
What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy James Paul Gee - 2007

Serious Games

What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy

Author(s) : James Paul Gee
Editor : Palgrave Macmillan
Publication date : 12-26-2007
Language : english English

In this book , James Paul Gee, a researcher in learning sciences, explores the potential of (all) video games for learning. Through an analysis of entertainment video games, he deduces a set of 36 "learning principles" used by video games to teach content or skills to players. This book then details these 36 "learning principles", such as the "multiple routes principle" or the "incremental principle", in order to give ideas to teachers on how to improve their lessons. It's a truly inspiring book for any teacher out there.


Keywords : video game, learning principle, serious gaming