
Pourquoi payer dans un jeu par navigateur gratuit ? Motivations à jouer et achat d'objets virtuels Marion Garnier, Guillaume Prostak - 2015


Support : Références scientifiques
Author(s) : Marion Garnier, Guillaume Prostak
Editor : Management & Avenir 2015/8 (N° 82), Management Prospective Ed., pp. 183 - 207
Date : 2015
Lang : Lang


In a majority, Internet browser games or social games adopt the free-to-play revenue model, in association with selling virtual items. Though, its stakes are not that well known. This research studies motivations to play of the gamer that is ready to pay for a virtual object in an Internet free browser game. Competition and socialization are identified as the main discriminating and explicative variables of the ready-to-pay gamer profile.
References (1):
Alvarez J. et al., « Morphologie des jeux vidéo », Hypertexteshypermédias. Collaborer, échanger, inventer : expériences de réseaux, Paris/Londres, Lavoisier/Hermès Science Publishing, 2007, p. 277-294.  

Keywords : Free to play, Economy, On line games, Social games, Browser, Web, Virtual objects