle, pragmatique et formelle, thèse de doctorat, Toulouse 2.

ALVAREZ, J., et DJAOUTI, D. (2010), Introduction au Serious Game, Paris, Questions théoriques.

ALVAREZ, J., LIBESSART, A., et HAUDEGOND, S. (2014), « Le “jeu non sérieux”, une activité improductive ? », Interfaces Numériques, vol. 3, t. 3, pp. 391-408. 
DOI : 10.3166/rin.3.391-408

ALVAREZ, J., (2015), Enrichissement d’un modèle évaluatif pour assurer une formation avec le jeu comme médiation, Journée AIM Serious Games et Co-design, GEM.  

Keywords : game, exercise, serious game, training, playful attitude